Page two MAROON AND GOLD Wednesday, Ap-:i Maroon And Gold Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Elon College, N, C. under , the Act of March 8, 1879. Deliverod ly mail. $1 SO the college year, 50c the quarter. Edited and printed by students of Elon College. Published bi-weekly during the college year under the auspices of the Board of Publication. EDITORIAL BOARD Larry Bameb Editor-in-Chief Chuck Oakley Assistant Editor John Biggerstaff Assistant Editor Louis Campbell Staff Artist Norman Riddle Staff Eddie Robbins . Staff Photographer James Waggoner Alumni Editor Luther N. Byrd . Faculty Advisoi' BUSINESS BOARD James Biagerstaff Business Mgr. John Avila Circulation Mgr. Carl E. Owen Printing Advisor Worden Updyke .. Press Operator SPORTS STAFF Walter Edmonds Co-Spores Editor Bill Walker Co-Sports Editor REPORTERS Joyce Barbour Shigcmu Moriu Richard Bradsher Bobby Orr Patricia Chrismon Ray Scott Gene Duncan Joe Smith Leslie Johnston Shirley Sorrell Ed Juratic Paige Stout Kenneth Langley James Taylor Virgil Martin James Umberger Jack McKee Sue Walters WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 TEACHERS APPRAISAL How is it possible for a college dean or a college president to be confident in his appraisal of effective teaching? One way very prominent these days iS to rely on student opinion. An alert dean or president can become aware of a teacher’s popularity or unpopularity as he listens to students' problems and com plaints. There are many visible ways, formal and informal, for doing this . . . Cut there are serious pit falls here. Pop ularity and unpopularity, we all know are not necessarily indications of excellent or poor teaching. Another way of appraising teaching, al so in mode at the moment, is to try to measure the performance of students while in college and alterward . . . But the dif ficulty here is that. de;pite the apparent objectivity of such techniques, one can n^ver be certain whether one is judging the qualities of the men and women who leach them . . . First it seems worthwhile to observe, at least in the small and moderate-size liberal arts college, the extent to which a teacher understands, and identifies his teaching with, the ultimate and total ends which the college seeks to serve . . Second it might often help us in ap praising our faculties, again with the un dergraduate liberal arts college in mind if we would apply to our appraisals . . such sentences as that of* Cardinal New man’s which says in effect that the func tion of the teacher, is not to enlarge the Sum total of the world’s knowledge and acutely aware of his own experience gi learning and growing. He Is likely there fore to continue his own general educa tion in all directions as he teaches and to become a wiser teacher in the process , . . This is a quality of mind which is difficult to maintain in American higher education, what with the inordinate em phasis we have placed on the narrowness of learning in the production of Ph. D.’s • . . It is a rare quality in young teachers worth lookinf for and worth encouraging with financial rewards and promotions when found. SADNESS AND HAPPINESS Easter weekend looms just ahead of u,s, and for some it will mean an excuse to go home or to go to the beach. For others it will mean special religious ser vices, either here or at their homes. However, it behooves each and all of us to consider fully the significance of the Easter time, to consider the fact that in the history of mankind it has a double significance and recalls both the saddest and the happiest time of aU the Christian year In observing Good Friday we recall the sad occasion of Jesus’ death, but Easter Sunday brings remembrance of the hap py occasion of Christ's Resurrection. The BEST OF ELON S ^MODERN DAY TENMS TEAMS Sounding Off By LARRY BARNES The campaign smoke has cleared and the new student government officers have been elected for the approaching school year. Alamance Building’s passages and byways are shorn of the vibrant campaign posters. Signs like ”Our Boy Loy,” "Get More With Orr,” "Don’t Get Stuck, Vote For Chuck’’ and the like have been put away for another year. The same goes for the flamlx)yant speeches, hand-shaking and baby-kissing. These are in the past now. and the staff of the Maroon and Gold wishes the very best to the new student body officers. May each and everyone of you carry your ambitious undertakings to the highest possible realm of success. Just Junk Walt Edmonds and Louann Lambeth played the respective roles of Romeo and Juliet last week in English 33 class. It was remarked that Edmonds wasn’t the only Romeo on campus, but merely the most conrpicuous . . . Girls’ volleyball play now underway ... It is the concensus on campus that Chuck Oakley literally ‘wrote’’ himself out of the presidential elections . . . Bob Mercer and "D>’namite” Dodson wish this humble scribbler to in form you students they are now taking up laundry and dry cl-eaning . . . Turner Winston, Oxford novice, hitting the links quite frequently now that the weather is pleasant. He broke 100 for nine holes at last! . . . That boy is getting better every day . . . Sonny Martin makes Sher lock Holmes look like a pauper at times . . . See over in Chuck’s column that Arthur "Boo" Pitts is back on the list . . . Many Elonites planning trips beach- ■ward Easier week-end . . . English com- prehensives slated to be given April 22nd. They will commence in the afternoon . . . Intramural softball headed by Coach Bry son started Monday. Understand the Tide- I water Terrors to receive haU from their benefactor . . . Delta Upsilon Kappa’s spring banquet slated for the 2Sth of April. The sorority fete will be held at the Plantation Supper Club . . . Dick Guite Ss "Singing The Blues" because he got Lost In The Shuffle’’ . . . Looks like a lean year for spring sports at Elon . . . Elon retains the four "L’s” in golf this year. Replacing Jimmy Leighton and Hen ry Landress are Carl "Tookie" Lee and Harold "Tab’’ Long, putting alongside Bob by Loy and Freddie Lloyd . . . Elon pre- legal students to serve on a. jury at a mock trial at Duke University on May 1st and 2nd. Student Spending The amount that students spend in at- ttending college has doubled since 193!?-40 according to Lawrence G. Derthick, Com- missioner of Etfucation. Commissioner Derthick states the ex penditure per year for full-time under graduate students attending pubUc col lege this year average about $1,500. He says that a student in a private college, such as Elon, spends about $2,000 a year. The average expenditure in 1939-40 was $747 for a student in a public college, and tl,023 for a private college student. These tabulations include both living costs, such as clothes, room board, travel, recreation and entertainment and general spending money; and educational costs, such as tuition, fees, books and instructional sup plies and equipment. At tax-supported institutions in 1952-53, hving costs represented five-sixths of the total, and at private schools, two-thirds, the survey revealed. Average tuition and fees at public colleges was al>out $175 and at private institutions about $550 in that year. More than 15,000 students from 110 colleges were included in this reveaUng survey. It was conducted by Ernest V. Hollis, Director of the College and Uni versity Administration Branch of the Of fice of Education. m Top rating among Elon’s tennis teams since World War II v. a^ the 1 ^ w tured above, which won the North State Conference team title t season, apia-n stead gaining the Conference singles crown and with Frank T.n^ley and Walter emp e as run rers-up in the double.'. Membor: of the team, pictured lelt to right, are Spirko, e e ars Bill Winstead, Jim Parker Frank Tingley and W'alter Temple. . I burn. With Only A Title In 1950 ,.. Eloii Tennis Has Hit Lean Seasons By JAMES WAGGONER Like the fat and the lean years that hit ancient Egypt in the years cf the Pharoahs, so the fat and the lean seasons have been re corded in the annals of Elon ten nis. With only one North State title since World War II, the Christian ne.lers have struck sev en lean years in succession, and j local court enthusiasts are still 'nreiming of the Thundering 'Thir-j I tics. I I For the first time in Elon ten-j inis history, the Fighting Chris tians had a coach in the spring i sport in 1942, with Dr. Robert L. I Westhafer, professor of math and' former collegiate te«nis ace at' Ohio State Univer.sity, taking over , tne reins as head mentor for the 1941-42 season. Four lettermen returned to the Elon courts, including Jimmy Lightboume, veteran for the past three years; the Johnston broth-1 ers, Billy and Bobby; and John I Barney. These were the four top position men. Bob Lee, Ike Per- |ry and Jack Coplin completed the squad. “Chuck’’ Batten, a letter-1 man from the Norfolk Division of William and Mary, was on the' squad, but was ineligible for con-| Terence competition. That 1942 season marked the end of inter collegiate tennis at Elon until af ter World War II. The 1946 season began the mod em era in tennis history for Elonj liHRD CHAPTER T'li'; is the third and final chapter in the story of Eion College tennis play, bringing the record doirn to the present season. The author of this ser ies of article.s is indebted to Dr. II. H. Cunningham for a bit of information, which cor rects the record for the 1953 campaign. The Phi Psi Cli and the Ma roon and GoM recorded Elon’s record for that 1935 campaign at 15 wins, 2 losses and one tie and listed the team as hav ing the top mark in the North State Conference. The two cam pus publications failed to re cord that the Christians had an ineligible player an dwere forc ed to forfeit a number of Con ference matches, with forfeits placing the Christians below both Atlantic Christian and Le noir Rhyne in the final season ratings. The student records also fail ed to show that the Atlantic Christian Bulldogs were one of the team sto top the Elon net- ters on the courts that year. It is of interest here that one of the BuUdoes netters who help ed win that victory was a fel low by the name of Cunning ham, who pays high tribute to the campus support of tennis at Elon at that time. I College, with the Fighting Chri? itians keeping "fair pace with their I collegiate competitors. Coached iby Lacy B. Adcox, Elon resumed jher quest for court honors and managed to finish second in the I conference. ! The Christians played six con- testg during that season, five iogainst North State competition, j Tommy Bogenton, A1 Burlingame, Bill Love, Lawrence Paige, Alton j Wright and Bob Bennett all scored victories that 1946 season. ] Jet Pierce took over the coach- |ing rein3 of the Maroon and ;Gold netters in 1947, with Elon j meeting ten outside opponents. ; Again the Chri.stians took the run- place in the conference behind High Point, losing two to the Panthers, winning two from both Lenoir Rhyne and Guilford. The Fighting Christians split with lOak Ridge, while losing two to I the Greensboro semi-pro netters. j Members of that squad were I Bill Winstead, letterman A1 Bur lingame, Bob Wooldridge, Law rence Paige, Pedro Godwin and Frank McCauley. In the North Slate tournament that year, Win stead went to the finals, and |Wooldridge reached the quarter finals. The doubles’ team, Paige and McCauley, went to the semi- finalsl Pedro Godwin took the honors for the year, winning sev en of nine matches, to garner more total victories than any oth er netter. ^ContiDUjed op I*age Foiyr) On The Camp US By iOKN BIGGERSTAFF t following lines apply well: A song of spring through the rain. Of spring across the snow; A balm to heal the hurst of pain, A peace surpa.ssing woe. Lift up your heads, ye sorrowing ones, And be ye glad of heart. For Calvary and Easter, Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day. Were just one day apart. The Student Legislature not in session this »eek led me to write on a subject dear and close to many of you with the approach of spring, the crisp early morning air, my thoughts were of farm life. In chats with students, I find that many are from the farm. It is a free life in many respects. Work is hard only in certain sea sons of the j'ear. There one can truly see and realize all the woiKlers of nature. Arising in the early morning to chirping birds, croaking frogs and singing crickets, watching a beau tiful sunrise on a sparkling early morning dew. Walking through woodlands one can feel the true closeness of God because in looking around him, he realizes that God has cre ated everything in his sight in cluding the smallest rack or lump of dirt, breathing clean fresh air and hearing the rippling of the water in the small stream flowing across the hill discoura.ges grief and pain. In other respects it is not a free life at all. When one real izes the many chores such as caring for animals, planting and harvesting of crops, planting and gathering of garden foods. Farm life today is not as some people think. Some think it is a dirty, backward life with no modem conveniences. There one can raise his own beef, pork, fruit and v^etables, freeze or can them and not bother vith buying groceries, except for a few necessities that are not grc^ at home. Living on the farm is living in "God’s Wonderland.” His handi work is displayed in the land, on the face of the sun, cattle grazing on the hill side, even upon the sweated brow of the farmer, the calf beside its mother, the woman in the farm kitchen churning, all make up the'wonders of God. Are we really appreciative of what we have—even here at Elon. Tornadoes, dust storms, rains, and the winter winds and snow plague us and only when one of these takes away our goods are we con scious of being thankful. As the farmer toils each day to produce bigger and better products, let us toil to cultivate our lives to bigger and better ones. Many thanks to Ann Bass for expressing her views of farm life in Virginia. Campus Humor Mr. Webster has taken a back- ^at in view of the new college Teenage Dictionary.” A preview revealed the following scope: A real cool daddy (real gone Jitterbug) burns an ace (Spends a dollar) on a Boast Toastie (A conceited gid) and got all shook (To get real excited) over his big deal (Important date) with the big wig (Real popular individual). Af ter a touch of Dazzle Dust (Face Powder) the cat (Hep Individual) and eqy (Foolish person) boarded the Bosle Hatch (Auto) for a spin in the daze. DO WHat the WINDS DO . . . Leave, blow, cut out FLIP A WIG . . . Lose temper. (t>it in on Student Legislature) tonsil meet . . . Community sing (Concert Tour) tickle MY EAR . . . Phone me, Doll (CA 8-9310 is a "Hot Wire”.) HEN’S FEST . . . Girls’ Parties (Jo, Lou, Shirley). under the oaks With CHUCK OAKLEY There should. Indeed, be a reduetiot ( the assignments which the professor^ load on their students. This is part o[ 'Jk need involved in a plan I propose for ganizing college life in such a v.ay tha- people in it are not so infernally busy Just as an instance, the wliole trouble win Arthur Pitts’ college career is ihai he fca kept himself so busy studying that he hasn’t had a chance to learn anychiiig . , , Toiik other extreme we have Walter Edirujds an eager beaver, who takes in ever>tijii.’ By the way, "Square” has a new nieknaiw "Romeo," which a certain professor bfr stowed upon him . . . It’s getting so t'nit one cannot enter North Dorm without hji) boots and a raincoat. Joey DelGais has invented a new liquid-type bomb flu only difference between Wayne Taylor ami any other kid in his neighborhood was tbe fact that Wayne just couldn’t stop eating long enough to mingle with them . Loit has many faces and moods. If you don't believe me, check some of them in the parlors of West Dorm. No lover stands alone . . . Like all of us, in aU our artj and professions, a lover has a heritage Being a snow-king is not something that just happens ... If people like Curley Long, Turner Winston and Woodrow Brown would wise up to this fact, all three of them would give up . , . Maybe they might get some hints from Dick Guite. That guy is a lover! Just ask some of the girls Virginia Hall kbout him. They will trti you that he has one of the most persistent and lastingly stylistic influences when it comes to love that has invaded the Christian campus in recent years , . . Buddy Smith is continually whistling his favorite tune, "You’ve Just Stepped Out of a Dream’.. Is it true that Ben Griffin can't get date. The guys on the second floor o. Carolina Hall are calling his "Dateless Ben.” ... By the way, who’s the blonde- headed guy on the second floor of Caro, lina that s being taken out to dinner every other night? . . . What young "Brunette" from Elon was seen at the Rock and Roll in Winston-Salem without her steady? Have you heard "The Mamsellcs, ’ a new vocal group which comes from the senior class at Brigham Young University? A new calypso is out, and what a hit! "It’s Illegal, It’s Immoral” sold so wildly during the first week on the market that three major record companies have tried to buy it from the publisher. The disc is .estimated to make $250,000 before the Fourth of July. * ♦ ♦ # * Higher Education Note Harvard and Georgia Tech debaters talked to a draw on a very, very pro found subject . . . Elvis Presley’s athle tic abilty . . , Just wonder how they got into that. ♦ * ♦ ♦ * Some Other Notes Harry Belafonte is married again, this time to Julie Robinson, a white girl. A newspaper advertisement for a room on Manhattan’s West Side carried this come-on; “View of YWCA. ’ Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are sup posed to have called a truce in their ver bal War. How long do you think it will last? Wally Butler was seen at a W. C. dance, tripping the light fantastic. He's knowo around the campus as the Nutrilite Man. If you take Nutrilite, you can jitterbug like Wally. Ernest Comer is thinking of majoring in Spanish, although his favorite course is French. Charlie Oates refuses to do any more take-offs on Professor Hall. He must be coming back soon. Louann Lambeth suggests that we have some of the classrooms painted a shade off rose instead of pea-soup green. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ On The Brighter Side After Willie gave “Nile” as the answer for a question on the principal river in Egypt, his teacher said, 'That’s right, now what are some of its smaller tributaries?" Willie hesitated, then said, “I guess it would be the juveniJes.” The teacher asked for a definition of cubic.” A bright boy raised his and volunteered, “A cubic is the language of Cuba.” A young American teacher, travelling in Europe, found herself in Germany, unable to speak a word of the language and feel ing rather lost and unhappy. As she cross ed a street, she sneezed, and the pol*ce- man said, “Gesunfheit!'' The teacher turn ed, threw her arms about his neck and cried happily, “Oh, you can speak Eng' Ush.” Out to lunch! Back in two weeks!