jw'ednesday. April 23. 1958 MAROON AND GOLD PAGE THRBf Elon Nine Entertains Pirates And Quakers This Weekend Larry Bulla Top Hitter for Christian Regulars SEMOR CATCHKRS HIT BY INJUilllZS ^y„l, thirteen games gone Ih ouj'n last weekend, ten of them ^ the victory column, the Eloii ,,seballers were hitting tor fine ;,jad average of .287 in the early- Lason contests. The stickwork, in general, has been good, although ’liere has been a couple of '■cold'’j (,mes at the plate. j Larry Bulla, veteran shortstop,, leading' the regulars with a' Eioii Downs Appaiaehiaii \^ ith Homers Unleashing a which included heavy three Strong .391 average on 13 hits inj es a l„:„ed tJ';^ne;d‘;:;t'week after 1^!^!?!!:, “r!!; -imes at the plate. He is toppedtour Appalachian pitchers, ;:,;"y Marian Hargrove, who re-lthe^E.on ChnJu_ans__po^ >in» shelved with an ankle in jury’throughout the games ot ,,larch and early April. Hargrove - ' hitting even .500 in ei-*- taineer nine here last Thursday afternoon, April 17th, to run the Elon mark in North State Confer ht times I three wins against a single loss. Larry Bulla, Harold Ellen and *1 tlje plate. Thprp are six other Christians charmed circle ot .300 hit- ^ddie Clark were the long-dis- m the ,cr», although only Watts, Ellen ird Shepperson have been on the •cjular list in early spring. Watts s hitting ,365, Ellen .364 and Shep- h.rson .350 after the thirteen- same records were completed. Gilbert Wattts, who has been ji-.e of the consistent hitters, is Bjjping the runs-batted-in column nth 18 RBI's to his credit. He is also topping the doubles with tour ind the homers with three. Others ligh in RBI’s are Larry Bulla, fony Carcaterra and Charlie Frye.. Watts is also tops among the pitchers with a 4-1 mark in games won and lost. Other pitchers with Rins to their credit are Jimmy Scoggins 2 and Gary Henson, Ar- ;hur Thompson, Harold Ellen and 5,im Simmons with one each. The individual batting for 13 games follows: Player - ab r h ave. Hargrove 8 3 4 .500 Bulla 46 16 18 .391 ftatts 52 12 19 .365 Ellen - 22 *5 8 .364 ibepperson 40 12 14 .350 eague 9 3 3 .333 Henderson 3 0 1 .333 Jones 13 4 4 .308 51 9 13 .255 32 13 8 .250 rye Lichok enson Scoggins Bharpe lark Thompson Ball Esnes Ulen Hedley Hyers Simmons Knapp _ 4 . 4 19 44 15 11 15 .. 8 _ 3 . 3 . 1 .. 1 .250 .250 .211 .204 .200 .18?. .133 .125 .000 .000 .000 .000 tance clouters tor the Christians each ot the trio riding the ball out ot the park tor round-trippers during the fray, which also saw Bulla turn in a perfect day at the plate with four singles and the homer in five tries. The invading Mountaineers were away in front with two runs in the third and a singleton in the fourth, but that was the sum to- :al ot the Appalachian scoring, and he Christians began their own attack in the bottom of the fourth, going on to score in each ot the next four frames. The Christians broke the scor ing ice with a single run in the fourth, but they really unlimbered in the next three rounds with four markers in the fifth and three ;ach in the sixth and seventh inn ings. Jack Henderson drew the start ing nod on the mound tor Elon. but he was relieved by Jimmy Scoggins, who later gave way to -Arthur Thompson. The three hurl- ?rs scattered nine Appalachian hits >V*' Pfeiffer Outfit Comes For Tilt ISext Monday Baseball Schedule Basebaliei*s Twice Liek Rensselaer The Christian baseballers turn- -’d In a double win over the Renn- !.>elaer Polytechnic Institute base- 'allers in a pair of games played ipre on Tuesday and Wednesday. \pril 1st and 2nd, chalking the victories by overwhelming scores }f 12 to 6 and 12 to 5. The Christians chalked their Viurth straight win of the early eason on April 1st by a 12 to 5 ■ount as Gil Watts and Charlie 'rye banged homers and tower- ng Tony Carcaterra t>oomed a riple and single to claim top lonors in the victorious Elon slug- :ir? show. A pair of walks to Don Lichok ind Charlie Frye, plus a wild )itch and a single by Carcaterra letted Elon two counters in the irst tor an early margin, and hen a big Christian rally in the third that produced seven runs vas enough to ice the game com pletely. Watts, patrolling center field Apparently fortified behind th^ plate with two senior lettermen or the Christians, opened the big for catching duties, the Christian diamond squad has seen both third with a homer over the left those veterans sidelined with injuries this season. Bobby Sharpe, '^Id wall, setting the tempo for standing at left, who hit .421 last year, caught the eai ly games '^n assault that produced six hits nd then went out with a shoulder injury sustained in a play at and seven runs. Climax ot the plate. He has caught none in three weeks. Marlon Hargrove, ally came when Charlie trye roc- kneeling, wer.t o;it in pre-season workouts with an ankle injury ^ keted the ball over the wall to and just returned to the line-up last week. He had two homers and score Lichok and Bulla ahead of a sin.Jle in the second win over Western Carolina last Saturday. | him. The New York Staters rebound ed in the fourth when they got to Arthur Thompson for four hit? and tive runs, but the rally fell fhort and left the Rensselaer lads still trailing by a 9-5 count. They later added another run in the eighth, but Elon got two in the In the midst ot another stretch of home baseball games, the Chris tian nine will play host to the Ea^t Carolina Pirates here Friday and Guilford on Saturday in a pair ot important North State Conference contests this weekend, and Pfeif fer comes to Elon Monday to run out a string of four consecutive home tilts. The Christians were at home for a long string of diamond con tests to open the season and were, then on the road tor a number of battles before returning to the lo cal field on Tuesday of this week to face Catawba, The schedule will then take the Elon outfit on the road for several consecutive contests before a final home tilt to ctfSse the season. The two games here this week end with Guilford and East Caro lina could go far toward settling the Elon hopes for the North State Conference championship. The East Carolina outfit, which is al ways a threat for the loop honors, was leading the Conference stand ings as this week got underway, and Coach Jim Mallory can be counted on to bring a strong com oo to the Christian lair for the Friday tilt. iContlnued on Page Four' Christians Top Catamounts Twice In Weekend Invasion Grimes and Hovis able to hit more than once for the Mountaineer squad. The score by innings follows: r h e Appalachian 002 100 000— 3 9 0 Elon - 000 143 31x—15 15 4 Clark, Newton (4), Lee (7i, Wel- born (8) and Travis, Boyd (7); Henderson, Scoggins (4), Thomp son (6) and Ellen, Hargrove (9). The Christian baseballers kept! Watts, coupled with a pair of themselves In the thick ot the North! infie'd outv They added single- State Conference baseball race! ,,7 run- in the second, fifth, sixth and ninth and two markers each in the seventh and eighth. along the route, with only, they swept a two-game ser- ELON TOTALS 453 115 130 .287 OPPONENTS 461 61 111 .241 RUNS-BATTED-IN — Watts 18, Bulla 14, Carcaterra 12, Frye 12, Clark 8, Shepperson 6, Ellen 4, Hargrove 4, Eanes 2, Jones 2, Teague 2, Hall 2, Allen 1, Hender son 1, Henson 1, Thompson 1, Sharpe 1, TWO-BAGGERS — Watts 4, Carcaterra 2, Frye 2, Lichok 1. Bulla, Shepperson 1, Teague 1, Henderson 1. THREE- (Continued Op Page Four) Elon Golf Squad Has Even Mark The Elon College golfers were all even for the year last week end, their record showing three wins, three losses and one tie, with one match rainsed out, and Bobby Loy was rolling along with a perfect record of seven straight medalist victories in ••ual meets. Bernice Proctor and Jimmy Fogleman had also chip- in some fine scores. After being rained out in the "Pener and tying with High Point S-9 In tbc first match played, the t hristian linksmen have deteat- m Belmont Abbey 12 to 6, Ap- 'aUchian 14 1-2 to 3-12 and •’siawba 12 to 6. The losses were *' ’-iUilford twice by counts of ^-2 to 6 1-2 and 11 to 7 and "■I iiast Carolina by 10 1-2 to - Five matches and the Con- c.ice tourney remained on the ^>^-CviUle as this week opened. Indian Nine Hands Elon Loop Loss The Elon College Christians, starting a busy week in defense of their North State Conference championship which they won last year, ran into a snag at Salisbury- on Monday, April 14th, as they dropped a close 3 to 2 decision to the Catawba Indians. The Catawba nine gained its victory over Gilbert Watts, ace of the Elon mound staff, overcom ing an early Christian lead and then squelching a late rally by Coach Jack Sanford’s boys. Don Lichok, Elon second base man, gave the Christians a quick lead in the first inning when he tallied from second on a long dou ble by Larry Bulla, but the Elra squad was unable to count again untU the eighth. The Indians grabbed the lead with two runs in the second and one in the third. Elon loaded the bases in the top ot the eighth, but Bill Frazer took the mouad tor Catawba and halted the uprising with only one run. The score by innings; r he Elon 100 000 010—2 6 1 Catawba •• 021 000 OOx 3 10 1 Watts and Ellen; Schneider, Bender (8), Frazier (8) and Miller. ies with the Western Carolina Cat amounts at- Cullowhee on Friday and Saturday of last week. The Maroon and Gold outfit, af ter the long trek into the Caro lina hill country, swamped the Catamounts 14 to 4 on Friday and then came back strong to grab tae Saturday contest by an 11 to 5 score. Win On Friday 1 Stacking thirteen hits with sev en walks and taking advantage ot nine Western Carolina eirbrs, the' Christians trampled the Cata mounts 14 to 4 in the game last Friday, running the Elon mark iu loop play to tour wins and a single loss. The Christians got to Harris Pryor in the fourth inning toj break a scoreless deadlock with] a pair of runs, and then came the, deluge ot Elon scores, which to-j tailed tive in the fifth, one in the | sixth and six In a big ninth. The, Catamounts had two counters in^ the fifth and singleton runs in, the sixth and eighth. | Tony Carcaterra, with a homer and two singles, and Tom Shep person, with three singles, were the heavy knockers tor the win ning Christians. Carcaterra’s ho mer came in the ninth with two mates on the cushions. Carter with a homer and two singles led the Catamount stickwork. The score by innings: r h ej Elon - 000 25 1 006—14 13 0 West Car. . 000 021 010— 4 15 9 Henson and Hargrove; H. Pryor, .lashbum (4), Game (8, Betting- field (8) and Hawkins. Also On Saturday The Christians made a clean sweep of the weekend series when they trampled the CatamounU 11] to 5 on the Cat field on Saturday j afternoon. i The Elon outfit wasted no tame^ in breaking out front in the Sat-^ urday tUt, scoring three ttoes on^ a Walk to Don Lichok, a single by ^ tContinued on Page Four) MINOR SPORTS TRACK EloQ-W. and L. (Rain) Elon 68, Catawba ^3. Elon 77 1-3. High Point 52 2-3. Elon-Pfeiffer (Rain). (Remaining Meets) Apr. 22 A.C.C., away. Apr. 25—Guilford, away. Apr. 29 — Apprentice, home. May 7—Lynchburg, home. Elon 14. WUllams 4. Elon-H'ilUams (Rain) Elon 2. Lenoir Rhyne 1. Elon 5. High Point 0. Elon 12. Rensselaer 6. Elou 12. Reaaseioer 5. Elon 5, Hampden8idney 14. Elon-Ohio Univ. (Rain). Elon 16. Fort Lee 7. Elon 4. Fort Lee 10. Elon 6, Fort Lee 1, Elon 2. Catawba 3. ElonLenoir Rhyne (Rain). Elon 12. Appalachian 3. Elon 14, West Carolina 4. Elon 11, W^st Carolina 5. Elon 7, HiKh Point 3. (Remaining; Games) Apr. 22—Catawba, home. Apr. 25—East Carolina, home, Apr. 26—Guilford, home. Apr. 28—Pfeiffer, home. Apr. 30—Guilford, away. May 2—Pfeiffer, away. May 7—Appalachian, away. May 9—A.C.C., away. May I'W-Ea'l Carolina, away. May 12—A.C.C..home. Track Team 7 urns Back Hi^h Point Hamji-Sidiiey Niue Grabs 14-5 Victory ' Erratic play afield proved cost ly for the Elon Christians as they suffered their first defeat of the new baseball season on Thursday, April 3rd, going before the Hamp- dan Sidney Tigers by a 14 to 5 count In a non-conference contest. The defeat came after five con- socull/o victories ip early season. The Christians were off to a good start in the game, for they counted all their five runs in the first three innings, but after that point their bats lost their effec- GOLF Eli>n-Catawba (Rain) F.Ion 9, High Point 9. Elon 12, Belmont Abbey 6. Elon 6 1-2, Guilford 11 1-2. Elon 7 1-2, East Carolina 10 1-2. Elon 7, Guilford 11. Elon 14 1-2, Appalachian 3 1-2. Elon 12, Catawba G. (Remaining Meets) Apr. 22—Belmont Abbey, home. Apr. 24—East Carolina, away. Apr. 25—High Point, away. Apr. 28—Pfeiffer, home. May 2—Pfeiffer, away. May 5-6—Conference Tourney Larry Bulla, and a double by Gil, TENNIS Elon-Lencir Rhyne (Rain) Elon 1, High Point 6. Elon 2, Appalachian 5. Elon 1, High Point 6. Elon 7, Belmont Abbey 2. Elon 0, Guilford 7. Elon-East Carolina (Rain). Elon 1, A.C.C. 4. Elon 0, Guilford 7. (Remaining Meets) Apr. 22—Lenoir Rhyne, away, Apr. 24—East Carolina, away Apr. 25—Appalachian, away. Apr. 28—Pfeiffer, home. Apr. 29—Belmont Abbey, home. May 1—A.C.C., home (Pending) May 2—Pfeiffer, away, lyiay ^—Conference Tourney. May 13—Wake Forest, home. May 15—Wake Forest, away. seventh and one in the eighth tc post the final margin. A pair ot Alamance County freshmen paired on the mound for Elon to turn back the Rensselaer outfit. Thompson, who started the contest, had to give way in the face of Rensselaer's third-inning rally, but Jimmy Scoggins, Me- bane southpaw, took over there jnJ went the rest of the way in fine style. The score by Innings: r fa e Rensselaer 000 500 010— 6 8 3 Elon 207 000 21x—12 11 4 Laskowski, Satterle (3), Franks (7) and Brown, WIttig (6). Moyer (8); Thompson, Scoggins (4) and Sharpe. Ellen (8). Fifth Straight Win Hitting well behind the mound efforts of three Christian pitchers, the Elon College baseballers chalked their fifth straight win of the 1958 season when they tum id back the Rensselaer Polytech- iiic outfit. 12 to 5 here on April 2nd. The Christian mound duties were divided in equal 3-inning stints by Sam Simmons, Karl Knapp and Gary Henson, who scattered a dozen Rensselaer liits fairly well along the route. It was only in the third rack that the visiting New Yorkers were able to stage any major rally . The Elon outfit broke away to a big lead in the fir.st inning when the Christians tallied five runs on a pair of walks and singles by Joe Teague, Arthur Thompson, Gil Watts and Ted Eanes. They strettched that lead with three more runs in the second, added three in the fifth and a singleton marker in the eighth. Teague with a double and sin gle and Watts and Eanes with a pair of singles each proved the top knockers for the winning Christians. The score by innings: r b c Rensselaer 031 000 010— 5 12 0 Elon 530 030 Olx—12 11 3 Madden, Hulse (8) and Wittig Pelligrini (6); Simmons, Knapp (4), Henson (7) and Sharpe, EUeu The Elon track team kept Its undefeated mark and chalked its second win of the year when the Christians turned back the High Point Panthers 77 1-3 to 52 2-3 in tiveness, and the usually steady in- a North State Conference meet field defenses collapsed to allow at High Point on Wednesday, April the invading Tigers eleven runs 2nd. The track was very slow due between the fifth and eighth to the recent rains. ( A picture of things to come de- The Christians won eight firsts fensively appeared in the first inn- In the fifteen events, Eddie Burke ing when the Hampden Sidney and SLuart Toms as double win- outfit gained two runs without a ncrs for the Elon outfit. Burke won ait, using two walits, an error and the high hurdles and the high a wild pitch to push the runners jump, while Toms grabbed firsts home. Elon rebounded for two in both sprints. Elon swept all runs herself on a walk and sin- three places in the broad Jump glcs by Charlie Frye and Tony and copped first and second in Carcaterra, and the Christians -;hotput, the hundred and both added two more in the second on hurdles. two walks, an error and Jack Hen- The summary follows: derson's double. « 100 YARD DASH — Toms (E), The Tigers gained the lead with Gregg (E), Fomyduvall (HP), tour runs on three hits in the TIME — 11 seconds. fifth, but the big Hampden Sid- 220 YARD DASH — Toms (E), ney inning came in the seventh Formyduval (HP), Foust (E). TIME,when six markers scored on five — 25 seconds. hits and a brace of Elon errors. 440 YARD RUN — Hannar (HP), Two Elon pitchers saw duty in Bergman (E)t Pennewell TIME — 55.6 seconds. 880 YARD RUN — Hart (HP), ■5tuckey (E). Smith (HP). TIME — 2 minutes 13 seconds. (HP), this one inning, which saw twelve Tiger batters go to the plate. Larry Bulla and Tony Carca terra were the top hitters for thp Elon squad, each of them getting ONE MILE RUN — Dean (HP),',two singles in five tries. Bill Haw Vert (HP), Plaster (E). TIME — kers with a double and single and 4 minutes 56.5 seconds. . Johnny Coleman with two singles TWO MILE RUN — Dean (HP),tied the attack tor Hampden Sid- Vert (HP), Bergman (E). TIME — ney. The score toy innings: r h e H-Sidney . .. 2*1 040 610—14 10 1 Elon 221 000 000— 5 8 6 Pierce and McLean; Henderson, Thompson (7), Scoggins 17), Sim mons (9) and Sharpe. Ellen (3). 11 minutes 27.5 seconds. 120 YARD HIGH HURDLES — Burke (E), Gregg (E). TIME — 16.7 seconds. 220 YARD LOW HURDLES — Gregg (E), Burke (E), Hackney HP). TIME — 28 seconds. HIGH JUMP — Burke (E), three- way tie for secon dby Gregg (E). Black (HP)) and Skidmore (HP). HEIGHT — 5 feet 6 inches. BROAD JUMP — Bradham (E) and Gregg (E) tied for f-irst; Ben- thall (E). DISTANCE — 19 feet 1 1-2 Inches. POLE VAULT — Short (HP), tie for second by Bennett (E) and Stuckey (E). HEIGHT — 10 feet 6 inches. SHOT PUT — Newcombe (E), Stauffenberg (E), Sykes (HP). DIS TANCE — 40 feet 9 inches. DISCUS — Sykes (HP), New-' Their losses have included two comb (E), Sisler (HP). DISTANCE Guilford by 7-0 counts, two to INetters Having Rugged Season Still struggling with the bug aboo of inexperience, the Elon tennis team has been playing them close in many individual matches, but Coach Bill Black- stone’sl n4iei«s hove salvaged only one win in seven dual meets, taminc back Belmont Abbey by ■ 7 to 2 count. — 120 feet 5 1-2 inches. “javelin'— Bennett (Eirr^uf- ray (E), Ross (HP). DISTANCE — 142 feet. MILE RELAY — High Point. TIME — 3 minutes 50.8 seconds. High Point by 8-1 counts, one to Atlantic Christian by a 4-1 margin, and one to Appalachian hy a 5-2 score. Ten matches re main *on (he schedule in addi tion to the Conference tourna ment.