Everybody Out For The May Day Pageant MAROON AND GOLD And Here’s I.uok T» New Student Officera VOLVME 38 EI.ON rOI.l,Er.E, N. C. THI RSDAY, APRIL 30, 1959 NIJMBER IS 1 Elon May Day Observance Set For This Weekend I Hoivell And Berry Go To English Meet Dr. James Howell, chairman of^ the department of English at Elon! ^ ’ College, and Prof. Jennings Ber-, ^ ry, Jr., also of the Elon English! staff, returned last week from Col-1 f I umbia, S. C., w'here they attended ^ the annual meeting of the South eastern Renaissance Conference, which met under the joint spon sorship of the University of South Carolina and Columbia College on April I7th and 18th. A highlight of the conference meeting was an address on “The Simplicity of Milton ’ by Dr. Allan Gilbert, of Duke University, who ■was one of the founders of this i Renaissance group. Dr. Howell, who was a charter member of the Renaissance Society of Amer ica. has also been associated with tl is Southeaastern group for many years. Numerous North Carolina col leges were represented among the delegates at the Columbia coufer- ence, which attracted persons from cclleges and universities through out the southeastern states, and there were a number of signifi cant papers read by Renaissance authorities from several institu tions. Both Dr. Howell and Professor Berrj’ were high in their praise of the program at the meeting. In addition to the address by Dr. Gilbert, other papers by North Carolina speakers were "The Tra gic Hero of Aristotle and Shake speare” by Dr. Raymond Jenkins, oi' Catawba College, and “Romeo and Juliet at the Swan Theatre 1595," by Dr. George W. Williams, of Duke University. SHE KEiGNs AS Ei.ovsQiiEENOFMAY Duiice III Alumni Gyiii Oil Saliinhiy ISight To Climax Annual Festii'al Linda Simpson of Klon College, will reign as Queen of May over Elon’s annual spring festival, wh'ch >3 set for Saturday of this week. The 1959 May Queen has held numerous class and student body offices, was a co-editor of the 1959 edition of Phi Psi Cli and was chosen for a plac« m “Who's W'ho in American Colleg “ for this year. TI’jl' glamor and romance of ^ — I Old Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries of the New World wrtl come to Elon’s campus j Saturday afternoon in the annual Elon College May Day pageant, n.iich will feature a “South ot ! 'he Border" theme when it is p.rtvsented on the grasstd oval ioulh of Alamance Building. All the colorful beauty of those countries “South of the Border " will gu intw such dances as the Calypso, the Mexican Hat Kock, jnJ the Cha Cha Cha, along with lie traditional May Pole dance anJ a true-to-life bull fight that promises to be unusually enter- :aining. The pageant itself has been planned by Mrs. Jeanne Grillm ind her staff of student assistants and will be staged against a col orful backgi’ound for the enter tainment of Eton’s May Day roy alty. which will Include the May Queen and King and their court attendants. Kulmg as May Queen will be Linda Simpson, of Elon College ind pair«;d with her as the May ing will be Richard Lashley, oi ...eaksville, and special interest at- aches to this royal pair, who only ast week announced their ap- ji-oaching marriage, set for early n June. ■ Chief attendants for the royai .jair will be Louanu Lambeth, ot Brown Summit, as maid-oi-honor, jscorted by Ronald Bergman, of Jncas'ville, Conn. They, along with the king and queen and class rep resentatives, were chosen by stu dent ballot earlier this year. The senior attendants will be Sylvia S*ims, of Winston-Salem, ind Becky Matthews, gi Broad- OTHS:i{ MW DAY noVALTY h ad New College Song Played An Annual Band Concert The Elon College Band, in pre senting its annual spring concert in Whitley Auditorium at 8; 15 o’clock Monday night of this week, introduced a new college song as a feature of the program. The new song, entitled “Elon College," featured music written by Prof. Dewey M. Stowers, di- reetor of the band, with words by his wife, Mrs. Emily Stowers. Itj was arranged for the band by Prof. Patrick Johnson, who is faculty assistant t» the band di rector. This Monday night concert pro gram marked the Elon band’s final appearance under the direction of Prof. Stowers, who is leaving Elon| tUs spring to -ontlnue advanced study toward iiis Ph.D. degree. Prof. Johnson will take over as band director in September. A guest musician for the concert was Harold Grant, director of the Williams High School Band,. A special feature of the concert kos. Ed Boelte, Thomas Payne, program was a trumpet solo by j Eddie Burke and Zac Walker, sax Robert Sykes, Carl Davenport, ophones; Rol^ert Svkes. Carl Dav- Harrison Harding and Walter Bass, er.port, William P-irker. The quartet number was entitled, Dewar, Carl Whitc-iell and Davit “Festival Days." . iSorrell, trumpets; William Has- In addition to the new Elon ^ sell, baritone. Harrison Harding, '>ong and the two special num-,Grady Radford and Haiold ran bers, other numbers for the pro-■ trombones; Walter Bass, '“ass, Sram included selections by Ja- Patrick Kelley, I-ouis Gen O', cobs, Walters, Straus. Kern, Guenl-'Gabriel Tsi?his, Douglass S>cott i*!. V.'llliauis, Eobtorts, Simon and jnj Carolyn French, percussion, V-'illiains. PROF. DEWEY STOWERS Directs I*ast Concert Barbara Day. Charlie Mamma- Biidness Group Meets At Elon Dr. H. II. Cunningham, dean of Elon College, wa.s the feat ured speaker at a meeting of Zela Chapter of Delta Pi Epsi lon, graduate husiness education r.ateinity, held in McEwen Mem orial Dining Hall last weekend. Ihe fraternity chapter. th members on college facuUit.- lii this area, attracted a large del egation from Woman’s College, among the guest* being Dr. Vance T. Littlejohn, head of the WC business education depart ment. Frot. William T. Recce, chair man of Flon's business admin- j istration and business education program?, introduced Dr. Cun ningham. who reviewed li*s book, "Doctors in Gray.” Members of Delta Pi Epsilon on the Elon faculty are Mrs. Frances C. Longest, .Mrs. Tes- sje Z. Taylor and Prof. Alfcin Lindquist. Members of the Elon band in ' ’ annual concert, grouped by ' 'mcnts, included Louis Bo- ' ^rl Miller, Terry Tickle. Ed f W'allace G«e, Wesley Bat- “ ' GJoria Baumgardner, John ' ' “?hlin, Patsy Truitt, Don- ’1' ’ ris, Nina Matlock and Reg- • !son, clarinats; Nancy Ha- ► tlu'.e; Judy Davis and Jane Owen, bells; Eldridge Matkins, Patrick John son and Walter Curtis, French horns; and Anita Brown, LuL-i Ro berts. Sara Barringer and Carol Adams, majoiettes. Waller Bass jiasisell, Butler Atleinl Meets Two members of the Elon Col- ege faculty attended imtional meetings last week, with Prof. Al fred Hassell at a mei ting of the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Offi cers in Pittsburgh, while Business Manager W. E. Butler, Jr., was at a meeting of the Sou‘h(.rn Asso ciation of CoUege ami I mversity Business Manager in Lou.sville, Artists Visit Eton Campus For Program Coming as the last and one of Ihe most' mteresting of the Elon College Lyceum programs of the ^ year was the husband-and-wife art team ot William and Emily Muir, who were on the campus on Mon day and Tuesday, April 20th and 21 st, to demon.strate two different media of art. I;, was nothing short of tragic that so tew of the students ;inu .acuity took advantage of the opportunity to hear and see the >iuirs *n their appearance in Whit- ■y Auditorium on .VJonday night, April 20th. They had a much larg er and more appreciative specta- .or group for tlieir di.-paly of ar tistic talent in the ballroom oi McEwen Memorial Dining Hall, William Muir, a sculptor who specializes in wood-carving, is a /vitive of North Dakota, and he audied at the Minneapolis School of Art and the Art Students Lea gue in New York. His sculptural works have been exhibited by the Sculpture Center in New York Cicy, and he is a truHtee of the Hay-t.ick M»iuntain School of Crafts His wife, a painter, who prefers DICK LASHLEY The King ternoon will be followed on Sat urday night by the annual May □ay Dance, which is to be staged in beautifully decorated Alumni Memorial Gymnasium, with tune fui music by Pee Wee Hunt and his 12th Street Rag Band, Dancmg the Calypso for the royal entertainment will be Ca role Anderson, Pat White, Helen Wright, Joyce HoK. Judy W;tson Jane KecK. Norma Campbell, Lu lu Roberts, Jans Mi>r,4an, Judy -Samuc-ls. .Ichann.i Jones, Linda !’erry, G’il Heritage and Margi, :ai-,nm&n. The Mexican Hat Rock will fea ture Marie Butler, Jan.;t Pugh, Kathy Clark, Mclver Henderson ina DecKy iTiauLnews, iu oruau- nax, Va„ escorted by Ralph Car- ^eta Marlowe Nancy Hager, L.^ mines, of Portsmouth, Va„ and t»er Walker, Harnett Hammond. Larry Gregg, of South Norfol’i,) ’ Va. Junior attendants are Jean Joanne Keith, Sandra Neighbors, Loy and Kay Hughes, both of Elon J-'nice Stanley, Jean Martin. Ann College, escorted by Kenneth Rtj- Gillen and Carolyn Anderson, sers, of Sanford, and Jimmy Huni-^ The Cha Cha Cha will be pro- phrey, of Southern Pines. - ented by Jones. Harolyn Saw- The pageant on Saturday af- yer. Jo Mr\dams. Janette Int^e I.OUANN LAMBETH The ’Maid-Of-Honor Sally Wright, Brenda Sutton, Hel en Bell, Deanna Braxton, Judy Waldo, Barbara Smith, Penny >'u- qua and Della Vickers. Those Winding the May Pole will be Adelaide Goodman, Jo McAdams, Janice Stanley, Mar gie Marshman, Mane Butler, Judy Waldo, Jean Martin, Helen Wright, Mclver Henderson, Bar bara Smith, Joanne ICeith and Pat White, Featured in the bull fight and Aher special numbers will be Vdt'laide Goodm.in, as Carman; Linda Pentecost and Mary Ann Hepner, as picadors; Nancy El- ;ingtin, Linda Waynlck, Gayle Patterson and Glenda Isley, as enoritas; Linda Butler, as the matador; and Robert McLean and runner Brnsky, as the Bull, Carl Vdams will be the court jester. Staged by Mrs. Jeanne Griffin, head of women’s physical educa tion, her chief aid has come from Tommy Elmore as choreographer (Continued on Page Four; Hurd Elected President Of Campus Government Linwood Hurd, of New Britain, Conn., is the new president of the l^lon College student government '"or the coming 1959-60 college •'ear, after being unopposed in the annual campus elections held on Tuesday. April 21st. Other student body leaders in clude Victor Hoffman, of Phila delphia, Pa., vice president; and ■^tta Britt, ot Burlington, secre- tary-treasurer. Both of these can didates were also unoppo.sen In Ihe annual election. Those named in the campus bal loting for the new Honor Coun cil, including Kenneth Rogers, of S.inford, and Jean Loy, of Elon College, from the rising senior ■lass; Beverly Ward, of Rockport, Conn., from the rising junior cla*s; and Phyllis Hopkins, of Relds- viUe, from the rising sophomore cla.ss, John Clayton, of Roxboro, ] LINWOOD HURD Linwttod Hwd, risinc senior I fVom New BrKahi, Conn.. is the His wife, a painter, who prefers md Bob King, of Supply, went in-; elected president of the :he medium of oils, was bom in ‘n a run-off for the mens post; student Government and Chicago, attended Vassar Collegeltrom the junior class. ^ direct xtodent body affairs Lnicago, atteniHnj y - j mrect xwoeni ooay aiiiir; and received her art training at I Named for posts on the Student | the comiag 1959-60 col- ►ho Art Sluden^s Leaaue under j Council were M.artin CoUins, .ofj year. Hurd h«» served as the Art Sluden^s League under Richard Lahey and Leo Lontelli, New York City, and Robert Me As a member of the Fine Arts Commission, she altend.s a meet- prnf Hassell, accompaniea by hi! wife lett by car on Sunday, in« each month U. Washington. Aoril 19th for Pittsburgh to at-; and she U also a trustee of the ieL the registrars’ meeting which | Mu.eu.n o' >-ine Art.s in ! weeMong affair. The bus- Maine, She i» represented ui Adams, managers’ meeting, which'-.-.nk’v, Museum and in private has served this year as student g„„day night. April 19th, .ft, collections and her worl^ ... rHHipi A ihiNMioh Tuesday Aprili.have been purchased by the Unit- assistant director, with Eddie ,„„tinued through Tuesday, ap government. Burke as drum major. |21st. Lean, of Rockingham, men’s rep resentatives; Margie Marshman, of Audenreid, Pa,, and Mildred Fletcher, of Glenolden, Pa,, wom en’s representatives; and Lane Kidd, of Tlmberlake, member-at- large. Leaders for the rising sopho more class include Thomas Sears, of McLeansvUle, president; Har- vice preHident of the OHiupuH gove,»*naff,ent the current terra. riett Hammond, of Balfour, vloe president; and Carol Adams, of Turbeville, Va,, secretary-treasur- er The rising junior and si-nior cla.sses have not yet named, their officers for the coming year. Shoiv lip Given In New Theatre The Elon Player prejtentalion of Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town,” one of the truly great plays in American stage history, will be presented in the new .Mooney Chapel Theatre on May 14th, l.lth and Ifith as the final campas show of the 1958-39 col lege year. Prof. M. E. Wootim is push- j ing rehearsals for the play it self, and workmen are push- ! ing the renuMlellIng work on the I Mooney Chapel Theatre, which will prefwnt a completely new appearance for this play. The theatre was badly damaged by I Hre on December 15th this year and has not been available for Rloo Player UHe since that time but the restoration process will make it a completely new and modern home for the student stage shows. AttendH 'Atlanta Meeting Dr. Robert Benson, Elon’s dean ‘>f students, attended a meeting of the Association of College and University Housing Officers at ''^mory University on Friday and Saturday, April 17th and 18th. The nxeeting was a two-day af fair, with morning, afternoon and evening .sessions on Friday, April I7th, and a morning meeting and luncheon on Saturday, April 16th. A number of outstanding speakers featured the program, discussing v.'irious problems confronting col leges and aniverslty today.

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