Thursday, April 30, 1959 M A VI) (K)LP PAGK THRRH Elon Basebailers Tie For .Honors In Lejeune Tournament Varsity Nine Drops Game To Catawba Tbe Catawba Indians eked out a tlirUlIng 3 to 2 win over the Eloh Christians at Salisbury on Tiwsday. April 14th, when George Schneider bested Gil Watts in a tight pitching duel to hand Elon’s defcading North State champions •their first Conference defeat of the 1959 season. Both of the rival pitchers al lowed only four hits during the bj\ttle, which saw Gary Jarrett, Indian third-saeker, steal home with two out in the fifth for the wTnning run. The Christians broke the scor ing ice first with a single run jn the first rack, and they added a second marker in the third to take a 2-0 lead. The Indians came back with a singleton in the fourth and added two in the fifth Bill Palkovics, with a double and single in three tries, and Don Lichok, with a pair of singles for four, got all of Elon’s hits. No Catawba batter could get to Watts for more than one hit. The score by innings: r h e Elon 101 000 000—2 4 3 ealawba 000 120 OOx—3 4 I Watts and Hughes. DelGals; Schneider and Oxendine. SET \EW ELDN MAKK8 IN DLS(;US AM) TWO MILE DICK .MORE W EIGHT MAN ALF rLASTSEK Elon Star Slams Four Homers In Two Games Calling The Sports Shols By JIMIVIY ELDER DISTANCE MAM Two of the three Elon cindeim^^n who liave set new Elon track t’ecord.s in early dual meets this are pictured above. They a e Dick More, of Brunswick, Md . left, wh'j sot a new discus mark of 117 feot 5 inches Atlantic Chriiitian: ard Alf PlaMter, of Ba.-isett, Va., risht, who set a new two-mile mark of 11 minute.i 13 seconds against Washlngto i a.iJ Lee. No picture was avail- a’-ie of Hank Caimines, of Poi't.moulU, Va., whi> set a new javjlin record of 1(>4 feet 3 inches ■'I'^iin.'st Atlantic Christian. Three New Elon Track Records Set; Elon Holds Thi •ee Conference l\!arks Elon College will welcome to its sports staff and physical edu cation department next fall a new face, for President Danieley an nounced last week the acceptance; on the mound of William Ralph Miller as the new head basketball coach, suc ceeding “Doc” Mathis, who re sinned this spring. Miller has served as basketball coach for the past three years at Camptellsville Junior College in his home state of Kentucky. A graduate of the University of North Carolina, he is 33 years old and has enjoyed four success ful years in the coaching profes sion. Miller has played quite a bit^ GH Watts, the versatile pUcher- outfielder-infielder, has again demonstrated his skill on the dia mond, but this time it was not Rather his hitting has been sensational. Two weeks ago his hitung won three ball (Continued on Page Four) Joe DelGais Homer Tops High Point A three-run homer by Joe D/'l- of basketball himself and has:Gais proved the decisive blow as Three new Elon track records have been set in early season Twcts this spring, with Dick More, Alt Plaster and Hank Carmines ?ach accounting for one of the •lew Christian marks, with More setting a new discus mark and Cannines a new javelin record in the Atlantic Christian meet TV'O-MILE n'JN: 11 mins. 13 TWO-MILE RUN: 10 mins. 16 ices. Set by Alfred Plaster, 195f. sees. Set by Foster Morse, East '(Wa.shingt:)n and Lee meet.) HIGH HURDLES: 15.2 secs. Set jy Larry Gregg, 195«. ('lYiangle meet with Lenoir Rhyne and A. C. C.) IX)W HURDLES: 25.2 secs. Sot by Larry Gregg, 1956. (Triangle and with«r setting a new I meet with Lenoir Rhyne and A. two-mile time in the Washington md Lee meet. Three other members of this 195a Christian cindgf outit hold jr share in Elon records that were set in previous years. Larry Grejg holds both hurdles marks and ■shares the high jump record, Ed- C. C): tied by Gregg. 1957. (Con ference meet.) HIGH JUMP: 5 feet 10 inches. Set by Leonard Greenwwd and Dave Mondy, 1950. (Conference meet); tied by Greenwood, LISl, (Coiiferenee meet); tied by Green wood, 19.W( both High Point and die Burke shares the high jump Lynchburg meets); tied by Larry Carolina, 1956. HIGH HURDLES: 14.9 secs. Set by Jim Henderson, East Carolina. 195,5. LOW HURDLES: 24.5 secs. Set lay Bob -Maynard, Carolina. 1956. It was just a case of too much Watts a.s the Western Carolina Catamounts dropped two straight games to Elun's Fighting Chris tians here on Ki'iday and Satur- 'ay. .April 17th and 18th, by scores of 2 ti» 0 and W lo 0. for Eton's .\U-Aiperi*;an ace literally expUxl- ed with atomic force right in the face of the Invaders from the Car- ■>lina hill country. Watts wa.s nothing short ot sen- jational in the two North State Conference battles, which saw ■mi blast six hits in nine trips off he Catamounts pitchers, includ ing four homers and a brace of ■mgles wh;ch coinbim'd lo drive ?if;ht Elon .scores over the pl.ite In the first game on Friday, Vpril 17th, Watts had a singU' md homer for four, with his hom- "■ coming in the sixth with George Mien on the sacks. Allen had I walked, and Watts rifled a long homer over the wall for the two runs that gave Elon the 2 to 0 I was in the second game on Saturday. April I8th, ^howevei, that Watts really exploded the atomic bomb against the Western Carolina invaders, for in that game he bla.sted three homers and a .single in five attempts and drove home six runs as the Christians grabbed an overwhelming 15 to 6 victory. The Saturday game was barely tartid wtien Watts Uashed one C Harris Pryor's pitches Over the eft field wall for Elon’s fii'st iiin, !ud in the third he blasted another ’i"yor pitch into the wild blue yonder with two mates on the ^ick;, and by that time Elon was ■■ading by a 5-2 count. Came the ;'ouith, and Watts handed I’ryor lie knockout punch with a clean iiigle. Then in the seventh, with lack Ibraham on the mound for he cats. Watts round-tripp“d tain with George Alien on the ■ack.s. ' Arthur Tliomp.wn, a sophomore right-hander, was Elon's winning pitcher in the Friday contest as he let the Catamounts down with out a score Ui a brilliant two-hit mound performance. Thompson fanned ten and walked three and Baseball Schedule ] (Continued on Page Four) Elon 9, WUIUms I. Elon 8. WiULuiu 1. Klon 12, Colby 141. lUon », Colby 6. Klon-Dartnioutk (rain). Elon 3, Korl bre 1. Elon 11. Fort l4« 2. Klon X, I.rjrune 13. Klun H, Itliaoi 4. EWn 3. Ithaca 4, Elon 8, I.ejeuiir 7. Elon 13, llifh Point 2, Elnn 5, Guilford 0. Elon-A.C.C. (Kain). Elon 2, CaUwba 3. Elon 1. I.«noir Khynr t. Elon 2, West Carolina •. Elon 15, WnU Carolina 6. Elon 6. IliRh Point 5. Elon-Appalachian (Rain). Elon 6. Lenoir Rhyne 2. Klon 1, East Carolina 11. (Rrmalning Oameii) Apr. 28—Ciitawbu, home. Apr. 30—Appalachian, home. May 1—Pfeiffer, away. May 8—A.C.C.. away. May 5—Pfeiffer, home. May »—East Carolina, away. May 15 — Guilford, away. he limited the Cats to two hits. Roger Knapp, another sophomore, rode the crest of the Elon hitting wave in the second game as he scattered ten Catamount hits while fanning five and walking two. Aiding and abetting In the tc^- riflc Elon assault in the s»‘Cond game were Eddie Clark, with a double and two singles, Tony Car- caterra, with a double and single, and G«orge Allen and Ted Eane*. wilh two singles each, ^ games follows: (FIR.ST GAME) r h e West Carolina 000 000 000—0 2 1 Elon 000 002 OOx—2 3 0 Dixon and Sells; Thompson and Hughes. SECOND GA.WK r he West Caro, 200 002 002— 8 10 3 Elon 116 320 20x—15 1.5 2 Pryor, Ibraham (3), Gunner (8> laced only thirty-two batters as land Selk; Knapp and DelGals. Bill Miller Is New Elon Cage Coach NEW C()A( H compiled an impressive record in his tutoring endeavors. Last year his team went to the semi-finals of the national junior college reg- ionals and earned an over-ail sea son record of 24-7 in wins and losses. For the three years at ^he Kentucky junior college his teams had 56 victories and 23 losses. If we may conjecture a bit. we may conclude several things from the selection ot Coach Mil lef as Elon’s new head basketball mentor. First of all, Elon will un doubtedly have a fast-breaking team next year. This is. indicated by the tact that Miller’s junior college team last winter averaged 90 points per game. With the present emphaasis on defensive basketball in .this area, a fast game wiil represei\t a strong break with this recently-set pre- the Elon Christians turned back the High Point Panthers 6 to 5 in a North State Conference dia mond battle here on Tuesday, April 21st. The circuitclout over the left field wall came in the sixth inri- mg and boosted the Elon lead to 6-1 at that time, and it appeared then it was only the frosting on a victory cake. It turned out, however, that DelGais’ blow was mark and has come within a tenth of a second of the low hurdle figures, and Frank Harrell shares in the Elon mark for tlie mile relay. A survey of North State Con ference track records also reveals that Elon athletes now hold three of the Conference records, each ot which were set several years ago. Bob Edmiston, of Elon set tn North State shot put record of 44 feet 7 inches in 1950, Horst Mevius sot the loop 440 mark Gregg, 1936 (High Point meet); tied by Eddie Burke. 1958 (A. C. C meet). BROAD JUMP: 21 feet 3 1-2 inches. Set by Richard Bradham, 1956. (Lynchburg meet.* POLE VAULT: 11 feet 6 inches Set by Jol.n Piatt, 1955. (Lynch liurg meet.) SHOT PUT: 44 feet 7 inches. Set by Bob Edmiston, 1950 (Con ference meet.) DISCUS; 117 feet 5 inches. Set by Dick More, 19159. (A. C. C. of 51.9 seconds in 1955r and Paul meet) the victory cake Itself when the | Conference thUe Panthers rallied for four runs ui i the ninth to make the count a. bare 6-5 triumph. Gil Watts, who went the dis tance on the mound for the Chris tians, chalked his fifth victory of the ' season against two defeats, lie scattered seven Panther hits along the route while striking out nine and walking five. Three of cedent, making a. more exciting]his five walks and three of Ae game for the fans, and with ajst-ven Pantlier ^ ninth when four High Pomt run ners counted. PelGais, with a homer and sin gle for four, was the top slugger for the Christians, but Pete Jones had two for three and WatU two tor five to give able a-1 in the Christian cause. Willard Formy- duval topped the High Point hit ting with two singles in four tries. The score by innings: r h e mark of 4 minutes 38.5 .seconds in 195«. Elon Reoords The Elon track records, which ay be set in either Elon dual meets or in Conference meets, are given below, with meet and year ;n which they were set. Some Sion records are belter than the Conference marks in the Same event ■t Jack of height but a starplus of fast gujrils and forwards, this type -of pUy should prove a great asSet tor the Christians. ' It may also be true that the college is not planning a sports de-emphasis, as the circulated ru mors have indicated. The f-act t i t Miller is from the basketball i:o ued ot Kentucky is the best in- on of this, along with hi* f^Tv? -ecord and his youth 1“ saneral. Coach Miller’s qual- ■iic‘Lions are quite Impressive, leads us to think that “hap- oy c'_ ys are here again” for the i-'lci; C ige squad. 100 YARD DASH: 9-8 secs. Set! in Conference by Eddie Bridges, 1956. (Triangle | meets JAVELIN: 164 feet 3 inches, by Hank Carmines, 1959, (A C. C. meet.) MILE REt^Y: 3 mins. 37.4 secs. Set by Frank Harrell, Tony DtMatteo, Eddie Bridges, Lynr. Newcomb, 1957. tGuilford meet.) Conference Record* The North State Conference rec ords, three of tiiem held by Elon are given below, with name and year they were set. All were set championship High Point ... OOO 010 004.. .5 7 1 Elon OOO 033 OOx—« 7 1 Smith, Blair (5), Holt (5), Web ster (7) and McCockle; Watta and DfilOsus. meet with t-enoir Rhyne and A. C C.) 220 YARD DASH: 22.3 secs. Set by Edriie Bridges, 1956. (Tri angle meet with Lenair Rhyne and A. C. C.) 440 YARD DASH: S1.3 secs. Set by Horst Mevius, 1955. (High Point meet.) 880 YABD DASH: 1 mm. 59.5 ,ecs. Set by Horst Mevius. (Lynchburg meet.) MILE RUN; 4 mins, 38.5 secs. Set by Paul Watts. 1956. (Confer ence meet.) 100,YA“D DASH: 9.9 3ce». Set by Gene Robertson, l.cnoir Rhyne, William R:ilph "Bill” MUlor, one of America's outstanding jun- ■>r colleg; cage coaches, will ta'it ■ jvcr this summer a.s Elon's n*;w head coach of basketball, accord ing to an announcement made last Wednesday night by Dr. J. E. Dan- eley, Elon College president Mil ler, 33-years-old, is a graduate ot the University of i^orth Carolina, j The new Christian cage men- or has for the past three years ^ ’ been head coach at Campbells- ville Junior College in Campbells- vilie, Ky., and during that time he has compiled an outstanding record which included 56 vlctor- its and 23 defeats. The Campbellsville- team, which posted mark, of 18-6 and 14-10 in Vliller’s first tw* years at the ichool, had its best mark this past .season with a record of 24 •vins and 7 losses. The team went on this spring to the semi-finals of the junior college sec- •ional tourra-ncnt at Moberly. Mo., md averaged 90 points per game in the scoring columns. Coach Miller, w-ho is a native I master's work. Miller coached at of Berea, Ky., -played high school Rojmokc Rapids High School foi ball at Williamsburg. Ky.. high one year in I»5,V.56 before accept school. From there .he went on to the cage post at Campbells- Eastern Kentucky State- in 1944, yille Junior Oillege in the fall of but be interrupted his education 195a. Campbellsville iJ) the junior 1953; tied by Bob Perry, East Car- for armed service from March; college from which Dick WhiUs olina, 19S4; tied by .Jim Hender- ifHS, until November, 1947. |and Bill Recce came to the Le- son. East Carolifta, 1955.. jt tne University of noir Rhyne Bears two years ago BLLL COACH Basebailers Down Bears In 6-2 Tilt MILLER Following completion Gary Henson, on the mound for the Elon Christians, continued his complete mastery of tlie Lennir Rhyne Bears as he pitched the Chri.stians to a 6-2 win over the Bears at Hickory last Thursday afternoon in a North State C(m- ference contest. Henson has nev er lost a decision to the Bears in 'ive games during hi.s three years )f play. The Elon lefthander posted his aiirth consecutive mound victory in letting the Ba;irs down with five hits in this gams. He strucic out seven and walked four while besting Junior Baucom iA the mound battle. Big Tony Carcaterra, bouncing out of a batting slump, hammered out a double and a pair of singles to pace the Elon attack. He had three RBI’s dvirtng the contest No other batter on either team was able lo get more than one hit. The score by innings: r h e Elon 000 00 201—8 7 1 Lenoir Rhyne 000 000 200 —2 5 3 Hensott and Hughes.; Baucom, Gore (9) and Reece. Fox. 220 YARD DASH: 2L3 secs. Set Carolina in 1947-48. and| In accepting the Elon College by Jim Ifcriderson, Carolina.1 tj,en he played in 1946-49 in pro'position. Miller succeeds Coach! 1956. IbasketbaU with the Chicago team Graham L. "Doc” Mathis, who re- 440 yXrD DASH: 51.9 secs. Set of the National Ba.sketball signe din March of this year after by Horst Mevius, Elon. 1355. I elation. He later was an accoun- ten years as Christian cage coach .*80 YARD RUN: 2 mias. 3.6 tant with Western Electric in Win- Miller will report for his secs. Set by Bob Patterson, Ea«t'sto^Salem, but returned to Caro- duties In June, following com- CaroUna. 1956. ' j*”*' ^m^aster’s services at the Ken- jmown as Austin Brewer while 4 mms. 38.5 sees, degree m 1954 and the masters . ... r-, . .. . degree in 1»55. school. 1 playing for Elon in the early 1950s. Tom Brewer, one of the top pitchers oji the Boston Red Sox mound staff, i« a former Elon Col lege pitching star. He wm better MILE BUN: 4 mins. Set bv Paul Watts, Elon, 1956.

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