rACE ro|jm UAR(X»4 AND GOLD Tueslay, May 31. 1963 El on Athletes Get Aiainls For 1962-63 Fifty-two Elon College athlel«“| « have been awarded letters for par-{ tjripation in five varsity sporti> dur- » in^' the 1W2-S3 term, with ten of the Hrmii r-eivint{ double awards for (xirticipMlion in two >ports this year There were no thrce-sport partic ipant* iluring the current year, bo? \Vi«il-r, )cinel the rank.i of Eliwi'i thri>' Hport athletfs when h- l«-'ter*>d jn t;olf thii year ' The tw?nly fi\e football lettermen included Don Amox, Howard Amer 'Hr Bell. .loH Berd;sh. I^rr^ C'aikey. Burl flement.^. (lordoo Cox. Sojtt rrablrer. Fiup.erald. John G«»)aik. Hex Flarrlson. Clayton John.son. Dan Kelley. Cameron Lit tle. Bill MahJiffey, Wayne .Mahane.v Tommy Mitchell. Jim Moore. D.nid Mulli', (lene Stoke-. Charlii’ Stripo. Willie Tart, Richard Thompson. Georfie Woolen and Dean Vales. Kleven letter winners in ba.skel- ball included Dewey Andrew. Iluw ■rd Andrew. Mac Bowman, Jesse Branson. Arthur Davis. Ronald f>en- hart, Danny Mall, Roland Miller. Bill Morning.star. Sonny Smith and Dave Winfrey. Fourteen letter winners In base ball were Mike B«-st. Phil Cheek. Ken Ci>i)k. I’ete Crook. Arthur Davi^ Jerry Drake. Roy Erlandien. Charles Everett. Danny Hall. Carl ton HiKhsmith. Dan Kelley. Mike Little. Gomar Shields and Gary Tay- kir Right letter winners in track were Carl Bovender, John Gozjack, Ron ald Lancaster, Cameron Little. Ron- aU Miller. 5>onny Pruetle and Willie Tart. Six letter winners in Kolf were Jimmy Brown. Frank Clamello, Gordon Cox, Billy Harding, FYank Lawrence and George Wooten. CIIOSKN BEST I'EKFOIOlKltS l> I'LAVKU .SllOWSj Jaylor Leads L ^ Base}>a1lers EDIT MAGAZINE AND ANNUAL i In Bntt'inii Gary Taylor, freshman second laseman, topped the Elon ba.seball :egulars in hitting for the 1963 sea on, rapping the ball for a .345 avu ■age in the 34-game season that saw he Christians win 19 and lose Ij oaltles. Only other regular above the .300 mark was Mike Little, All-Confer ■no catcher, who posted a .320 a\f age as he joined outfielder Danny ■lall and pitcher Lefty Everett on he All-Conference team. Art Davi?; fir.st baseman, led the squad in (BI's as he drove 29 runners home Little and Hall tied for the home- run lead with 5 each. Jerry Drake lopped the pitchers In wins with a 7-3 mark, but freshman Mike Best had a 5-0 mound record. The batting averages for players) with 12 or more at bats follows: NA.VCY I,::It KLEANOR SMITH The outsttindin^ actors and actresscs in Elon dramiuic roltn during ih^ -.^-uson were prt-sented the annual "Eppie" awards in Mooney Ch ! The.lre on Thursday ni;-ht. May 16th. Those pictured left to riRht above are as follows: FRONT R >’V ''ami Tni^eser, of Arnold, Md., best supporting actrp''S, and June Biddle, of Philadelphia, Pa., best a- Lre&s in a leading* role. BACK HOW — Frank Rich, of Burlington, best actor in a leading role; and Ken S^arl>orough. of Wilmington. Del . best supporting actor. Hook Will Km*ive Award (lindc r VwardH Day Continued From Page One) Award, given each year by the Elon chapter of Pi Gamma Mu, national honorary social science fraternity, wak presented by Prof. Robert Bax ter to Robert Saunders, of Indian apolis. Ind The Shackley Music Awards, giv en in menttory of the late Dr. George Shai'kley, of St. Petersburg, Fla., »-ere presented by Dean Fletcher Moore to Linda Keck, of Burlington, a* the .itudent .showing nruMt im provement in piano, and to William Whitley, of Tarboro. as the student rhowing most improvement in or gan The Shrader Awards, given in ^ niL-mory of the late .lerry Dalton Shrader, of Burlington. Ions out standing as a leader in religious, educational ;ind civic life werr ' lented to Prof John S Cra\es to Doris Anne Morris, of Stamrch II . Va.. for achievements in relijic . education, and to Carol Trageser, of Arnold. Md.. for work in dra- m.itics, I A special Student President’s Award wa.s presented to James Buie,' of Darlington, S C. for his fine work .IS president this year of the Elon College Student (^\ernment Association Buie then presented n special Student Government Award to Carol Trageser. of Arnold. Md. for her outstanding contribution to campus life by a .student who did not hold a student government of fice Buie also presented special cheerleader awards to three senior iheerleadrs. Diane Clary, of Law- mceville. Va.. Denyse Theodore, of North Bellmore. N Y . and Eleanor^ Smith, of Winston-Salem. The Burlington Writers Club Awards, given by the Burlington literary group to winners of a camp us short .story contest, were pre sented for the first time this year Mrs E R. Gant. d Burlington, pre.sented cash prizes to Marion McVey. of .Snow Camp, and Jane Barnwell, of Burlington, for win ning first and iiecond honors in the contest Manly Wade Wellman, of Chapel Hill, then presented the third prize, provided by him. to Beverly Powell, of Arlington. Va Miss Mc Vey aLw was given the Alpha Pi Delta Fraternity Award for the out standing story in the campu' liter ary magazine during i*** —*t. i (Continued From Page Two) who i.s also an Elon alumnus, am throughout the years their home ha- always had "open doors” to F'lon student* They have four daughters, all of whom are graduates of I-Uon Always interested in athletics. Dr Hook was at one time graduate manager of athletics for the college for a number of years, and he has -iiig been chairman of the faculty ■ ithletic committei' He his .il.so l>een iffiliated with the North State Con ference 'now the Carollnas Confer ence' through the years, having wrved a.s both commisAiner and president of the organization. Within the college itself, his serv- ' has been varied as well as good, 'or his many posts of service have Included those of professor of phy ic.s. head of both the Department if I’hysirs and the Department of Mathematics, dean of the college nd registrar of the college, not to .untion the many and varied com- .littee assignments. Outside the college, he has been ery active in both his church and n Rotary International. For over fifty years he has devoted time and 'nergy to his church as both mem- "'r and officer, and he has served he Rotary organiz.itlon in niimer JUS capacities !^irat*s To») IJoii Outfit The Fast Carolin ' Pir.ntes com '■n -'1 ten hits -nd cl 'von w.illcs to )ile up a 13 to I margin over th' !lon College Christians »n n non ■finference diamond battle here 'ay ;ird The victory gave the Pi tes a sweep of the two-game se- s between the old rivals RUE ; Carolina 220 nno 450—13 10 1 ' • ’ inn 000 001— i 5 i Wi -t and Robln.son. Edwards I7>: lunders. Everett 'S' and Cheek. To.se 1*1 Homerun: Kidd 'East ■rolina' ErUtndsen Is Winner Over A(' Hnlldo^s Little Roy Erland.son worked a ine five-hit game as he pitched th^’ ;lon Christians to an 11 to 2 vlc- '.ory over the Atlantic Christian ouf- ■'it here Thursday afternoon. May n.i The victory boosted the Hon Conference record to lO-fi Erlandsen scattered the five Bull- logs safeties well and had a .shut- iiit going until the eighth when At- 'aniic Chri.stlan plated a pair of "uns on a double and two singles. \cn Cook olasted a three-nin I eaiii Fails The \\ .i.shington and Lee Generals .o;iped East Carolina and Elon in 1 triangular track meeting at Lex- lni>ton. Va . May 1. with the Gen t'rals rolling up points, followed by E.i.st Carolina with 41 and Elon with 34 counters. Although the Christians trailed in total points, the Elon cindermen posted some of their best perform ances of the year. Willie Tart. Elon sprint star, paced the scoring with firsts In both the 220 and 440 dashe.s Roland Miller, Christian distance ace, topped the field in the two- mile. The summary: 100 YARD DASH Casto (W. and I, '. Owen iW. and L.i, Bovender 'Elon', John.son (Elon'. TIME: 10.3 JMayer AB H Ave. Taylor 139 48 .345 Little 125 40 .320 HIghsmith % 28 .2ST2 Davis 137 38 .277 Cook 102 28 .275 ^’rook 133 36 .271 Hall 130 33 .254 Shields 24 6 .2.50 Everett 41 10 .241 Kelley 65 15 .231 Best 13 3 .231 Cheek 78 17 .218 Drake 29 5 .172 Smith 14 2 .143 Erland.sen 20 2 .100 Other Players 42 9 .214 ELON TOTALS 1190 321 .270 OPPONENTS 1166 251 .21.=; The editors of the Elon College literary magazine and annual are pictured abo-c- Nancy Butler, of Tariffville. Conn., is editor of The Colonnades." campus literary publication, which was revived this year after being dormant for several years. Eleanor Smith, of Winston-Salem, is editor of "The Phi Psi Cli," the college annual Both publications are due for distribution before the close of school. homer over the left field wall in i secs, the second inning to .start Elon on 1220 YARD DASH Tart 'Eloni, the victory road, and then the Barnes 'W. and L '. Ca.sto (W. and hrl.stlans stampeded seven runners L. i, Bovender 'Elon' TIME: 22,f) home in a big fourth, with Mikejsecs. ■ittle's two-run circuit clout as the 440 YARD DASH: Tart (Elon', featured blow. Kell 'W. and L.i, Thompson 'EC. R H E Handy (ECCi. TIME: 51.9 secs. A CC. 000 000 020-2 5 i; WtO YARD RUN: Brownley 'W Elon 030 700 lOx—II 8 0 and L.', Essex 'W and L.Pru Perry, Poore '7' and ONalley. 1 ette 'Elon>, Oslrownie 'W and L.i Wade '6', Plaster '7'; Erland.sen| TIME: 2 mins. 2,4 .secs, ind Little. Homeruns: Cook 'Elon ., .MILE RUN: Kilpatrick 'W. and '.ittle 'Elon'. Johnson 'W. and L.i. Miller ''Eloni. Dalton 'W. and L ). TIME 4 mins. 42.5 .secs, TWO-MILE RUN: Miller (Elon). Brownly 'W. and L.'. O’Connor (W and L.I. Kennedy (W. and L.'. TIME: 10 Mins. 24 secs. 120 HIGH HURDLES: Pearson iW and L.I. Michel 'EC'. Meyers (\V. .md L '. McDonald Elon>. TIME IB.4 .secs. 120 I/)W HURDLES: Pear.son iW ind 1. '. Michel 'EC. Goode 'W ’"d L '. McDonald Elom. TIME: 41.4 secs. HIGH JUMP Kell iW. and L.'. Britt iW. and L '. Howell (ECi. Mc- uiu‘Is Down EKhi 8 To 5 The Campbell College nine pushed i.er three runs in the ninth to turn ‘i.nck the Elon Christians by an 8 1 5 count here on ’Tuesday. May 'th The defeat, which came in final game of the Elon 19K3 i.son. left the Christians with a - ison record of 19 wins and 15 loasM. Danny Hall. Mike Little and Art ' n Is led the Elon hitting with a 'Hible and single apiece in four trips Jack Riier. Camel catcher, led the visitors with a brace of singles in four tries. R H F ampbell 000 210 208—t 8 0 Elon 000 500 000—5 10 5 Bauman. Fisher '4' and Ruer; Dr**-* CvercU (9) and Little rra‘U (!roHii (Conlinurd from Page '.lir“i HIGH JUMP: Craine (App,'. '!hvne LRi. Young 'HPi, tie for fourth by Benjamin iGuiI.l and Har ris ACC. HEIGHT: 6 feet 1 Inch NEW RFX'Y)RDi. BROAD JUMP: Rhyne LR'. Mor rison 'LR>. Gessner 'ACC'. Rich 'HPI. Evans (Cat '. DISTANCE: 21 feet 7 inches. POLE VAULT: Martin (Cat), Bower iHPi. Gregory 'ACC>. Rhyne ■Ul'. Earnhart HPi. HEIGHT: 11 feet 6 inches. SHOT: Ray 'Gull '. John.son 'Cat'. Hand (App. I. Maulden 'App.'. Pergu.son (Guil ', DIS TANCE: 44 feet. DISCUSS: Johnson (Cat '. Fowler LR'. Maulden 'App.». Buffalo (iuilf '. Morri.son 'LR>. DISTANCE 127 feet 8^» inches. JAV'ELIN: Hand 'App i, Fowler LR', Harbin 'App.'. Barne 'Guilf '. Seaver (HP) DISTANCE 170 feet 8 inches. MILE RELAY: Lenoir Rhyne Wardlaw, Qualls, Lambert, Rhyne High Point, Elon. Guilford. TIME '' mins. 27.4 secs. (NEW RECORD HEIGHT: 5 feel From rii«* (loriHT (Continued From Page Two) thought of firing me sometimes. At iny rate. Mr Byrd, I thank you for illowing me to write for the Ma 'oon and Gold. It has been a priv ik-ge knowing you and working with vou You are one of those I shall remember long after I have left here Thanks again for being both a teacher and a friend. Crant EC inches. BROAD JUMP: Sackett (W and L.I. Edwards 'W. and L.'. John.son 'Elon', Kennedy 'W. and L.». DIS TANCE: 21 feet 5 inches. POLE VAULT: McCant (EC Price (EC). Haggardy (EX’). Cab aniss (Eloni. HEIGHT: 12 feet 3 inches, HOP-SKIP-JUMP: Kell (W. and L i. .Sacket 'W and L'. Kennedy (W, and L.) Myers (W, and L.' DKSTANCE: 45 feet 2 inches. SHOT: Poole (EC. Monroe 'W and L.i. Manson (W. and L). Lit tie 'Elon). DISTANCE: 42 feet 5 h)ches. DISCUS: Poole 'ECi. Britt (W ind L.I, Pipes iW and L.>. Little FJon' DISTANCE: 128 feet 5 inch es. M>iiiilaiii(‘ei> Will 4-3 Tilt The Appalachian Mountaineer^ paired six hits with four Elon er rors to score four unearned runs and turn back the Fighting Christ ians 4 to 1 in a Carolinas Confer ence baseball game at Boone on Monday. May 6th. Bill Jarrett. ace of the Mountain eer mound staff, worked a steady game on the mound a.s he let the Elon outfit down with five scat tered hits. Jarrett fanned seven and walked only two as he gave the Apps an even break with Elon in their home-and-home .series this sea son. Jerry Drake, who worked the first se\en frames for Elon, also turned in a steady job on the mound, but he was the victim of four Christian fielding errors and had to take thi credit for the loss. Mike Little. Chri.stian center fielder, had three of Elon’s five hits, one of his blow being a solo homer for the onl Elon .score. The Mountaineers scored three n their four runs in the fifth inninc when a walk, a sacrifice, an Elo error and a brace of Mountaino'' singles plated the three scores. Th final App marker came in the sp- enth on two singles and a pair r Elon miscues. R H K 000 100 000—1 5 Appalachian 000 030 lOx—4 6 f Drake. Erland.sen (8> and Cheek Jarrett and Gibbs. Homerun — Lit tie (Eloni. Golf Squad Closes Fine TAnks Year Th' Kighli. l; Christian golfers, oaced by Goi ion C^ox with an under- par 70 score, wound up their dual meet sea.son with an 11 to 7 win over Guilfcd here on Friday. May 10th. and closed out with a 7-3 mark for the Conference sea.son an ' a 7-6 mark overall in the regular campaign One of their late-sea.son wins was a highly pleasing 14^4 to 12H win over the Appalachian Moimtainep' at Boone on May 2nd. but the Christians were unable to reoo.-i' that conquest of the Apps when they entered the annual Conference tournament over the Boone coiir.se on May 13th and 14th and wound up in a tie for fifth spot in the titiiln meet. Th-' Mountaineers, playing on their home course, posted a team score of 625 to grab both the Conference and NAIA District 26 crowns, and Appalachian’s Austin Adams ran of with individual honors with a 14f score. The other teams trailed with Guilford. Pfeiffer and Atlantic '"1- h nrrlpr. Elon and Ca tawba tied and Lenoir Rhyne last Gridders Select Thr€*e (Captains The F;lon College football squad has just named three rising senior stars as tri-captains to lead the Christian gridders through the 1963 season, having chosen end Dan Kelley, guard Cameron Lit tle and halfback Willie Tart to share the triple honors. Dan Kelley, from Darlington, S. €., also played outfield for the baseball squad this spring; while Cameron Little, of Roanoke Rap ids, and Willie Tart, of Ihinn. were both members of the Christ ian track squad Ryals Prt‘sideiil For Sigma Mu Lynn Ryals was installed on Tue.s- day. May 13th, as the new president of Sigma Mu Sigma social and serv ice fraternity. Other officers are Larry Biddle, senior vice-president, Ron Hidkinson. junior vice-presi dent; Skip Paska, treasurer; and Ken Harper, secretary. Also installed were Adrian Brom- irski, guide; Sonny Murray, guard; Fred Stephenson, corresponding sec retary; Pete Fisk, historian; Rick Turner, chaplain; and Mike Herbert, athletic director. JAV’ELIN: McWater (W. and L Talant 'EC, Walker iW. and L,'. Gozjack (Eloni. DISTA.NCE: 158 feet 6 inches. MILE RELAY: Elon, East Caro lina, W and L. TDIE: 3 mins. 43.5 secs. Hasebaii Poiirin'v (Continued From Page Threel CATAWBA 14, ELON R The Catawba Indians took ad vantage of a rash of walks by fiw Elon pitchers as they turned back the Christians 14 to 6 in semi-final action in the tournament on Satur day. May llth. The win eliminate the Elon nine from the tournamenl and moved Catawba into the final- against Pfeiffer. The game was entirely different from Elon’s previous lopsided wi over Catawba, for Catawta’s John McLaughlin threw a four-hit mound job against the Christians, one of the Ekm hits being a two-run homer by Mike Little in the third inning R H E Elon 102 300 000- 6 4 I Catawba 221 300 42x-14 13 i EJrlandsen. Saunders i2'. Bates 4 . Keck '4'. Best (?' and Cheek: McLaughlin and Peretin. Homerun - Uttle (Elon). liL'v.:.':-' I '1.:: iVhen you pause... •cmtD UNot« AuiHOtiir or thi coo t«A company it “"rlinoicn ICA-COLA BOmiNG COMPANX *'Co4i*’' It o r*gi0w»d © 1953, TH« COCA COtA COMPANY