Friday, October 18, 1963 MAROON AND GOLD - - PAGE THREE Eloti Gridders Grab 16~13 Win Over Mountaineers ( IliaoTi CACKS iiiV API’ALAt HiA’S J)EFE\Si: F JK P\A I'J' ]4 ^3 (.'Iii'i8tiaii8 III Top Spot III (.’oiifeiTiioe Slaiuliiio:;^ The F'iuhting Christians of Elon, li\ed up to their fighting name as :hey forged to the front three times! tu turn back the Appalachian Moim- aineers 16 to 13 in a Carolinos Conference grid battle at Burling-1 "'1 Memorial Stadium on Saturday' ight, October 5th. The Christian victory, which upset, 'ho pre-game prophecies of many !■' the sports ex|>erls, broke a .strini' of five consecutive Mountaineer xii. 'ories over Elon in the series, and ■I ■•lisci shot the Fighting Christians to the lop of the heap in the bitter^ iiiie for Conference laurels. i Elon Fooihall . he t'.va Elon touchdowns in one of the most satisfyin ‘ grid \ ictories of recent years, (he fine 16 to 13 tri- •iph over Appalachian on Saturday night, October 5th, ,ri,' lectured in the pair of pictures above. Fred Stew- ft Spollightiiig The Fighting istiaiis By TOM CORBITT , Elon's bulldozing sophomers fullback (wearing ross from the one for Elon's first score and a 6 to 0 : the background after handing off to Stewart on the 1 halt the big Christian fulll)ack. The final Elon touch ' tlie game is pictured at the right, with Willie Tart ■id for the I'i.e-yard journey to pay-dirt. Appalachian’s nands on the speedy Christian halfback. ■ I’ pictured at the left he hammered . . .'M V/ik'lcs^ '.sumjer 12 in dark jersey> is shown ... i.;h:;s ■ )3 in white .jerseyi fails as he tries '.V,:, v.’hlcii ')rouyht the Christians from behind late nir...-r sprinting untouched around Elon’s left i*!v Harbin in white ,'ersoyi was unable to get Come Blow Your Horn El^ r,' - > ictory over Appalachian October 5th was truly some kind of wonderful. Appalachian has been growing tremendously in recent \ears. and the state-supported school now boasts an enrollment of nearly 4„500 students. It has seemed that her dominance over Elon has grown with the school. Prior to this year’s game, the Apps had defeat ed Elon five years in a row. Last year they dedicated Conrad Stad ium 'seating capacity 10,000) while soundly defeating Elon 27 to 12. Appalachian arrived at our cam pus this fall as tops in the Confer ence with a 2-0 record. Among the App players were 22 lettermen, in cluding one Little All-American. In their first three games the Apps had allowed their opponents a net of only 54 yards average rushing. The Appalachian 89-piece band came with the team, and the welcome line it formed as the Mountaineers came on the field dwarfed Elon’s 51-piece band. Elon was truly the underdog, for Coach Tucker’s offensive line-up in cluded five sophomores. On defen sive five sophs and one freshman started. But once the game started. Appalachian diminished in size. De fense dominated the game, but Elon drove 40 and 74 yards for scores. One of the Apps scores came after a pass interception and a run to the four, and the other was on an 81-yard pass. Take away the two long plays, and Appalachian could not have scored. When the final gun sounded, Ap palachian's top-ranked team had lost to lowly Elon 16 to 13. But the win Christians I victory and a student victor}’ lor ;;lon, ranking with the Western Car- ' 'n game of IflBl as the finest foot- ■'■■\11 game of the past 'hree y-ars, I express no rah-rah tender.cies. I’m just proud of my school. « * * • Elon Is Number One iJy virtue of the “upset" win over Appalachian. Elon College is ^ow tops in the Carolinas Confer- nce and will remain so, at least intil after the Catawba game next week. In fact, the chances are that the Christians will remain .so long fter that time. Prior to last week end, the Conference standings look- d like this: Won I.ost Tied Elon Catawba \ppalachian West Carolina Newberry Guilford lenoir Rhyne Our Christians had a pair of non op battles with East Carolina and Carson-Newman before facing Cat awba, and the two non-titular bat tles offered Elon's freshmen and sophomores some valuable exper ience. Surely it would be a wonder ful gift if this football team could iresent the college with its first Conference championship since 1941 as a sort of Diamond Anniversary present. It could very well do just that. Praise Be To Linemen Too often football glory rests pri marily on the heads of the backs, but that victory over Appalachian was first of all a team victory and then a victory for the Elon line. was no nuke, for the Christians Whenever Stewart Tart^ Johnson^ for'Pruette or Burnette plunged tor Elou i'eani i’ia vis The Fighting Christians will take part in two straight “Homecom ing” celebrations, for they go to Salisbury next weekend to battle the Catawba Indians in the Cat awba Homecoming Day battle, and then the Christians retnr>i home to face Western Carolina in Elon’s own Homecoming contest two weeks hence. That game with Catawba at Sal isbury next weekend could be quite a battle, for the Indians loom as one of the strongest contenders for the Conference grid honors, and they will be going all out in an effort to avenge a 15-0 defeat in flicted by the Christians in their annual meeting for Elon’s Home coming alumni here last fall. There will be added interest in the Elon-Catawba s^ame due to the fact that the two teams are the chief contenders for the conference title, each of them undefeated in loop play. Saiiiord Has l>asei)allers III Off-Season Workouts Klon 14 nn :,i 120 11 Klon 6, Frederick 7, Klon 14, Kniory-Ilenry 15. Fllon 2.S, (iuiltiird 7 Klon l(i, Appalaehlan 13 Fl(in 0. Fast ('arolina £ Oct. 19—Tarson-NeHinan, away. Oct. 26—('atawha, awa,v. Nov. 2—West Carolina, home. Nov. 9—Ni-wberry. iiuay. Nov. I(>—Kenoir Khyne, away. which !.‘nd ;i with Stewart banging Irom the two. The kick failed, and i;lon led 6 to 0. .Appalachian ’I'hc Mountaineers knotted the While King Football rides the sports throne during this autumn .season, old King Baseball has stuck his head into the Elon campus pic ture as Coach ,Iack Sanford sends 'wenty or more diamond hopefuls hrough a month of more season drills. The crack of bat and horsehide has been echoing out at College Field three afternoons per week ^ince mid-September, and Coach Sanford stated this week that he ■)lans to continue the work until at least the last of October, ^ There are a number of letter vet- -rans in togs and working regular ly, but several of Coach Sanford's. liamond outfit of last spring are ■vorking with other sports at this Mme of year, and two of the Christ ian basehallers of last spring are out of school this fall, both being lue to return in time for action in he spring. Letteinian Dan Kelley is with the football squad this fall, along with reserves Joe Dawson and Alex Bur nette; and letterman Danny Hall and reserve Sonny Smith arc working with the Elon cagers. Letter sec of off- ond-sacker Gary Taylor is workin.g this fall, and letter outfielder Carl ton Highsmith is on a six-months service tour. Both are due back for action when baseball rolls around The Christian pitching corps looks unusually strong this fall, according to Coach Sanford, who lists no than four monogram veterans out ind chunking the ball around. Mono gram hurlers on hand from last spring are Southpaws Lefty Everett SOPH LINEMAN PROVES VALUE netted 114 yards rushing to the Apps, and Elon collected 14 yardage, you may be sure that some^ first downs as the Mountaineers got six'4 It was a team victory, a band Christians Face Eajjles Iti Game The Christian grid squad moves west this weekend, trekking over the mountains to battle the Car son-Newman Eagles in .Jefferson City, Tenn., in a non-conference contest. The game is set as an afternoon battle tomorrow, one of the few daytime games for the Christians this fall. This week's game marks only the second meeting between Elon and Carson-Newman on the grid iron. The first meeting of the two at Burlington last fall resulted in a thrilling 22 to 20 win for the Tennessee eleven. Another close tilt is expected this week, for the Eagles handed Emory and Henry its only loss by a J to 0 margin. one in the mighty App line gave up their positions by methods other than tender love and care. Special recognition should go to fellows like Tommy Mitchell, Randy Warren, John Gozjack. Joe Dawson and oth ers for great play up front. Sonny Pruette gets special citation for fine ball carrying. Elon Drops East Carolina | Saturday night’s game with East| Carolina last week was probably the last grid meeting of the two old rivals. East Carolina dropped out of the Conference when the loop schools dropped their sports aid to 22 scholarships. By contrast. East Carolina has 60 such grants this year and will have 70 next year. She is currently trying to gain admission to the Southern Conference, and the Pirates’ win over Wake Forest this fall indicates that they are ready for the bigger loop. (CoQtlnued on PaK» Four J I F'irst I>owns Yards (iain Hushin - H arris I^»st Knshini; Net Yards Hushing I’asses Attempted ”> l*asses ('ompleted ^•1 Yards Gain Passing 181 T(»lal Yards Scrimmage 1 0pp. Passt»s Intercepted 0 Runback Int. Passes 3 Number Punts 43.3 Ave. Yards Punts 33 Kunback All Kicks 1 I'u nbhs Lost 0 Yards Penalties Score By Periods: Klon 0 60 ID—U; \ppalachian 0 6 0 7—13 Elon Touchdowns—Stewart. (2- run), Tart (1-run). Extra Points— Ferrell 2 (placement). F^ield Goal— Ferrell (23-yards). Appalachian Touchdowns—Hayes (I-run), L. Har bin (81-pass from Saunders). F.xtra points—Saunders 1 (placement). 2S f'S 9 3 in* 170 o 4:1 .1 4,->.3 67 S l.'i and Mike Best and righthander Roy Erlandsen. Another monogram hurl- er on hand is .lerry Tillman, a tall rightsider, who was out of school last spring. Joining these veteran throwers in mound workouts this fall are a number of freshmen and transfer prospects. Herbie Johnson, a fine southpaw from Burlington, is here IS a transfer from Wake Forest and will be eligible next .spring. Other newcomer pitchers are Jack Burts- che, a righthand transfer from the University of Illinois, along with righthanders Jimmy Dailey, Rich ard Chappell and Stan Hill and southpaw W; vne Moore. Veteran Phil Cheek, letter regu lar. and reserve Mihon are both on han I this fall as catchers. available for work behind the plate is Pete Crook, a letterman catcher, who played third base last spring. Both Crook and Grose have been working at first while Art Davis devotes his time to basket ball. Lettermen on hand for infield duty are Tom Piccininni and Comar Shields, a pair of reserves, and work ing with them around the inner de fenses are .loe Ijee. Pete Coghill and Mike Graffeo, a trio of reserves. There are no letter outfielders in the camp this fall, but promising prospects are Dwight Gibson, a re serve of last spring, and newcom ers Owen Shields and Bill Clark. A full corps of veteran gardeners will 1* back in the spring in Kelley, Hall and Highsmith. An alert Elon defen.sive unit, which hti hard all night and which Trabbed off three Appalachian fum bles in a series of .self-made breaks, keyed the Chri.stian victory. It was two of those recoveries of loose balls which .set the .stage for the first two Chri.stian .scores, but it was old- fashioned and hard-driving attack that netted the final and winning touchdown. John Gozjack, Rlon end, bounccd on a Dennis Saunders fumble at the App forty early in the second quarter, and Elon was off to the races from there An Ed Wheless pass to Dan Kelley for 13 yards and a 10-yard smash by Fred Stew art were key plays in the drive i; score fl\e minutes later on a de- lii; fensivo ^;cm of their own. Lanky cepti'd a Whi'li'ss pass on the Elon Larry Herbin lea|x>d high and inter- 45 and raced back 41 \ards to the Elon four. Jim Hayes, hard-driving App fullback, ripix'd to pay dirt from there, and the .score was knotted 6-all at half-time. Neither team coidd mo\e effectr ively in the third i>eriod, but a thrill - packed final quarter netted three scores. Three minutes into the final period Morris Thomas pounced on a Jim Hayes fumble at the App twelve, and three Elon plays moved to the six. Then, on fpurih down Ferrell booted a [lerfect field goal from the thirteen, a 23- yard true-toe effort that .shot Elon to the four for a .second time by a 9 to 6 margin. The Christians had little time to jubilate, however, for the Mountain eers rebounded within three plays after the Elon field goal. Hie kick- off went to the App 25-yard line, but the Mountaineers wvre forced back to the nineteen, from where Dennis Saunders lofted a long aer ial to Larry Harbin for an 81-yard TD thrust. Saunders him.self kicked good, and the visitors were out front 13 to 9. If the spirits of Rlon supporters fell at that [X)int, it was not for long, for the (’hristians proved their "Fighting” qualities by coming right back to gain the lead for the third and final tinx;. This final score and the victory came on a sustained 74-yard drive from the App kick-off, a drive that was keyed by several fine efforts by Willie Tart. (Continued On Page Four) GOES OFFENSE AND DEFF.NS One of last year's reserves who has come through in fine style for the Christian footballers this .season is Randy Warren, a hard-nosed interior line star from Selma. Warren, who is a football sophomore, tips the scales at a mere 200 pounds, but he hits with the power of a much heavier man. He is listed on the roster as a tackle, but he can go at either guard or tackle and can go on either defense or offense. Congratulations Department Congratulations and t>est wishei go out this week to Charlie Strigo and his bride of October 6th. A similar thoughts to quarter back Ed Wheless, who proudly an nounced the birth of a son, Mich ael Edward, on Tesday, October 8th. Ed reports that his wife and (son are doing fine. V Sonny Pruette, a speedy .sophomore from Roanoke Rapids, has grabbed a share of the spotlight in Elon's e:irly grid battles this fall as he turned in some fine performances on both offense and at his halfback spot. After seeing only re.serve duty a year ago, Pruette started this fall as a regular defensive man in the Christian secondary, but he moved into the offensive picture with a bang when injuries sidelined speedy Clayton Johnson, letterman junior Pruette has counted two TDs in early games and has rushed for an average of almost five yards per carry.