MAROON AND GOLD Non-Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Elon College, N. C, PERMIT No. 1 Return Requested VOLUME 48 ELON COLLEGE, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1967 NUMBER 9 ‘Messiah’ Is Planned Sunday dean MOORE^AGAIN to be MESSIAH’ ACCOMPANIST Annual Presentation Of Handel Oratorio Dean Fletcher Moore, who has for many years served as chairman of the de partment of music at Elon College, will once more play the organ accompaniment when the Elon Choir presents its thirty-fifth annual program of Handel s The Messiah” at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon. Dean Moore has served as accom panist since the annual Yule season program was begun, and his artistry at the organ has added much to the enjoyment of thousands of listeners. Two Freshmen Fatally Hurt In Car Wreck November 18 Van Alstyne To Speak On Campus Dr. William W. Van Al styne, professor of law at Duke University, will be the featured speaker for the Liberal Arts Forum in its next program in McEwen Dining Hali next Wednes day night, December 6th. ine program will get un- erway at 8 o’clock, and a will follow in West Dorm'tory parlor, r. Van Alstyne, before suming his present post t Duke University, was associated with the Cali- lornia Department of Jus- Hp® '^he United States haf of Justice, He P taught at UCLA, ale and Ohio State. cliirio honors in- the degree from Calif. of Southern ^ahfornia, the L.L.B. de- verqih ™ Stanford Uni- ^ certificate oflnterff ,^^Sue Academy nternational Law. (Pictures on Page 4) Two Elon College fresh men from Sanford were fa tally injured in an auto mobile accident which oc curred eight miles north of Sanford about 3:48 o’clock on Saturday morning, No vember 18th. The two youths were Jesse Joseph White, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.J.White Sr., of Sanford; and Mar tin Cade Covington, Jr., 18, son of Dr. and Mrs. Cade Covington, Sr., of Sanford. The Covington youth was the grandson of Dr, and Mrs. A. L. Hook, long-time members of the Elon College faculty group. Reports of the accident were that White, who own ed the car, was driving at the time it ran off the high way and crashed head-on into a tree. The car was demolished. Young White is survived, in addition to his parents, by one sister, one grand mother and one grand father. Funeral services were held from the Jones boro Heights Baptist Church at Sanford on Sun day afternoon, November 19th. The Covington youth is survived by his parents and five younger brothers, all of Sanford, along with his paternal grandparents of Sanford and his mater nal grandparents, Dr, and Mrs, Hook, of Elon Col lege. Funeral services were held at Jonesboro Heights Methodist Church at Sanford on Sunday af ternoon, November 19th. Memorial services for both students were held in Whitley Memorial Auditor ium on the Elon campus on Tuesday morning, No vember 21st, when the Elon College student body and faculty paid final tribute. The memorial services were conducted by the Rev, John S. Graves, campus minister. Ancient Norsemen de scribed the meat they cooked on a stick as "steik” —today we call it shish kebab. One of the outstanding entertainment features of the year on the Elon Col lege campus is set for Sun day afternoon, when the E- lon College Choir and the Elon College-Commun ity Orchestra will join forces for the thirty-fifth annual rendition of Han del’s immortal oratorio of “The Messiah.” The Elon Choir present ed the program as a vo cal rendition for many years, but the College- Community Orchestra joined the Choir in the program in recent years and has added much to the enjoyment of the Yule sea son presentation. The Choir, featuring a- bout sixty voices this year, will be once more under the direction of Prof.Wen dell Bartholf, and Dr. Mar vin N. Artley will direct the orchestra, with Dean Fletchcr Moore again ser ving as organ accompanist. In addition to directing the choir. Professor Bart holf will also be one of four guest soloists, sing ing the tenor solo role in the production, as he has done in recent years. Other guest soloists for the program will be Mary Anne Johnston, of Elon Col lege, soprano; Sandra Walker, of Greensboro, contralto; and Charles Ly- nain, of Greensboro, bass. Both Mrs. Johnston and Ly- nam are Elon graduates, and both have sung with the choir as soloists in pre vious years. Members of the orches tra for this year, listed by instruments, follows: VIOLIN I: Eleanor Rey nolds (concert mistress), Cathy Handrahan, Mike Deason, Helen King, Jody Perdue, Alfred Hauser, James McGaughey, Bill Pennington and ClydeSim- mons, VIOLIN II: Jennings Ber ry, Jack Deason, R. P. El lington, Dean Hall, Jean Powell, Jane Deese, Donna Festa, Caren Hobbs and Lynette Petree, VIOLA: Phillip Allen, Pat Conner, Fred Lail and Elizabeth Williams. CELLO; SusanMcAdams and Mickie Ray. BASS: Jim White and Elmo Hatley. FLUTE 1: Ann Lentz. FLUTE II: Priscilla Spoon. OBOE: Cathy Hobbs, CLARINET; Danny Chilton. TYMPHANY: Don Stubble field. HORNS: SusanAngemay- er, Susan Patton, Judy Ste vens and Mickey Stuart. TRUMPETS: Jack White, Robert Truitt and John White, TROMBONES: Da vid Abernathy, Danny Fields, Ken Hollingsworth, LIBRARIAN: Bill Penning ton. Spanish Club Active Since Organization Eleanor Pagura, a jun ior Spanish major from Burlington, is the president of the recently reorganized Spanish Club on the Elon campus this year, and the group has been very active in its early weeks since the organizational meeting Elon Shares Fund Grant Elon College joined thir teen other member col leges of the North Carolina Foundation of Church-Re lated Colleges in sharing a recent $2,500 unrestrict ed gift from the American Oil Foundation, This grant is the North Carolina share of $100,000 which the American Oil Company has contributed for 1967 in support of state and regional associations of independent colleges throughout the United States , according to a statement from W. B. Pat terson, representative of the oil company, who pre sented the gift to the Tar Heel group. was held on November 1st, Other officers of the group include Peggy Bell, of Raleigh, as vice-presi- dent and program chair man; Marilyn Farley, of Roanoke, Va., secretary; Mike Wilburn, of Elon Col lege, treasurer; Susie Clark, of Winston-Salem, refreshment chairman; and Sharon Cable, of Graham, publicity chairman. The initial meeting on November 1st was held in the main lounge on the second floor of the Student Center, with a special fea ture of the,gathering being the showing by Dr. Albert Gminder of slides depict ing his travels in Spain. Members of the club also sang Spanish songs to gui tar accompaniment and lis tened to Spanish records. The next meeting of the Spanish group is set for next Wednesday, Decem ber 6th, and a special fea ture of the program that night will be discussion by Neil Henning and Eleanor Zezzo of their experiences and impressions while tra veling and studying in Spain.