MAROON AND GOLD Non-Profit Orgonizotion U. S. POSTAGE PAID Elon College, N. C. PERMIT No. 1 VOLUME 48 ELON COLLEGE, N. C. Return Requested FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15.1967 y NUMBER 11 Glorii to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men« Danieley Speaks For Academic . , . i-v/-»c!aihifs Hpnpndinff on the Induction Speaking at the annual autumn installation of new student members of the wder of the Oak, Elon (-ollege academic honor society. Dr. J.E. Daniel- *^y told the assembled group of campus aca demic leaders that this is ne age of the protester not the age of the pro- testant. The installation for the ^on College honor group held on Tuesday gnt, December 5th, at a dinner 5th, at held in Memorial Din- M:Ewen meeting held in ing Hall, with eight out standing students induct ed into the Order of the Oak, which was founded “to recognize superior scholarship and encour age intellectual achieve ment.” President Danieley, speaking to these eight new members and to thir teen active members who were also in attendance, described the present age as one both advance and primitive, both exciting and depressing and either best of all or the worst possible, depending on the opinions of the persons who view the current trends. He called it a sad com mentary on the times protesters can bricks to gain na- attention from press and TV, attention which may be denied to groups who labor and give time to constructive pro jects, and he deplored this emphasis upon the de structive rather than the constructive activities of modern society. when throw tional Turning then to what he called the “need of so ciety today,” Dr. Daniel ey declared that people are needed who will de clare what they are for and not what they are a- gainst, people who will set themselves to right the wrongs rather than to simply tell what is wrong with the world. Speaking in particular to the student academic leaders before him. Dr. Danieley declared that he looks with hope and faith (Continued on page 4) Elon Players Offer Four Short Plays The Elon Players offer ed pleasing entertainment last night and will pre sent the same entertain ment menu in Mooney Chapel Theatre at 8 o’ clock tonight with the sec ond performance of four one-act plays, presented under the overall title of “Three Smiles And A Tear.” The one-act shows, produced by members of the class in play pro duction, are presented without charge and offer a variety of types in dra matic entertainment. Overall production stage manager is Sam Robert son, technical director is Suzie Smith, and the light ing director is Larry Sage. Opening the show is a play entitled “Not Enough Rope,” written by Elaine May and directed by Allen Bush. The cast, includ ing only two persons, fea tures Jack Gotten and Carol Angiono. The second play, en titled “The Golden Axe,” is written by Margaret Magorga and directed by Peggy Ferguson. Mem bers of the cast are Neil Henning, Bob Bridwell and Dotty Talley. Third in the series of short plays is “No Why,” written by Robert Gaisan, with a cast of five per sons that includes Pete Fleming, Roberta Young, Jeff Taylor, Bill Knight and Jim Gillespie. (Continued on page 4) Yule Holiday Will Begin On Tuesday The annual Christmas vacation for the faculty and students of Elon Col lege will get underway at 12 o’clock next Tuesday, December 19th, accord ing to an announcement from the office of Prof. Fletcher Moore, dean of the college, and already the oak-shaded campus is agog with the spirit of anticipation. The Elon holidays will- be exactly two weeks this year, for the vacation be gins and ends in the mid dle of the week and thus cuts off the extra week end which has been added to the vacation period when classes are discon tinued at the end of a week. The holiday period will include the day following New Year’s Day, thus making it unnecessary for the students to travel on the holiday In returning to school. Regular class schedules will be resumed at 8 o’clock on Wednes day morning, January 3rd.