Page 2 MAROON AND gold Dedicated to the best Interests of Elon College and its students and faculty, the Maroon and Gold is puD- lished weekly during the college year wiA the excep tion of holiday and examination periods at Elon College, N.C, (Zip Code 27244), publication being in coopera tion with the journalism department. editorial board Paul Bleiberg James Payne ’ Ken Hollingsworth Associate Editor Russell Schetroma Associate Editor David Johnson Entertainment Eduor Eddie Osborne Sports Editor Bob Williams Sports Editor Alumni Editor Luther NV'syrdV/.V.V.V.V, Faculty Advisor REPORTORIAL STAFF Richard Adams, Claes Alexanderson, Nancy Boone, Sam Boroody, Judy Caines, Tom Campion, Sandy Carrington, Stanley Cocke, Larry Collins, Shannon Doolittle, Monty Duncan, Wanda Edwards, Walter Gose, Timothy Green, Keith Handy, William Her bert , Eleanor Hill, Holly Hollingsworth, Vickie Hor ner, Linda Jordan, Lloyd Kanipe, Richard Lee, Jim my Lunsford, Kay McCauley, Jim McClure, Don Martin, Lynn Michael, John Michaels, Robert Mona- celli, Richard Moon, William Motz, Carl Mulholland, Aleda Pope, Jeannette Robinette, Beth Rountree, Wayne Smart, Sandra Wrenn. ...p.nnin Friday, March8,968 maroon and gold 0UO-PIANISTS APPEaFIN flEXTLYCEVIU PROGR^ Sara Bencini and Troy Lee, appearing under the team name of Bencini and Lee, will present a duo-piano concert in Elon’s Whitley Auditorium at 8 o’clock next Tuesday night as the next in the series of Elon Lyceum programs. Short Plays Saturday Night The Elon College Play ers will join in the week end program for visiting parents of Elon College students by presenting two one-act plays in Mooney Chapel Theatre on Saturday night, with the hour to be announced as the Parents’ Weekend program develops. The two plays which will be presented under the supervision of Prof. Edward Pilkington, now in his second year as di rector of the student dra matic activities on the Elon campus, are Cliff Harville’s “Rough Days” and Joha Whiting’s “No Why.” It has been announced that the two plays, after being presented from the Mooney Chapel stage, will be later presented by the Elon student dramatists in the district festival of the Carolina Dramatics Association, which is to be held at Catawba Col lege in Salisbury next Friday and Saturday, March 15th and 16th. The first of the two plays, “Rough Days,” is a comedy and will be pro duced under the direction of Jay Wilkinson, a stu dent director from Mas- sapequa, N.Y. Members of the cast include Bill (Continued on page 4) 1^. So What’s ft New? \ By PAUL BLEIBERG ft A Song By KEN HOLLINGSWORTH It’s almost here — Par ents’ Weekend, 19681 To those parents who are visiting Elon for Parents’ Weekend, may we say “Welcome!” This week end is a joint student gov- ernment-college admini stration affair. Most of the leg work and pre planning was done by Chairman Bill Walker and his committee; the costs were borne by the college. To Mr. Walker and his committee go our thanks for doing the planning and supervising, a job few students were willing to tackle. The committee had hoped that the new li brary building would be ready for dedication on Parents’Weekend, but not so. Nevertheless, the pro grams and discussions should be very entertain ing and enjoyable. There was a great temp tation to do this column on some of the “tradi tions” of Elon, but after a little research our problem was to decide which of the many tradi tions to talk about. The history of various organi zations and campus land marks could easily fill a volume. We hope that someone or some group will write a book on the history of Elon before those who personally know the early years of Elon are no longer avail able to add their personal insights. There is one tradition which we would like to discuss. It is first men tioned in the 1911-12 cat alog and is repeated in many others. This tradi tion was the reason this college was founded—and is the only reason for its existence today and the future. The tradition we refer to is what is known as the “Elon Spirit”. This is more than just the school spirit displayed at ball games and other in ter-collegiate compe tition. The old catalogs describe that spirit thus- ly: “Visitors to the Col lege are impressed forci bly by what they are pleased to call THE ELON SPIRIT. No one can fail to feel it, and no student capable of the larger vi sion of life a college ought to give can long live un der its influence without imbibing it. It is the spirit of fair play, of decency in all things, of moderation and temperance of mu tual helpfulness and hu man brotherliness, of e- quality and fraternity, of manliness and womanly gracefulness, of emula tion in right doing, or respect for the rights and attention to the obliga tions of college mates, of deep and vital piety, of consecrated religious and Christian character. Such an atmosphere, pul sating with such a spirit would seem to be an ideal condition for the unfolding of young life and the bud ding into fruition of wo manhood and manhood of the highest type.” This phraseology may be high-sounding to mod ern ears, but the Elon spirit deserves a proper eulogy. This type of Elon spirit appears to be dy ing, if it is not already dead. For what other eason would leaving trays on ta bles be tolerated by the majority who have to eat amidst the garbage? Why else would Elonites be as rude as they are during chapel? Could anybody with the true Elon spirit be so thoughtless as to play cards in the Varsity Room when there are those who would like a seat in order to eat? What kind of person does it take to ignore the com fort of those eating in McEwen so much as to pollute the air with smoke in spite of the “No Smok ing’ signs? Is there any hope that Many people around the campus can be heard say ing that there is nothing to do at Elon, There are not enough dances, there are not enough concerts, and other types of en tertainment. To begin with, all the money used by the Senate does not go towards so cial entertainment.Money is used for busses to take students to the away bas ketball and football games, the Liberal Arts Forum, the Contempor ary Affairs Symposium, State Student Legislature and many other functions on campus. But what happens when we do have a dance? Un fortunately, not many peo ple show up. And the peo ple that stay away are usually theones whodo all the complaining. Saturday night after the thrilling game with Guil ford there was a dance on top of the dining hall. If the outcome of the game wasn’t a big incentive to go and have a good time then nothing was. But, as usual, the turn out was pretty poor. 1 am sure that the people attending had a great tim e. To the people who couldn’t make it, you missed out on a good thing. And now, finally, to the people who complain a- bout the lack of enter tainment, try going to the next dance and see for yourself what a good time you can have on the cam pus of Elon. The business of the girls having an extra half- hour added to their cur few is being considered by all concerned. Pre sently there is a com mittee working to push this thing along. I took the opportunity to interview several peo ple about the matter. As far as the male popula tion was concerned they were all in favor of the extended hours. On the other hand, the girls had different opinions. The general consensus was to raise the limit. The freshmen, not knowing what it was like before they got here, all wanted the half-hour. They felt the restric tions were too severe and the half-hour was a step towards liberalism. The upper-classmen, seniors especially, had a little different conception.They said that since they have been here the trend had been towards better con dition, but they would stiu like to see later hours. It was very interesting to hear what the people had to say. All anyon can do now is to wa and see. As a word concerned who whether the girls half-hour or not, the en tire student body is m vor of it. Godot will come with the Elon spirit to save us from ourselves? The tra ditional Elon Spirit can exist only if we want it to. There can be only as much decency, respect, and courtesy on this cam pus as we as individua want to have ! , It seems to this c umn that Founder s uay which will be would be a good time the resurrection ot Elon Spirit.