MAO-' governor ROBERT SCOTT WILL BE FEATURED SPEAKER AT FOUNDERS DAY EVENT MAROON AND GOLD Non-Profit Orgonization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Elon College, N. C. PERMIT No. 1 Return Requested V0LUME49 ELON COLLEGE. N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1969 NUMBER 17 FoundersDay On Wednesday Featherstone Wins Praise In Program There was high praise for Prof. Gene Feather- stone, pianist, when he appeared in recital in Whitley Auditorium last Sunday afternoon. His appearance was another in the series of faculty musical recitals offered on the campus each year. Giving pleasure to his hearers was a program which featured Sonata in A Minor, by Mozart; Piano Sonata, by Aaron Copeland, brilliant American composer; and Sonata in B Minor, by Chopin. The sonata by Aaron Copeland was presented as a special feature of American Music Month, which has been observed during February under a proclamation from the National Feceration of Music Clubs. Prof. Featherstone, who is a graduate of Ober- iin College Conservatory of Music in Ohio, holds the Master of Music de- S^ee from Florida State University and has done further doctoral studies at Northwestern Uni- '^ersity, along with special work at Eastman School of Music on a special grant from Elon College and the Piedmont University Center. He is now in his fourth year of service in the Elon music department, and prior to that time, he had taught at Atlantic Christian College and at the Great Neck School of Music and Art in New York, along \nth private teaching in Chicago. IN RECITAL Tar Heel Governor To Speak At Gathering In Alumni Gym gene featherstone The eightieth anni versary of the Elon Col lege chapter will be ob served when North Caro lina’s Governor Robert Scott speaks in Alumni Memorial Gymnasium at 11:30 o’clock next Wed nesday, March 5th, as guest speaker for the col lege’s 1969 Founders Day convocation. Actually the convo cation next Wednesday will be held six days prior to the actual anniversary of the Elon charter, for the North Carolina Gen eral Assembly originally granted the Elon charter on March 11, 1889, a date which climaxed extensive planning by the leaders of the Christian Church for a college that would have education for the minis ters and other leaders of that religious group. It is in honor of those church leaders who many decades ago had the vision and the courage to found Elon College that this Founders Day observance has been held annually for many years, has been the custom to hold tne Founders Day event on or near that charter anni versary date of March 11th each year. Governor Scott is only the latest of a long line of outstanding speakers who have appeared as guests of Elon College for the Founders Day convo cation, one of tlje most distinguished having been President Lyndon B, Johnson, who spoke in Alumni Memorial Gym nasium in March of 1962 some months prior to the time when he succeeded to the presidency upon the death of the late John F. Kennedy. On the occasion of the Founders Day obser vance, it is fitting to recall some of the found ers who lead in the es tablishment of Elon Col lege four score years ago. Among them were Dr. William S. Long, the first president, who had pre viously founded Graham Normal Institute, a fore runner of Elon College. In keeping with the Elon charter provisions, there were fifteen charter members of the board of trustees, including W. S. Long, J. W. Wellons, W. W. Staley, G. S. Wat son, M. L. Hurley, E. T. Pierce, W. J. Lee, P. J. Kernodle, J. F. West, E. E. Holland, E. A. Moffitt, J. M. Smith, J. H. Harden, F.O.Mor- ing, and S. P. Read. In addition to Dr. William S. Long as first president of Elon, others who have served as presi dent of the college since his initial term have been Dr. W. W. Staley, Dr. E.L. Moffitt, Dr. W. A. Har per, Dr. L. E. Smith, and Dr. J. E. Danieley, who began his term as presi dent in 1957 and is now in his twelfth year in the position. Immediately following the convocation in Alumni Memorial Gymnasium next Wednesday, the college will be host at a luncheon in the cafeteria of the new Haroer Center on the Elon North Cam pus. That center, which in cludes recreation facili ties in addition to the cafeteria, was named in honor of the fourth presi dent of Elon, the late Dr. William A. Harper.