fniDAY. MARCH 14. 1969 maroon and gold PAGE 3 Elon Downs Aggies In N A t A SOME OF THE ROUGH ACTION ELON TOPPED 4GGIES IIS TOURNEY ^ liriStllin 5 . ^ 102-84 Indicative of ihe rough and rugged play when Elon toppled the A, and T. Aggies to 84 in the fi^ round of the District 26 NAIA Tourney in Winston-Salem are the two pictures ^ ^ left Elon’s Tommy Cole (Number 11) goes up between two of the Aggie players, but to A. and T.’s Vernon Walker when he is sandwiched between Austin and Charles Greer (Number K In the picture at the right Elon's Richard McGeorge (Number d3) goes up over the top of three Aggie players as he pushes the ball into the basket for a Christ.-g score. Faculty-Staff Cagers Record Into Contest Panthers Top Elon In Final Cage Tilt Carry ^Unbeaten’ With "Happy Guys’ The Fighting Chris tians, after rising to a peak of brilliance in whip ping the A. and T. Aggies, had a distinct reversal of form as they dropped 83 to 62 battle to the High Point Panthers in the finals of the NAIA district event on Wednesday night, March 5th. The defeat by the Pan thers, which was the third loss to the High Point cagers this season, closed a fine season for the Elon basketeers, who Wound up with 21 wins in ‘9 starts. This was the nest win-loss record in several seasons. The Maroon and Gold cagers turned a fine game through the first half of fhe battle with the Pan- P and at one time the hristians held as much a 5-point lead, but a fh n ^°int rally pulled ne Panthers ahead by a 31 0 27 margin at the end of 'he half. , ^'^'T^ediately following intermission. the Christians ran head on into another of their “Deep Freeze” cold streaks in shooting, and there was an interval of several minutes during the final half when t.lon could not seem to buy a basket. This battle with the Panthers marked the end of their Elon basketball play for a quartet of fine Christian perform ers, for seniors Henry Goedeck, Bill Bowes, Pete Johnson and Steve Caddell all were playing their last game before graduation. THE LINE-UPS Pos, Elon (62)HighPt(83) F.Goedeck(l6) Littles(15) F McGeorge(9) Tat.(13) C. Bowes (8) Plcka (14 G Cole (6) Colbert(20 G. Marshall (5) Witt(ll) Half-time: High Point 31, Elon 27. Elon subs — Johnson 6 McGee 10, Hicklin 2, Caddell. High Point gyjjg Lowenthal Homey, Webb, Horney. The basketball “clas sic” of the year is set for Alumni Memorial Gymnasium at 8 o’clock next Tuesday night,March 18th, when the Elon Col lege Faculty and Staff combination of cage stars will battle the Happy Guys of the WBAG radio sta tion in a contest for sweet charity’s sake. When the spectators file out of the huge Alum ni Memorial Gymnasium after the battle, it is en tirely possible that they will need a sign to re mind them that “What It Was Was Basketball,” but they will have the satis faction of knowing that their nickels and dimes have gone for a good cause, for the Battle of the Ages is to be staged for the benefit of the Elon College Home for Chil dren. All in the interest ol sweet charity, the Elon College faculty and staff has begged, pleaded and finally induced Dean Flet cher Moore to come out of hiding to coach the facul- ty-staff combination of cage “stars” that will ap pear in widely varied cos tumes. The Faculty and Staff quint goes into the garne undefeated, for the team has not played a game yet. Coach Moore, while re fusing to comment on the basketball abilities of his campus stars, expressed appreciatiton this week that the WBAG “Happy Guys” had consented to appear on the same court with his brilliant basket ball combination. Those so - called “Happy Guys” may not be quite so happy when they have counted their injuries after the clash with the faculty and staff hatchet squad, which will be under the leadership of Captain Roy “Soupy” Campbell, The “Happy Guys,” with a truly sensational record of three wins and eight losses against some of the worst competition that these United States can produce, will be led by Captain Gailes “Stick- ey” Stuckey, who won high honors as a member of the “Stinky Stars” in the Elon intramural league about forty years ago. Others who will per form with the “Happy Guys” are “Big Ed” Brooks, sports director of Radio Station WBAG, along with Bill Hines, Cary Allred, John Savia- no and a host of less pro ficient and less well known substitutes. (Continued on page 4) In Tourney The Fighting Chris tians hit a fabulous fifty- two free throws as they rolled to a 100 to 84 vic tory over the A. and T. Aggies in the first round of the NAIA District 26 tournament in Winston- Salem Colosseum on Tuesday night, March 4th. The Christians enter ed the game with the Ag gies as the underdogs,but they quickly swept to the front and took complete command of the situation, and the second-seeded A, and r. quintet was never really in competition af ter the first few minutes. The Elon cagers moved ahead for keeps after six minutes and were on top by a 20-point margin at 49-29 when the first half ended, Richard McGeorge, who hit 33 points for his top score of the season, had 18 points in that first- half sweep by the Chris tians. The big difference in that first half and for the entire game was at the free-throw stripe, for Elon hit on 25 of 28 char ity tosses in the first half and then hit an un believable 27 for 27 foul shots in the second half. Ihe Christians, who had been something less than brilliant in foul shooting throughout the season, caged 51 consec utive shots for what is believed to be an all-time record for American col legiate cage play. The Elon cagers set three new all-time E,lon records with this great exhibition of charity shooting, setting new marks for most free throws, most free throw attempts and best percen tage of shots for a single game. Coach Miller’s boys were almost equally as hot from the floor, for they hit on 25 of 43 field goal attempts for a 58,1 per cent average in that department, (Continued on page 4) Elon Cagers Set Record When the Christian ca gers hit 52 of 55 free throws in whipping A. and T, 102 to 84 on Tuesday night, March 4th, the Elon cagers banged in 51 free throws in a row to set a new national record, breaking the mark of 32 consecutive free throws set by Culver-Stockton College of Missouri in 1966, The record production of charity points did not top the old Carolinas Con ference record for most free throws in a game (not consecutive), for the Atlantic Christian Bull dogs scored 54 foul shots in a game against Lenoir Rhyne back in 1955, Al- gernon-Broaddus College of West Virginia hit 53 free throws in one game, also in the 1955 season.