Page 2 Ransone Presses for Aware Administration By Vicki Moeser John Ransone, a junior from Richmond, Va.. is a candidate for Vice President of the SGA. John will work toward making the administration aware of the students' needs. He would like to see a voting student represented on the Board of Trustees, visitation in the men's dorms and drinking on campus. John said, "I like the present administration, and 1 feel I can work well with them and accomplish significant duties for the students." President of Barney, Bran- nock, and Hook dorms this year, John as a 2.3 grade point average, and is majoring in social science. If possible, John would like to go to medical school after graduation. If he decides not to. he will work in business in Richmond. "I would like to see more students get involved in campus activities. Maybe if the students showed more enthusi asm the administration would not be as apathetic. " John will live on-campus next vear. John Ransom SGA vice-presidential candidate Phil Goble Treasurer Candidate Phil Goble SGA treasurer candidate By Paige Garriques Phil Goble, running for the office of SGA Treasurer, said that the incumbent has done a good job and has established a precedent which needs to be continued. "Some things need work - these can be picked up next year, but the guidelines have been set up and the next Treasurer must continue to move in the same direction," stated Phil. Since he has been at Elon, Phil has noticed excessive student apathy. "More people need to get involved," he said, "I care enough about the student body to get involved. We've got a budget of $65,000. Students should be more aware of where it’s going." Phil said the office of Treasurer requires good fiscal responsibility in budget appro priation and policy procedures. The Treasurer has a three-fold purpose: keeping track of the money, making sure it is dispersed according the desires of the Senate and keeping the Senate informed of its financial position. Phil, a business major, has had sufficient accounting experience to han dle the responsibility of the job. — Snotherly Opts for — [Continued From Page 1] some kind of structure where the various activites can be held is essential, he believes. Snotherly stresses stability and change. The stability is derived from “the student senators meeting their obliga tions, the senate committees meeting their obligations, and the support and interest of the students.” Changes “depend on the situation at hand.” “I am willing to experiment with every angle possible, but we must have an openness,” Snotherly said. “Trustees should be approached indepen dently or individually, if possible,” he went on to say. ■“1 will be living on campus next year and can be called 24 hours a day by students, and I will listen. Being SGA president will not restrict my life style. It isn't necessary to put the president on a pedestal. If a person is going to work for you, why belittle him? Fun is one part of the job. I can make relaxed yet objective judg ments. By the way, I’m not prejudiced; pigment of skin makes no difference to me. 1 won’t be biased towards friends.” These were some of Bill’s comments concerning his candidacy. The only promise he said he could make was “I’m known to keep my promises, and that’s a promise.” As of this date. Bill Snotherly has had no direct involvement in the SGA; however, he has kept up on what is going on by reading the bills on the bulletin board in the Student Center and by talking to Senate members. The Pendulum For Treasurer March 17, 1975 I An Adult Leader For An Adult Community (PHOTOS BY DAVE SHUFORD) Pat Hill SGA treasurer candidate By Page Garriques Patrick Hill, running for the office of SGA Treasurer, said next year's Treasurer will have to tighten up loose ends of a job done well this year. The only necessary improvements will be better financial reportings and adjustments for policies and procedures. "The Trea surer has done an excellent job this year and this must be carried on," stated Pat. "The purpose of the SGA." he said, "is to benefit the student, and the money should be spent to benefit the entire student body. The SGA isn't set up for a group of people to get together and play kindergarten politics-'it's set up for the students, and they should have the last say." An accounting and business major, Pat will strive to keep the books in as good shape as they are at present. Although the Treasurer's job is set within itself, he said this will not limit the role he can play in the SGA. By Debbie Cochran |?()1) Walker, a junior from Newport News. Va.. is a (■(inlender for 197.5-76 SGA vice-president. Hob is an APO member and will serve as 2nd vice-president for next year. "I feel the SGA is once again on the move upward but one officer Can't do it all. It is time students are stopped being treated like children, as 1 have heard us referred to by powers that be," he said. Last year Bob compiled a slide program for the student recruitment in cooperation with the development committee of which he was a member. He is currently a student assistant for veteran affairs. "I feel I have the qualifications to do a good job and I certainly have the interest," Walker emphasized. "1 have been in a position to observe the SGA at Elon since 1969 when by brother attended. 1 feel that what I have learned from observation can be used for the betterment of the SGA, " Walker said. "I wish to strongly empha size that Elon students are not children; they are adults and Bob Walker SGA vice-presidential candidate should be given the privileges and responsibilities that go along with being adults. The Board of Trustees has the tendency to come down with an iron glove which hurts us as adults," Walker stated. SanderResearch Reveals An Effective Methodology By Lanna Peavy Dr. Allen Sanders is the author of an article. "A New Introduction to Accounting: "An Empirical Research Stu dy" which was published in the book American Education: Problems and Prospects. This article is a description of an experimental study carried out at Elon College in 1972-73. The study covered four accounting classes, two of which were taught in the traditional way and two with a new approach. The new method approaches accounting in such a way that the student learns the background of the subject and the different ways accounting can be used. Dr, Sanders said that "students can understand accounting better when they are learning what it is all about and why. " — Hafner Campaigns For Eight-Point Program — [Continued From Page 1] is student support of the Senate and President, and getting more students actually involv ed." “Elon is a self-contained community. The fact that the transfer rate is four years is insignificant. The national average stands at five years. I realize the idealism of this. But it would be impossible without full student support and cooperation of the administra tion. All past efforts within the Senate would be a waste of time if we give up now. The only power the students have are as a group." ‘ ‘I don’t feel that SGA should be looked at as a farce. It is a real thing and should be treated as such. Without it, we would not be heard. nor have any cohesive force.” "1 am in favor of expanding the Liberal Acts Forum in an effort to improve academic standards.” Laurie Hafner is chairman of the SGA financial committee and a member of the Public Affairs group which brough Ralph Nadar to our campus. A committee chairperson and not fewer than four other students now comprise the entertainment committee which has the sole power to decide when, how many, and what groups perform concerts at the school. Polling was attempted in an effort to get student feedback in deciding on programs for which nearly 40% of the total SGA funds are allotted. Those who responded to the poll were a bit idealistic in hoping the Beatles would get back together and come to the Big E. Or that Bob Dyland, Led Zeppelin, and other such super groups would find their way to Our tiny southern college. Ms. Hafner expressed the view that, "Having people on the committee who know music and are strong and firm in their judgments is the best method of dealing with this situation as the present entertainment committee is doing." Another proposal Ms. Haf ner advocates is the building of a brick coffeehouse. Although she is very much impressed with the game room in the Student Center, the pool tables and the pinball machines, having an unequivocally avail able location in which social and entertainment gathering can occur is essential. In Laure Hafner’s freshman year, she was a student senator. As a sophomore she became class vice president and this year, her junior year, she became class President. During her three years of involvement with the SGA, she has written and submitted approximately twelve bills. These concerned themselves with many areas of student life: exempting seniors from exams, increasing the transfer ability of credits, guidelines for selecting Honor Court mem bers, open visitation on Friday evenings, testing constitution ality of Senate bills, allowing any student to authorize a bill, resolution or amendment, and to propose a student as a voting member of the Board of Trustees. Although none of these bills were passed at the administra tive level, the quest is not defeated nor is Laurie Hafner s attitude defeatist. "I hope to be a president for the students and be able to talk to them. Possibly in a situation such as on the porch of the Student Union just to rap and find out how they feel and what they feel they need. I will do my best and give my all. although can't promise anything defi nite." was her closing remar