March 17, 1975 The Pendulum Page 5 Alamance and Caswell Counties Now Offer Help About Town Elon Escapes Disaster By Patsy Lynch Someone you know or possibly even you may need help in problems which seem impossible to cope with. But the question of where to get help may prevent any concrete action. The Alamance-Caswell County Mental Health Clinic can be the place where help may be found. The primary purpose of the Alamance-Caswell center is to promote and preserve the mental health of the community through consultation and edu cation, diagnosis, referral services, and treatment. There are many kinds and degrees of emotional difficulties, just as there are many types of treatment, for either physical or emotional problems depend on the nature and extent of the condition. Seeking help as soon as possible can often prevent any situation from worsening. There are five basic services of the Alamance-Caswell Cou nty Mental Health Center: (1) Out Patient Services: Outpa tient services are provided for both children and adults. Treatment may consist of either short-term individual treat ment, treatment with family members, group therapy, or day hospitalization. (2) Day Hospital Services: The Day Hospital at the Alamance-Cas well County Mental Health Center offers treatment for those patients who do not need 24-hour supervision and care but who do need more services than can be offered on an out-patient basis. (3) Inpatient Services: Inpatient services are provided at John .Umstead Hospital, Butner, Memorial Hospital of Alamance County, and other medical centers Students Feel Pinch No Tax Breaks Here By Vicki Moeser As in other parts of the country, inflation is being felt at Elon College. More students than before are supplementing their allowances with part-time jobs. According to 50 students polled, most receive on an average $65 a month, either from parents, jobs or both. About $30 is spent on food—eating out, buying colas and raiding the candy mac hines. Many students wait until they go home to ask their parents to buy their personal items. However, for incidentals during the month, students may spend up to $10. “This is my fourth year of college. My parents have yet to realize that as inflation rises, so should my allowance," one male student reported. For entertainment, including movies, concerts, liquor and beer, students spend about $20 a month. About $15 is spent on travel and gas. With gas prices rising, students are cutting back on trips home, and visitng less often at other schools. More people are staying on campus on weekends. "I've been broke since Christmas, and I’ve managed to live fairly well for two and a half months. You just have to be available to pick up an odd job at any time,” said Doug Durante. Eating out, formerly several times a week, has now' diminished to once every few weeks. One student said, “It’s almost a treat to be able to afford a McDonald’s hambur ger these days.’’ Hungry Bull and a few other local restaurants offer a 10% discount to Elon students showing their IDs. The common problem among college students is not being able to budget themselves properly. “1 have no control over my spending,’’ said Dian Heinrich. “1 have to have my roommates hide my money from me.’’ Off-campus students Mary Lou Kilroy and Faris Blevins stated, “Meat prices are so high, we've both become vegetarians." Alan Wilson said, “My biggest expense is going out and having a good time. When you’re having a good time, you naturally spend more money.’’ Ways to save money can include: eating in the cafeteria more often, car pooling when possible, and taking advantage of college-sponsored activities. Everything You^ve Wanted To Know About Pipe Smoking, But.... By Stan Stigall Pipe smoking can be a real joy if one learns to appreciate and understand the art of it. Getting started right can make the difference between real satisfaction and disappoint ment in a pleasure so many others seem to enjoy. When smoking a pipe, don’t smoke too fast as if smoking a cigarette. To enjoy a good smoke, you have to smoke slowly and in rhythm so you will get the full flavor of the tobacco. If a pipe goes out, it offering psychiatric services. Center staff will help with arrangements for admissions, arrangements for admissions. (4) 24-hour Emergency Service: Cases involving temporary emergency care are handled at the Alamance County Hospital and Memorial Hospital. Pro fessional consultation and back-up services are available for emergencies. (5) Consulta tion and Education: The purpose of community consul tation and education is to prevent mental illness. The Mental Health staff is available for related programs and consultation to other commun ity agencies. Any resident of Alamance or Caswell counties who feels the need for help may be seen at the Mental Health Center. Referrals may be made through a family doctor, school personnel, minister, or others. The person seeking help is encouraged to make his own appointment. Fees are based on the individual's income and ability to pay, and he or she will be charged for each session. However, no one is refused service because of inability to pay. By Lance Latane “It could have been very bad,’’ Elon Police Sergeant Garland Thomas said while envisioning Williamson Avenue filled with three overturned locomotives. Up the rails, dangerously close to Hook-Br- annock and Barney dorms, a chaotic line of burning and exploding boxcars and tankers lay twisted. The Elon campus would have been damaged, the extent unknown. Explosive chemicals and gas pass through Elon College with almost every train, the Sergeant said. This accident was not realized because the observant engineer of the mile-long train noticed that the white paint on a spur of switch sign across the parking lot of the Student Center did not have the standard reflectorized finish. The Southern Railroad train was traveling west at about 25 miles an hour when it passed Elon at 2:40 a.m. on February 20. Sensing danger, the engineer clamped on brakes, jarring cars loose near Magnolia Cemetery at Oak Ave. The slow, fully loaded train safely made the grade down off the spur and halted 400 feet away near Holt can be re-lighted without losing the flavor of the tobacco. To avoid your pipe going out, keep the tobacco packed down because the heat from the burning tobacco causes the tobacco to rise. The longer you smoke, the better your pipe will taste because it forms a crust and becomes mellow. This is called “breaking in.’’ If you follow these tips and enjoy the smell and taste of good tobaccos, you can have many pleasing hours smoking a pipe. Street. “We re just lucky it was going slow enough. Had it been going any faster it would have derailed when it switched on the spur line," Sergeant Thomas said. Evidence indicates that the lock protecting the spur switch was broken and the main lines were engaged to the spur rail. The red warning sign which warns engineers that the tracks are switched were painted white; the color indicating that tracks are clear. Sergeant Thomas is concern ed by the disregard of hfe shown in the incident. Besides the quarter million dollars train and cargo, the lives of its crew and the many residents in the dorms and homes facing the tracks were threatened. He doubted whoever was responsi ble realized the consequences. Because the crime involved interstate commerce. Southern Railroad detectives notified the FBI. With the SBI, they are investigating to gain evidence. Southern Railway Company has posted a $250.00 reward for ■‘information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for at tempting to wreck a train.” Good News In Good Food By Diane Costa With the recognition given to the various non-academic functions of the college, it is a wonder that the traditional dishes of ARA’s food service have been slighted. The incredibly edible foods range from the one-time hit tacos, to the old standby bongo burgers and meatloaf. Being a former cafeteria worker en abled me to capture the secret behind ARA's number one treat: meatloaf. Did you ever wonder where the last ten hamburgers from lunch, the fifty end pieces of bread left on the salad bar, the remnants of last month’s corned beef, the antique bongo burgers, the hardened rolls from Harden and the miraculous muffins from McEwen went to in their reincarnation? Every good cook knows the secret is in the sauce. ARA's well-hidden secret lies not within the sauce but within its competent workers. Last spring, a calamity overtook McEwen cafeteria moments before it was slated to open its noontime doors. The food truck driver, in an effort to hasten delivery and insure full potency of his cargo, hit the loading dock and the fire alarm affixed to it. Precariously cautious as the cafeteria is, there is not merely a sprinkler system rigged to the alarm but a flourish of C02 foam and powder. In true conservationist tra dition, the ARA management ordered all workers on hand to start washing the food decorated by this unfortunate accident. By the time the students Choosing Your Major Why should a student study political science? What good will it do him or her in later life? Will it help in getting a job? What careers are open to a political science major? In answer, the first objective of any political science curriculum in a liberat arts college is education for citizenship. If “eternal vigil- ence is the price of liberty," an understanding of the complexi ties of modern government and politics is as necessary as "eternal vigilence.’’ Political science is a comprehensive field and pro vides a wide range of areas of study. A student interested in a career in the many areas of government—federal, state or local-should have a degree in politcal science. Careers in the field of public administration, public law, commerical law, and international law would find a major in political science an advantage. An under graduate degree in government would be most helpful to one seeking a career in the expanding field of community social services, health, law enforcement agencies, housing and real estate, urban planning, communications, jo urnalism, and the mass media. A degree in political science is a good pre-professional degree for many worthwhile careers. Elon College is fortunate in having an international faculty in its Department of Political Science. A major in political science requires the following basic courses: An Introduction to Political Science; United States Government; State and Local Government; An Introduction to Political Theory; and a Seminar in Political Science. The student is required to select an additional 18 hours in the area of political science which will broaden his understanding of the role of politics in the world community of national states, the grovrth of international organizations such as the United Nations, a study of American foreign policy, and a knowledge of the political institutions of Britain, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union. In addition, a political science major must have completed two courses in American history and six semester hours in one of the social science disciplines such as History of Western Civiliza tion; the Principles of Econom ics; Geography of the United States, Canada and Europe; Introductory Sociology; Social Problems: and Anthropology. eagerly snatched up their trays of goodies, nothing was amiss. No one even took note of the situation, except those workers who had washed the food and subsequently fasted for weeks. Recently, the cafeteria has undergone a significant change of image. Two soft ice cream machines now produce little yummies to satisfy to the student’s desires of not only filling his rumbling stomach _ but tickling hi^taste buds. But, do not fear, lovely Harden and McEwen dining halls, we still remember and know the real you.