Page Two The Pendulum O February 26,1976 Beer, the law, and public opinion “1 saw the procession of the Mystic Crew of Comus there—with knights and nobles and so on, clothed in silken and golden Paris-made gorgeousness.” Mark Twain said the Mardi Gras was the “exclusive possession of New Orleans” but was spreading north. This phenomenon has finally made its debut in the minds and writings of some Elon citizenry. The analogy that Elon College village area will become another Bourbon Street is as ridiculous as an idea of the patrons of Elon's finer bistros adorning themselves in the “golden” garb of Mardi Gras. The real issue is not the moral degeneration of an easily influenced student population, but the sale of beer. One is led to believe that Milwaukee has let its mantle of authority be passed to the community of Elon. In our opinion there are two reasons for the behavior of certain persons involved in this caterwauling. The first, as always has been, is money. The town, which from a merchant’s point of view, has been in a slow death race with contiguous communities. This is due, in part, to a tax base that exempts its two major landholders and from some good old monopolistic tendencies. Why is it that nothing has been printed about a certain convenience store that has sold beer for sometime within the one-mile limit? The argument given by some would be that they only make sales “to go.” One might still view this as selling. The issue here lies with one individual—the chief of police. We understand that he owns the land that the convenience store stands on and is protecting his vested interest. No one should chastize him for this, but if his influence in certain circles should deprive another person from making a livelihood, then it is wrong. This is our second point. Probably the most ardent opponent to the consumption of beer in an establishment would shudder at the thought of denying a person his constitutional right to make a living. The obstruction of this right is illegal and, in reality, silly. The option of a properly licensed establishment to serve beer is legal. It is the law and should be respected by both consumer and teetotler. Flagrant violations by students should be handled by the police, and threats of harrassment by opponents of the law should not be tolerated by merchants. Fine points of parking The parking situation is especially troublesome this year since the old lot across from the president’s house has been closed to beautify the area. This situation forces the overflow of cars from the men’s dorms to the gym lot, originally used by commuters during classes. The commuters, finding the lot full, park in spaces not designated and as a result are left reminders varying from $1 tofeo tickets. To alleviate the problem, a new lot is now open behind Huffines Texaco, and students from the men’s dorms are asked to use this lot. Many commuters are still voicing complaints. They feel, having paid $5 for a parking permit, they should have a paved lot close to campus. There is some question as to what fines the students are actually paying. For the first $25 ticket, students pay from $1 to $3. For the second ticket some are paying the $25 fine. To clear up the confusion, Mrs. Sharpe is offering a list of rules and fines. A copy may be picked up in Mrs. Sharpe’s office in Alamance. Ibtbulutn Staff Paige Garriques & Lance Latane Diane Costa Gary Spider Mark ^uer Dave Shuford, Joe Chandler Fraun Talley Adviser, Dr. Mary Ellen Priesdey Co-editors Assistant editor Sports editor Cartoonist Photography Typist Cathy Henley Stewart MuUin Fred Caudle Janie McGann Reporters Charlotte Rosser Rick Sherlock Tom Graupmann Joe Chandler Bourbon Si. N.C. ■niBFW Letters Dear Editors; At a recent basketball game I was totally aghast at our majorettes and their halftime performance. I came to this school with the idea of it being a good Christian school with a Bible atmosphere and here in front of hundreds are our very . own girls dancing around provocatively in these, shall we say, “slinky” outfits? Not only can this stir up male enthusiasm for sexual excitement but the possibilities of this causing sexual crimes are numerous. Once these men are stirred up the Elon girls just aren’t safe. Tliose who need to walk back to Staley have to in the dark of the night and one only knows what can lurk along the shadowy sidewalk. If any of these halfcrazed sexual deviants decide to let it go, for some poor girl it will all be over with. The sad thing about it is who will want to marry her? Therefore lives will be ruined, pregnancies caused, and the destruction of our fine moral Christian females will be forever lost. If only the men could divert their sexual energies into beer! Instead of bed. So, thanks to our majorettes and their little hootchy kootchy dance and swinging their sweet little asses, we now have a major problem here on this campus. 1 sincerely feel it is the responsibility of all of us to keep this under our hats so that the outside world knows nothing about our problem fiere at Elon. Please Elon, let’s keep the pants on our moral fiber! Terrified in Staley Dear Editors: I would like to commend you on the series of articles you are running in The Pendulum this year. I am referring to “Hafner’s Hang-ups.” Not only will this series mirror the president’s feelings about the issues, it will also show what she is doing for the students. This will keep the students involved. Karen Co* Hafner’s hang-ups Ru/ cr!A ¥ • ^ By SGA president, Laurie Hafner Welcome back everybody — from the looks of things this is going to be a great spring semester. Elon beach will soon be booming, outdoors b—blasts will be going wild and our very own “Bourbon Street” will be rocking. For those of you who haven’t heard Elon College Town now has its own, quote “Bourbon Street." This should be great fun — before you know it we ll be seeing strip joints, massage parlors and all those other low-rate places which cause low morality and disintegration of our goodness. At any rate, 1 have a solution for the problem. We will have our own Steve Caddell as the Bourbon Street Chaplain. There have been reports that the SGA is the cause of chili on hptdogs and fried eggs only two days a week. Contrary to popular belief, this is not true and as far as 1 know no such legislation has been passed by the SGA. (Two weeks ago the SGA was accused for the basketball game being lost, so it’s nothing new.) At any rate, let me introduce you to my food, committee. It is these people and myself that you can talk to, complain to, and find out about our cafeteria problems. They are Mary Hanrahan, Jane Jeffress, Harold Bowden, Bill McKinstry , Keith Bowden, and Lynne Charles. We have already started the foundation of a sandwich line during lunch in upstairs McEwen for everyone with a meal ticket and a few other additions will soon be noted. 1 want to thank you all and your parents for voting in the recent drinking poll. 1 will go into the sti.tistics next time, but 1 did want you all to be aware that the drinking proposal will be brought up to the Board of Trustees. (I’ll drink to that.) 1 m also taking to the Board the fees increase proposal. The students voted this down but if the SGA b to continue with a newspaper, liberal arts forum, speakers, and S2 concerts, we need additional monies. Hope you all enjoyed the concert last Friday night. Herbie was wild and, of course, Jack-o (Well, what can you say about him?) I fjersonally want to thank the Emanons for a fine concert. The contracts for PIRC were formally signed last Wednesday, so welcome PIRG to Elon. All you consumer advocates, ecology freaks and all around good people come out and gel involved in this worthwhile ■ organization. ^ j In closing. I’d like to mention j that my newest proposal (thanks j to 1st Hook) is a Planitarium — "Heavens!” Can't you just ' imagine our verv own Elon College Planitarium? What style j and what class! Not only would it ; provide new courses but it would provide entertainment! This proposal is still “up in the air but I’m working on it. Remember, I’m up in niy office from 1:00-5:00 every afternoon if you all need to talk, complain, or just visit, come on up! Next Tuesday fro"" 2:00-4:00 I'll be out at O’Kdly Memorial to visit. Come on out and talk. I’ll tell you more about | my proposals and plans for I Board of Trustees. See yw I there!