Sam puckers in anticipation when. by Kay Raskin The crowd is holding its breath. It’s seconds away from the crowning of Elon's new homecoming queen. Sara Moore has already puckered up. The silence is broken only by an occasional hickup from the ITK section of the bleachers. The speaker approaches the microphone. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, another envelope is rushed to him, and whispered words exchanged. 'The new homecoming queen for the year 1976-1977 by unanimous write-in vote is— (Sam puckers more, the silence is more profound, not even a hickup as he opens the envelope.) 'TVince Deese!?‘“!?!’ Sam Moore’s expression changes to that of one who has just bit into a lemon thinking it an apple, and the football players in an effort to get to their queen.. .1 mean king, trample the remaining attendants. Oh, well, another year, another homecoming. YAWN. Letters to the editors Clinics Dear Editors, I would like to contest the hours the clinic stays open. Ideally I would prefer it open all the time. I realize financially this would be a strain, but noon to 3 p.m. weekdays does not cover enough time. Last weekend I caught a cold on Friday afternoon that turned worse by Sunday. By the time I received medication on Monday, I had missed the Monday classes. College requires constant study and lack of it due to illness can put you behind and lower grades. I have had, in many instances, colds to worsen at night, another time the clinic is closed. Even though the drop in students is substantial on weekends, the students Jtft should not be forgotten. Just one hour on Saturdays and Sundays is better than none. I believe Elon should change the rule regsirding health clinic hours. Will Mahone Laundry Editors, The laundry facilities at Elon are poor. I think something should be done. I have been here at Elon College for three weeks and in this time I feel like I have been having a race with other girls in the dorm to wash my clothes. The situation is really bad. The girls in Virginia and West dorms must all use the laundry room on first Virginia, which consists of only 3 washers and 3 dryers. It is very difficult to get down there when one of the machines is not in use. I for one do not want to spend my day in the laundry room fighting for a washing machine. It seems that something could be done to better this situation. There should be one huge room full of nothing but washers and dryers. Maybe someday something will be done to help, for we girls are desperate. Also the water pressure should be worked on. It is horrible to be taking a shower and have the water go down to nothing. Something should be done. Jane Sampson Football thanks Dear Editors; The football team would like to thank the student body for their support during the Norfolk State game as well as the other games we have played this yeEU. Even when we know you are listening on the radio, it helps. Please continue to support us. Thank you again. Prince Deese Wayne Williams and the entire football squad. staff Kay Raskin & Doug Durante Gary Spitler Gary Spitler Larry Barnes, Julie Whitehurst News Bureau, Robert House Reporters Dana Hill Kemp Liles Co-Editors Assistant Editor Sports Editor Cartoonist Photography Linda Shoffner Sherry Summers Adviser, Dr. Mary Ellen Priestley Published by the Communications Media Board of Elon College in conjunction with the Student Government Association. All correspondence and articles; Box 5349, Elon College. Prices for ads: $3.50 a column inch, $40 a quarter page and $75 a half page.^ a It’s seems as if everyone is "running” for Homecoming Queen. Open letter to the students - Sam Moore Elon students, when are you going to wake up out of your ignorant, blissful dream? I have been at Elon now three years, (six- months of that time I have been your student government president), and since the very first day I have attended this college the students have grip>ed and not acted. I am going now to take you by the hand, listing several complaints, and show you how to positively act on your complaints. Complaint # 1; '1 do not have anywhere to park, or I just got three $5.00 tickets. What can I do?” The answer to this is simple. You pay either $10.00 or $5.00 to park on campus every year. The parking lots are in terrible shape; some are not even paved. The $10 and $5 is supposed to go toward parking improvements. Where is the money? Let me tell you a secret. You know the nice dorm side parking some students have; I hear rumors and see landscapers drawing pictures of those parking lots inside the wall being removed in the very near future. Then everyone will park and walk. If you think the situation is bad now, wait until... Students you had better get your parents and yourself writing letters questioning the parking fees and the removal of those lots. I personally have not and will not pay any money to this school to park any car. I have walked as much as a quarter of a mile and will continue to do so rather than pay for parking in lots with holes. You can do the same. Go today and try to get your parking money back and park on the streets. The college's situation with the town will not allow the college to hear many complaints about the students parking in town, and they will be forced to fix up the lots to encourage students to pay to park here. Warning: If you do park on the city streets be wary of where you park or you will be paying the town $5.00, and also be cautious of the townspeople’s yards. v2: "There is nothing to do on the weekend.” Bull! There is plenty to do if you will just look and read. Football games, Sunday movies, the Student Union, discount student theater tickets on sale in the Campus Shop for the Burlington Terrace Theater,' fraternity or sorority parties, the Back Door, studying. Bill’s Blue Room, etc. There is plenty to do during the week, and the same things are going on during the weekends, and even more will start happening when people stay here. People complain about the library, the noise, the hours, without even going and talking or writing a letter to the librarian. Take your problem to the source. You can get action through group effort. People complain about boring professors, but keep taking them because "it’s a good easy grade.” You sire a consumer of education, and you have a right to a good one. Take complaints to Dr. Moncure and quit taking and encourage your friends to quit taking those professors who will be giving you half-assed education. Today's world requires a good education if you are to beat out the other guy for a job. Again group actioii works wonders, as does parental letters. In short, if you do not like something, act. Take your gripe to the source and make yourself heard. If you have trouble making yourself heard, then come to me. There are many ways to communicate with people other than talking. Think before you gripe, asking yourself these questions. 1. Have I tried eveiy way I know to solve the problem? 2. Is this problem common among your peers? 3. Am I looking at the situation with a mature outlook, or am I just being lazy? Come on students, we can change, Elon! If you come to me after having done all you could to solve a problem, I will do everything I can to help you. But if you come to me with the idea that I am going to do all the work for you, forget it. A lazy, apathetic, childish acting person has no place at an institution of higher learning. We are here to get a good education and leam about life through fellowship with others; let us readjust our goals and go to work. Samuel Moore President, SGA Letters to the Editors Study problems Dear Editors; The hardships of living on campus in a dorm may have something to do with many students’ academic status. Since I started college I have tried to pick up pretty good study habits. In order to do this you first have to find some place to study. I found that your dorm room is the last place to study. The only time I find a good time to study in the dorm is when some fraternity is giving a beer blast. I usually end up in the library during the week. One of my major problems regarding studying is that I cannot study unless I have a little peace and quiet. Quiet is a bad word around the dorm because people just don’t have any consideration for any one else. Most of them think that just because they don’t have any studying to do, which I’m sure is not the case, they can turn up their stereos and run them for three or four hours. I think that this is a serious problem on our campus and really, what is college for, studying or partying? Rick Penland Steve Neal killed in crash Steven Eugene Neal, a student at Elon College lasj year and grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hook, dean emeritus at Elon, was killed in an automobile accident Sept 28. Steve was an active student while at Elon. He participated in athletics several years as a cheerleader. Steve’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. (Patricia HookI Neal of 102 Fairway Ridge. Rivers Hill Plantation, Clover, S.C. 29710.