'^76-^9^^ SEhr fintbulnm Elon vs. Catawba in NAIA Showdown Volume III, Number 4 Elon Cdlege, North Carolina October 21,1976 Julie George crowned by Dana Hill Upon receiving the assignment of interviewing Elen’s Miss Homecoming for 1976, this reporter was admittedly elated. Just the thought of talking with one of the 17 lovely contestants was enough to tide me through the first half of the football game. After the halftime ceremonies were completed, however, I began to have second thoughts. What would I say to a girl who, only minutes earlier, had garnered probably the supreme compliment that a girl at Elon or any other school could obtain? What’s more, I knew nothing whatsoever about what this girl was really like. After some contemplation, I passed her off as being "just a girl.” A more erroneous thought could not have been conjured up by a team of idiots (as opposed to only one). Julie George, a Phi Mu girl representing TKE fraternity on the Homecoming Court, is most definitely a good distance beyond being just a girl. Julie, 19, has blue eyes, light brown hair, and stands 5’7” in height. She was a little shy about divulging information concerning weight and measurements, so I, being the gentleman that I am, did not press the matter. It can be safely said, however, that Julie does possess the physical attributes that one would associate with a Miss Homecoming. In addition, I was pleasantly surprised with what turned out . to be the real Julie George. Figuring I would need a hammer and chisel to break through the veneer of pseudo-sophistication which I was sure a Miss Homecoming would possess, I soon found out how lanfocused my assumptions had been. Julie is sophisticated to be sure, but in a natural and unassuming way. The 1976 Miss Homecoming is the daughter of Donald and Joanna George of Springfield, Va. Her father is the chief of air traffic control at Washington National Airport, and her mother is a cafeteria worker in a nearby school. Julie heis two older brothers, Keith, 27 and Chris, 25. Growing up in this atmosphere, Julie became, as she says, "a real tomboy.” She played basketball with the guys; never with the girls. In fact, Julie enjoys all types- of sports, her favorites being basketball, swimming, baseball, and football. With reference to intramural football she maintains, "On defense I’m a receiver. I’ve got great hands! On defense I like to rush the quarterback to see if I still have the speed.” Julie also likes to sew and sometimes gets in the mood to cook. She enjoys trying her hand at exotic dishes just to see how they’ll turn out. The new Miss Homecoming also enjoys taking walks in cool, brisk weather and is partial to autumn and spring. /Continued on page 4) The Missouri Hogshead Exposition, local band, to play at Elon Oct 31. Oct. 31 promises busy day in Whitley. Hallowe’en is shaping up to be a very busy day at Elon. At 4 p.m. the music department will have choral vespers in Whitley Auditorium. At 7 p.m. the i SQA President Sam Moore crowns Julie George "Miss Homecoming while her escort Jimmy Mantanzo looks on. Miss George, 19, is a sophomore from Springfield, Va. Cancer-chemicals handled improperly shown in Whitley. "Waiting for the Great pumpkin” will consist of bluegrass music played by Ihe Missouri Hogshead Exposition, alocalband,_andap«sen^ Auditorium. At 7 p.m. the from the Liberal Arts Forum will present by a Arts. "Waiting for the Great N.C. School oj^ Pumpkin” by Staley Lake. At 9 Itefreshme ^ p.m. "ChamL of 4rrors” and bring a blanket and be by t "Wait Until Dark” will be lake at 7 p.m. PIRG recently called on the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to halt experimentation with substances classified as '' h a E a r d o u s ’ ’ in EPA laboratories throughout the U.S. until basic steps are taken to assure the safety of the workers. According to PIRG, the EPA conducts experiments with hazardous substances in over 25 laboratories across the country. Four such laboratories are located at Research Triangle Park, N.C. North Carolina PIRG bases its request on its investigation of safety procedures at one of the EPA laboratories at Research Triangle Park (RTP). The deficiencies found at the RTP lab are, according to PIRG, indemic in the entire EPA laboratory system. "Lack of coordination and failure to plan for the safety of its workers characterizes EPA’s worker safety program to-date,” said N.C. PIRG Director Peter W. Brown. "We are asking the EPA to take stock of its commitment to safety in the workplace and respond immediately with some common sense -safety guidelines. The EPA has had all the evidence and tools in its hands for months. The time to act is now.” In March 1976, N.C. PIRG investigated a safety complaint brought to its attention by a worker at one of EPA s laboratories at Research Triangle Park. The laboratory investigated was conducting experiments involving a hazardous cancer-causing substance, diethyl-nitrosamine (DEN), using improper facilities and equipment. DEN, like many hazardous substances, has long-term effects (cancer tumors may develop as long as 30-40 years later) rather than short-term chronic effects (nausea, headache, fever, sore-throat). It is even more insidious and warrants even greater caution and planning in experimental use, PIRG says. After further investigation it was found that none of the laboratories at EPAs complex at Research Triangle Park had (Continuedon pa^e51 Diagnosis of writing ills A conference on student writing, sponsored by the English Department on campus last Thursday aiiernoon, focused on the inadequacy of college student language and expression and ways the department hopes to correct the problem. About half the college faculty attended the 90-minute meeting in Mooney Theater. The chairman of English, Dr. Robert G. Blake, explained why there was a need to talk about writing. He said that "every day we encounter students who after 12 years of schooling are still not able to write a coherent paragraph.” Dr. Blake told the group that his department had for several years emphasized the reading of good literature and had hoped that models would help students to write. Since about 1973 he had become convinced that this approach did not work. The committee on freshman English, headed by Prof. Jennings Berry, had worked for a year on alternatives. Dr. Blake said, and had shifted the emphasis in two freshman courses, Eng. Ill and 112, which were now striving to produce more effective writers. But no one course, or two, could do this job without the help of all faculty members. The coordinator of the conference. Dr. Mary Ellen Priestley, limited her remarks to the ways in which language itself posed problems for students. Students bring the dialect they learn at a very early age, usually in the family, with them to college, she said. If this language is standard — socially, academically and economically acceptable — the student may have few problems later. But if he has heard and has spoken a sub-standard version for 18 or 19 years, that language has become a part of his muscles, his hearing, his very being, she said. It then takes months to make the student even aware of his problems. Dr. Priestley commented on current trends in speech and writing, such as the drift from the concrete- and specific to the abstract and general, if not vague. Many people, she said, choose the long Latinized noun in preference to the verb "on which good prose moves.” The new courses were explained by Prof. Berry who emphasized the positive side of a student’s learning what is good about good writing instead of thinking of English as mistakes. It is practice with suggestions by the instructor that helps a student. Individual work is necessary, he said, and this is why the classes of freshman English are limited to 20 each. Prof. Betty Gerow illustrated her talk on correcting papers by showing the group a theme on the screen and then marking corrections for mechanics, diction, and organization. She answered several questions from members of the audience about the time such grading (Continued on page 3)