February 12,1981 The Pendulum Page 5 Cat lovers, beware By Robin Adams A true test for one’s love of those furry little animals that go “meow” can be found when one of those little animals is lost in your home. I have flunked the test as a cat lover. Last month a cat wan dered into our house and got lost. We looked and looked for the cat but we never found him. But obviously he was out smarting us. He used to come and sit in the window sill and look out at us as we left the house. Or he would come out and use the rug as a litter box while we were gone. These pieces of evi dence plus an occasional “meow” led us to the con clusion that he was still in the living room. We looked all over the living room with no luck. We turned over the chairs, cleaned out closets, looked behind curtains, under sofas, behind chairs, and yes, even in large flower pots. Still we could find no cat. The cat hunt helped sepa rate the men from the boys. Everybody was scared to death of the cat. I had nightmares that the cat would attack me in my sleep. By this time, it was day three. Still no cat. Then a neighbor came into the house and listened for the cat. She was sitting near one of the stereo speakers. She suddenly guessed that maybe the cat was in the stereo. We paid no attention to that idea and continued to look for the cat. As a last hope, we dragged the stereo outdoors and turned it over, only to find that there was an open ing in the bottom of the stereo. It was a small open ing, and we quickly decided that a cat c6uld not get into that hole. To our surprise, a small gray tail that belonged only to a cat moved across the opening. Never' have such sighs of relief been heard. After removing the cat from the speaker, we tugged the stereo back into the house. Everyone sank into chairs exhausted. Then we burst out laughing. During the cat hunt there was not one thing that was funny. Cat lovers, beware, because I have no patience with those small furry pests. Photographer DavM Avrette caaght thb cat in the act of doling. Elon remembers black cultm*e “Black History- Month, celebrated in February here at Elon College, is a time when black culture is re membered and acknow ledged,” says senior Vivian Miller. The Black Cultural Society has planned events for those who wish to join them in their celebration. Beginning Feb. 26, a “Swahih Swing,” will be held at the Student Center at 6 p.m. The theme is geared toward a traditional African celebration. On Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. in Whitley Auditorium, a “Mr. Ebony Contest” will be held. The purpose behind choosing a “Mr. Ebony” is to “promote leadership and self esteem, as well as ac knowledgement,” says Ven- ll: »National champ enjoys twirling for college m - “ Featnre twtrier andy Vldette is * began twiriing in the first grade. Photo by Avrene. by Nancy Crutchfieid Everyone watches as she twirls her baton at the football games. She causes gasps as she attempts daring feats, and sighs of relief that mingle with applause as she completes these aston ishing tricks. Cindy Violette, Elon’s fea ture twirler and a native of Alexandria, Va., began twirling in the first grade. She joined one of the most prestigious twirling groups in the country, the Ameri- canettes. “To qualify for the Amer- icanettes,” Cindy says, “I had to have a year of tap and ballet.” When she was in the third grade, she left the Ameri- canettes and joined the Na tional Baton Twirling Asso ciation twirling team. How ever, she soon returned to the Americanettes. “I had to start all over again,” she says. “I had to perform in all types of contests.” While with the Ameri canettes, Violette was the state champion in her divi sion. “There are several divi sions,” she explains. “On the national level — that’s when it really gets competi tive.” “I never considered my self really competitive,” she adds. Violette enjoyed twirling while in high school. “We had four girls on the squad who had had the same teacher, had the same back ground, and who were all National Champions.” “Football is more of a show, whereas contest twirl ing shows real talent.” Violette has held two Grand National Champion ships. Her corps placed first in a contest in Florida. Cindy knew she wanted to twirl when she came to Elon. She was practicing for her tryout when a misstep into a pothole tore ligaments from the top of her leg to her foot. She had a national orthopedist examine it. He told her she couldn’t twirl without reinjuring the leg. “I was in a cast for four months plus physical the- raphy and rehabilitation,” she recalls. Cindy tried out with an injured leg and made the squad. Now she enjoys being the feature twirler. “I enjoy being able to do my own thing. This is what I’m geared for,” she says. Violette says that for one to be a good twirler • she should be young, thin and agile. “I’m past my prime,” necia Bynum, president of the Black Cultural Society. After the contest, a social dance will be held. Location and time have yet to be determined. Saturday, Feb. 26, a ban quet will feature speakers yet to be announced. Students, parents and faculty members who wish to come will be welcomed. Location and time will be ant:ounced later. Black History Month is celebrated nationally. It was begun in the 1940s by Carter G. Woodson. Its purpose is to recognize and create an awareness of the contribu tions made by Black Ameri cans. HEALTH HINTS by William Murrell Prevent back strains: Low back strain is most often caused by improper lifting techniques or attempting to hft objects that are too heavy. The most important lifting rule is never to let the lower back arch forward. Do not bend over stiff legged to lift objects from the floor. Place your feet close to the object, crouch with your back straight, feet flat on floor; grasp object firmly and hft slowly using thigh muscles. Do not lean over pro jection such as radiator to lift stuck window. Do not reach to pick up something when your arms are loaded with baby or packages. Get help if the object is too heavy for you to lift alone. Don’t hft if your footing is insecure; a slip or twist may wrench your back. Sudden, quick lifting of heavy objects is dangerous, especially if you arc not ac customed to it. Do not keep trying to lift an object if you feel a slight discomfort in your back.