The Pendulum OPINION Thursday, February 12, 2004 aPage 5 This weekly column will entertain you with questions from the minds of actual Elon students. Do not fear the subject matter of the questions. THE GURU “Dear Guru -A close guy friend of mine invited me over to watch a movie, and told me he really liked me. We hooked up, but since then he has gone back to acting just like a friend. I don’t get it!” Bush’s views about gay marriage unfounded Just picture it. The lights are off. It’s just the two of you. The movie is playing faintly in the background and suddenly that nasty old couch he bought at Goodwill isn’t as uncomfortable as it had originally appeared. Movie magic. If this were just an ordinary flick- to-feeling-up encounter I would place it into the “steamy sex scene victims” category. However, you mentioned that he said he “likes” you — which puts this in a whole different genre. First, it’s important to decipher your feelings. Do you like him back? If not, then the matter is settled. Simply follow along with his “lets not mention it” attitude. Judging by your question, how ever, I suspect you are feeling a lit tle more than simple irritation as your motive for inquiring. If that is indeed the case, then it’s time to truly figure this all put. • Could it be you? No, I’m not suggesting that you grossed him out by your potent pop corn breath — although dental hygiene is very important for any relationship. What I am talking about is your behavior. How did you react to his declaration? Did you play it off as nothing, pretending to take it in stride like all true game masters? As shockihg as it may sound, there is such thing as being too good at the game. A dear friend of mine played the “catch me if you can” a little too well with one guy. After he told her about his feelings and then sweetly asked for a kiss, she blurted out sar castically, “I need a beer before that happens.” And this was the man she had been pining for all semester! My point is that if you didn’t react the way he had hoped you would, he could simply be embar rassed. It’s also possible he is afraid you don’t like him back. In that case, he is probably trying to act cool in order to salvage his pride. On the other hand, he could be simply taking advantage of a situa tion. He wouldn’t be the first man (or woman, for that matter) to claim feelings in order to get into bed. I wasn’t there so you need to judge his sincerity on your own. On the other hand, you could h^ve said something that scared him off. Acting too eager too early can be almost as detrimental as not being excited enough. If you hinted about something developing between you, it may have frightened him. If the case is that he is simply skittish or embarrassed, what you need is a plan. Set up a situation where you two will be alone and in close quarters. Something intimate, like watching a movie together. Hmmmm ... Sound familiar? Then see where it leads. Hopefully, this sequel will earn you at least one, um, thumb up. Semi a question to the 'GURU' at elongiini@ya}ioo. corn Blake Hinton Columnist There is no denying that gay rights have come far and long these past few years. “Will and Grace,” a tele vision show involving two gay characters, is as popular as ever. On Bravo, straight people have • seemingly embraced the gay lifestyle on the hit show “Queer Eye For The Straight Guy.” Finally, an incisive HBO film like “Angels In America” that intimately examines the lives of a group of gay people is lauded with praise and Golden Globes. This is all well and good, but there is one crucial element miss ing. Despite what seems to be a significant step forward in gay tolerance, the issue of gay mar riage is pulling the country back. Even President Bush is in favor of an amendment banning gay mar riage, if that’s what it takes. During his recent State of the Union address, Bush stepped up his attack and clarified his points even further, claiming he wants an amendment to the Constitution protecting marriage. His reason Blake Hinton against gay marriage is the sim ple phrase, “to protect the sancti ty of marriage.” As if this wasn’t shocking enough, half of the room stood up to applaud this proclamation. The only response to this is, “What the Hell is going on?” Looking at television and culture, one would get the impression that the gay lifestyle has become fully acceptable. Yet, looking at our President, this would seem not true. What he is pro posing is not only uncon stitutional, but quite sick ening. The ideas that George Bush is proposing are plain and simple gay bashing. Thankfully, Bush can make it sound a lot better with fancy political talk. Definitely everyone’s favorite line is his “sanctity of marriage” line. Yet, what "sanctity of mar riage" is he talking about? With divorces on the rise and Brittany Spears and other celebrities treat ing marriage like a game, there isn’t much sanctity. What is left and what is important about marriage is the basics. Marriage isn’t about a man and woman sharing their love together. It's about people sharing their love together and making a lifetime commitment. It’s almost funny to think that the whole nation could be so hung up on labels. Hopefully, Bush will not push for this amendment banning gay marriage. Yet, if he does, I cannot imagine the disastrous effect it would have for gay rights. Nobody likes a prophet of doom, but think about it like this. This kind of virulent homophobia the President represents would be better placed in the '50s. If we let an amendment go through we are stepping back decades into the past. Someone should tell Bush that this is 2004 and it's time to look into the future. Finally, it's quite possible that the readers are wondering if this writer is gay. Well, that is not going to be revealed. The reason why is that it should not matter. This is not a gay issue or a minority issue. It is instead a human issue that strikes to the core of intolerance. Some states have already legalized gay mar riage. Let’s not let Bush screw it up. Contact Blake Hinton at pendu- or 278-7247. A C/' 90 Ro?e^v,'TA\^e 'This To 06- ^Awput-t-y HMe N^O % A cotJ^irvnc>NAu ohJLy Amp a woaa/^ / rs /-S' o ^ n ^ ^ \i VT A Ca CA KRT Campus