The Pendulum FEATURES Thursday, September 7, 2006 • Page 17 T-shirts supporting overseas troops make statements • • . t* . _1 _ J 1 'T^_l T4 * J _ r\ " 1-auren Doxsey Features Editor Differing from the traditional yellow rib bon bumper stickers that appear on cars nowadays in order to showcase support for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, T-shirts are beginning to make a big statement. TakePride, a company hoping to rally America’s youth into supporting troops overseas, has created a line of T-shirts with specific messages of encouragement. “This project offers Americans a new, more stylish and meaningful way to sup port their fellow Americans serving in Iraq or Afghanistan,” said Kevin Reilly, a mem- l^er of the TakePride team. These T-shirts also hold special mean ings, as each design was inspired by a selected number of service members who have served or are currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. According to an article that appeared in the Washington Post, TakePride currently offers nine different styles of shirts that have been created by soldiers who have served or are still serving for the United States overseas. “By focusing on individuals, we hope to humanize the troops and give people a ref erence point for better understanding what the larger group is going through,” said Reilly. This project was founded by TakePride members Patrick Gray and John Betz, who started the business during the summer as they believed that American citizens were losing sight of their troops fighting the war, according to the Washington Post. Twenty percent of the profits made are being contributed to charities that help combat veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. The first donation has already been made to Disabled American Veterans. “The shirts are in no way politically par tisan,” said Reilly. “Our intent was to establish something mainstream enough to elicit support on all sides and further the stereotype that supporting the troops can only be a conservative role.” According to the Washington Post, one of the T-shirt designs is entitled “Iraq Imagined.” This specific T-shirt illustrates a military helicopter flying overhead a Humvee driving along a path of palm trees. This drawing was designed by a former Marine whose job was to call in informa tion regarding airstrikes against insurgents. Shirts cost between $20 and $22. For more purchasing information on these shirts, visit Which features certain designs and logos. Contact Lauren Doxsey at or 278-7247. Charities that proceeds of TakePride T-shirts go to include: Disabled American Veterans (DAV)- Fisher House- Any Soldier-www.anysoldier.cora The USO- lottery TestivaC Septem6er9tfi llam-SpHh Monday Night Mixed Classic Teams of 4 Bowlers Mixed Handicap League Cash Prize Fund Monday Nights at 6:30 Meeting at 6:00 Sept 11 For info call Melvin Johnson 336339*9833 Dottie Jarrett 919.5633953 Debbie Hrdlicka 336384.1906 14 area potters wi[[ emaii: anifii.mfmi0nm&y,€om