"’ll II HOLITOPPHOII a colorful celebration of spring: O N APRIL 13, THE Elon University community gathered at Speakers’ Corner to celebrate Holi, a Hindu celebration meant to signal the start of spring. The festival of colors is based in Hindu mythology, meant to symbolize the vic tory of good over evil and the arrival of spring. Sophomore Abigail Mathews, a mul tifaith intern at the Truitt Center for Religious Life, led the organization and planning of the event in hopes it would help students learn more about the tradition. “It’s a really fun time but also a cool way to learn about a different culture and participate in something out of the ordi nary at Elon,” Mathews said. “You’re going to be hearing Bollywood music blasting from the speakers here. That’s not some thing you see every day. Hopefully it will be a good way for people to step outside of their comfort zone and Elon bubble.” AUSTIN KREEGER1 ELON NEWS NETWORK 1 Sophomore Abi Mathews smiles during Eton’s Holi celebration on Friday, April 13, outside Speakers' Comer. 4 Students throw colored powder into the air to ceiebrate the Hindu lestieai of Hoii on Aptii 13. 2 Freshman Melanie Fer guson throws colored powder into the air during the Hindu festi val of Holi on April 13. 5 Senior Grace O’Hara iaughs during the Hindu festivai of Hoii on Aprii 13. 3 Sophomore Sarah Hope gets covered In colored powder at the Holi celebration. 6 Members of the coed a cappella group Twisted Measure stack in a pyramid, showing off their color and spirit for Hoii. 7 Sophomore Megan Bar ber smiles during Elon’s Holi Celebration. Ibnit... -hi SIEPHAmEHAVSIfl***'