w.vrt.elonnertsnetwork.com Wednesday, September 5, 2018 \'oLUME 44, Edition 9 Eton, North Carolina facafjQok.con/s'oniiaivsnetwork ^ @ ^ (®elonnewsnetwork M in SHREDDING the narrative Students still lack knowledge of mental health resources and initiatives on campus despite marketing push by Elon Cammie Behnke Eion News Network I @cdbehnke J UNIOR CHLOE HULTMAN’S FIGHT with mental health began at a young age with depression, followed by a battle with anxiety in high school and college. “My own personal ties [to mental illness], as well as seeing my friends in high school who had depression and anxiety, just made me realize how important it was and how much it’s not really talked about,” Huitman said. Hultman’s experiences align with trou bling mental health factors for college-age adults. In 2016, a National Institute of Health (NIH) study found people aged 18- 23 had the highest prevalence of serious mental health issues compared to other age groups. While the scope of those conditions is broad, anxiety and depression are the most frequent on colleges campuses. Elon isn’t an exception. Huitman says everyone at Elon struggles with mental health, whether they want to acknowledge it or not. Turning her pain into inspiration, she de cided to become an advocate for something she calls “the elephant in the room.” See MENTAL HEALTH I pg 4 Ion students connected to Parkland tragedy enact their own change students connected to the rkland, Florida, shooting find their ffl ways toward healing exandra Schonfeld n News Network | @aschonfeld096 Junior Brendan Duff’s brother, Daniel uff, hid in a closet at Marjory Stoneman >ouglas High School as shots were fired on eb. 14,2018 as a school shooting unfolded in ; arkland, Florida. Almost 800 miles north at Elon, Bren dan watched the events unravel at his old high school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where his brother was a fresh man at the time. “I was freaking Dut,” Brendan said. Daniel stayed hidden in a closet, leaving bis phone unattended and unanswered. Seventeen students and teachers were killed that day, and while a country mourned for the loss of yet another group of innocent IASS SHOOTINGS /larjory Stoneman )ouglas High )Chool was the p9th mass shooting in 2018 alone, according to gunviolencearchive. nrg. PHOTO COURTESY OF EMILEE MCGOVERN (Left to right] Brendan Duff, Alex Wind, Bradley Thornton, Kirsten McConnell and John Barnitt participate in a voter registration party in St. Petersburg, Florida, as part of the Road to Change tour. people become victims of gun violence, two Elon University students were mourning their friends and classmates. Lending a hand and stepping in Daniel survived, along with Brendan’s “re ally close friends” who still attended Stoneman Douglas. “I just went to bed feeling completely help less,” Brendan said. After speaking with his mother who was a substitute teacher the next morning, she told Brendan he needed to come home. “She was like, ‘You just have to come back, you just have to be here for at least the week end.’ That’s the only push I needed. So, I drove down immediately. It was a full 12 hours, but I just went for it.” During his drive to Florida, Brendan spoke to friend Cameron Kasky, who is one of the faces of the March for Our Lives movement, of which Brendan is a co-founder. The movement’s goal, outlined on their website, says “The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to assure that no special inter est group or political agenda is more critical than the timely passage of legislation to effec tively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country. We demand moral- ly-just leaders to rise up from both parties in order to ensure public safety.” Kasky had just secured an interview with Anderson Cooper - it was barely two days af ter the shooting, and Kasky was overwhelmed. Brendan said that Kasky felt uncomfort able with all the interview opportunities be cause of the subject matter, but he felt that people were starting to pay attention because of the proximity of Parkland. “It seems like every couple months or so, another mass or school shooting pops up, and See PARKLAND I pg 12 B NEWS • PAGE 6 jg; Elon history celebrated with plaques |g throughout campus LIFESTYLE • PAGE 13 Mayor of Burlington achieves dream of obtaining pilot’s license SPORTS • PAGE 14 Takeaways of Elon football’s first game in Tampa, Florida