E www.elonnewsnetwork.com , Wednesday, September 26, 2018 I Volume 44, Edition 12 Eton, North Carolina ■] facebook.com/elonnewsnetwork ^ ® ^ @elonnewsnetwork Elon News Network CELEmTLm HLmHll ffElOTA^E PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY DIEGO PINEDA | ENTERPRISE STORY COORDINATOR, MEGHAN KIMBERLING1 DESIGN CHIEF AND ABBY GIBBS 1 PHOTO EDITOR THE LATINO/HISPANIC EXPERIENCE AT ELON DIEGO PINEDA | Enterprise Story Coordinator | ©diego.pinedal 9 ENGLISH ii MY ONLY GOAL IN LIFE WASTOGETTO COLLEGE. MIRELLA CISNEROS F or senior mirella cisneros, attending college seemed almost impossible because of where she was from, her socio-economic background and the educational resources she had growing up. When she applied to colleges, she was stepping into the unknown with the desires of being one of the few that “makes it” in her community of Snow Hill, North Carolina. “Since a young age I knew I wanted to go to college,” Cisneros said, “even though that was a strange concept for me because I didn’t know anyone that had gone to college. But in my household my parents always pushed us to do our best in school, and my siblings did the same.” The college application process for Cis neros was challenging as a first-generation college student whose parents do not speak English. She had to navigate the college appli cation process on her own. After she received her Elon University acceptance letter and did research on tuition, she said only a miracle would allow her to attend the school. The Latino/Hispanic population is the fastest growing minority in the United States. This group has grown from 3.7 percent in 2012 at Elon to 6.4 percent in 2017. Though this growth is notable, it is not representative of the U.S. national level which is 17.8 percent. ESPANOL A SISTIR a la UNIVERSIDAD era casi imposible para Mirella Cisneros, una estudiante de ultimo ano,debido al lugar en donde ella crecio, su estatus socio-economico y los recursos educativos que tenia a su alcance. Cuando ella comenzo a aplicar a las universidades, estaba entrando a un mundo desconocido con deseos de ser una de las pocas que lo logra en su comunidad de Snow Hill, North Carolina. “Desde pequena sabia que queria ir a la universi- dad,” Cisneros dijo. “Aunque era un concepto extrano para mi por que no sabia de nadie que habia ido a la universidad, pero en mi casa mis padres siempre nos motivaron a hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo y mis her- manos hicieron lo mismo.” El proceso de las aplicaciones universitarias fue un desafio para Cisneros ya que es una estudiante de primera generacion universitaria cuyos padres no hablan ingles. Despues de que recibio su carta de aceptacion a Elon University, Cisneros investigo cuanto costaba la matricula de la universidad y se dio cuenta de que solo un milagro le permitiria asistir a la universidad. La poblacion latina e hispana es la minoria con mas crecimiento en los Estados Unidos. Este grupo tam- bien ha crecido en Elon del 3.7 por ciento en el 2012 al 6.4 por ciento en el 2017. Aunque este crecimiento es notable, no es representativo del nivel de crecimiento nacional de los Estados Unidos, en donde la poblacion hispana y latina es del 17.8 por ciento. ii MIUNICAMETAEN LA VIDA ERA LLEGARALA UNIVERSIDAD. MIRELLA CISNEROS SENIOR See AMERICAN I pg VerAMERICANOIp g NEWS • PAGE 4 Afro-Latinos speak about their ethnic identity LIFESTYLE • PAGE 12 Folk-pop singer coming to Elon shares her personal story SPORTS • PAGE 15 Inigo Bronte takes to the pitch in the United States