Page 2 THE VOICE May, 1963 The Voice Staff OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENT BODY Edited and Published by the Students FAYETTEVILLE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Fayetteville, North Carolina Editor Joseph J. Johnson News Editor Robert Daniels Feature Editors Verlestine Williams, Bennye McNair Exchange Editor Roosevelt Daniels Sports Editors Marvin W. Lucas, Marlyn Walker Business Manager Philip Shaw Circulation Manager Bettye Rankin Typists CaUetha Matthews, Emma Coats Photographers James Anderson, Theophilus M. Garriss, Jr. Cartoonist Joseph J. Johnson Student Government Representative Philip Shaw Faculty Advisor Mrs. M. H. Scott // Voice Scribes And Scribblers Editorial Have you ever noticed the intense briskness of an insect as it goes about its daily activities? Have you ever noticed the incessant alacrity and zeal of some of the students on our campus as they pursue their special interests? Why don’t you take time out to compare the two? Basically, however, there is quite a difference. An insect lives basically the same way as did its early ancestors; it thinks es sentially the same way as its early ancestors. An insect’s life is really decided before it begins to live. This predetermining of the insect’s life is an act of nature, for it is nature that endows the insect with that unique trait called instinct. A college student is not guided by instinct. His method of living and thinking is funda mentally a self-constructed decision. If a college student does not possess “instinct,” what then, causes some students to accomplish in such immense quantities? It is a trait that is designed by many as “drive.” “Instinct” is regulated by na ture, but it is our personal duty to determine the amount of “drive” we should possess. We, as students, need to acquire “drive” in a much greater quantity, for we must accomplish more in our scholastic en deavors. Let us regulate our “drive” so as to keep pace in an ever-changing world. Let us prepare to live. — The Editor Concert Band JOSEPH J. JOHNSON The Concert Band of Fayetteville State Teachers College is enjoying an active and profitable concert season. Among its appearances during the past month were a con cert at the Eastside High School in St. Pauls, N. C., which was given on April 18, and a concert at Mt. Olive High School, Whiteville, N. C., on April 24. On Sunday, May 5, the initial program in keeping with National Music Week was the appearance ol the College Band in the J. W. Sea- brook Auditorium. The band, under direction of Mr. Thomas B. Bacote presented a varied program which included such numbers as FOLK SONG SUITE FOR MILITARY BAND, R. Vaughan Williams; SEA PIECES, Edward MacDowell-F. Miller; VICTORY AT SEA, R. Rodgers-R. Bennett; and SELEC TIONS from “GIGI,” F. Loewe-P. P. Herfurth. Highlighting the program was a special piano rendition of CON- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) JEREMIAH WOOTEN Room For Improvement “We have achieved, but we have not yet arrived.” This statement was made by an instructor at my high school last June, as he made a presentation on Awards Day. As college students nearing the com pletion of a year of successful work, we should be mindful of the fact that there is room for improve ment. Our future success depends largely upon how we accept our present achievements. If we look upon our achievements as an arrival at perfection, we are likely to find ourselves becoming complacent and eventially slipping into the realm of mediocrity. Com placency has dulled many brilliant minds. Our rising scholastic fatali ty rate may also be attributed to complacency. Too many of us reach our zenith prematurely. Oa the contrary, if we take our achievement as a mere step to ward perfection, we wiU continue to achieve and to improve our selves, thus making greater achievements. Greatness is not the result of a single achievement, but the Result of continuous achieve ment. All great men realized that there was room for improvement and they attempted to improve themselves, no matter how much they had already achieved. May we see the need for im provement and strive earnestly to achieve perfection through contin uous efforts. This is the only way we can make truly great pro gress. Distinguished Visitor Among recent visitors to Fayet teville State Teachers College Campus was Werner Titze, editor- in-chief of Radio Suedwestfunk, Baden-Baden, Germany. Mr. Titze is in this country as a guest of the United States State Department. Kenyan Agents Visit FSTC Among recent visitors to the College were Gilbert Karani, Nuku Mungambala, and Leonard Ngure, field agricultural officers from Kenya. They are among a party of 15 making a six-month study of farming throughout the United States. Bicket Hall Bickett Hall is one of the oldest buildings on this campus, but we girls who live here and have grown to love it are not going to let its age affect its appearance. The Bickett Hall Dormitory As sociation is constantly on the move. Recently, we turned over the proverbial “new leaf.” We .';re all trying to make our home at tractive from bottom to top. Each one of us is taking extra pride in the appearance of our room and the halls. Our reception room has been attractively r.e arranged Sometimes soft music on the re cord player by such artists as Er- roll Garner, Almad Jamal, Dave Brubeck, Jackie Gleason, Duke El lington, Oscar Peterson, Charlie Parker, Count Basie, and Earl Grant, to mention a few, enhances our morale and elevates our qual ity of music appreciation. Although we are endeavoring to improve our living quarters, we have not neglected our minds. Each of us is striving to become a young lady worthy of the distinc tion of being called a lady in the truest sense of the word. To aid us in this endeavor are our dormitory directresses, Mrs. M. W. Mann and Miss C. V. Mclver, and oui- senior counselors. A program has been started by our senior counselors to help us with problems that are common to each young lady. Durmg dormitory meetings the following topics have been discussed: Dating, How to Dress, Manners, Study Habit?, Courtesies, and the Maintenance of the Building. Through these and similar discussions each one of us has gained some bit of knowledge that will be beneficial. As Bickett Hall stands year after year as it has stood these previous years, I am sure sometimes it smiles to itself about all the mem ories that are stored in these walls. No!, Bickett Hall will never grow old, no older than the girls who live here and the ideas they possess. BEVERLY VINSON, Reporter Social Science News The Social Science Club was or ganized on the Fayetteville State Teachers College Campus on March 11, 1963. The officers are as follows: President, Marlyn Walker; Vice President, Jessica Henderson; Secretary, Samuel Maxwell; Re porter, Gloria Lloyd. ADVISORS: Dr. David W. Bishop, Dean J. C. Jones, Dr. Odell Uzzell, Mr. Lathan Windley. On March 25, we were honored to have as our guest speaker Mr. Peter Magnus. Mr. Magnus is a na tive of England and English in structor here at Fayetteville State Teachers College. His dissussion was centered around The European Common Market. At another meering, which was held on April 8, 196^, our guest speaker was Dr. Alberto Fuente- villa. Dr. Fuentevilla is a Spanish instructor here at Fayetteville State Teachers College. His topic was the Latin American Issue. Dr. Fuentevilla’s speech was very in spiring and deepened our under standing of the Cuban people. Be ing a native of Cuba, he is well versed on the Latin American Is- :-:ue. Faculty Summer Grants This summer Fayetteville Statt Teachers College wiU be represent ed at some of the leading universi ties of the country, as its teachers study under fellowships, scholar ships and other grants. Among those already scheduled for sum mer work are the following: Mr. B. L. Fuse, vteacher of Math- lematics here at IFSTC, has been lawarded a Na- itional Science ;;Foundation Grant ;to study at the |U n 1 V e rsity of iKansas the com- FUSE summer. Mr. R. P. Robin son, Physics in structor, is mak ing plans to at tend a Seminar for College Teach ers in Mechanics a t Dartmouth C 0 ] 1 e ge, Han over, New Hamp. shire, August 11- 30. ROBINSON BOND Mrs. Cynthia iBond, of the Area lof Science and IMathematics, has jreceived a Na- |t i o n a 1 Scienge iFoundation s 11 - Ipend to the Sum- Imer Institute in iRadiation Biolo- Igy at Tulane Uni- [versity. New Or leans, Louisiana, July 8 through August 30. This course wiU be of fered jointly by the Department of Physiology, Medical School, Tu lane University and the Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Mr. Frederickii A. Rodgers, In structor of Geo. graphy and Pub-^ lie Relations Di rector, is sched-j uled to continue! study this sum-i mer with the aidi of an assistant-! ship awarded byi the University of® Illinois. RODGERS “Mother, what does ‘apt’ mean?” inquired the girl, returning home from school. ^ “Why, my dear, it means smart’ — quick to learn. Why?” “Oh, nothing much,” said the girl arily. “The teacher told me today I was apt to flunk.” The 6th grade had just finished its history lesson, and it was time for a test. The teacher asked: “Now what was the name of the channel where the British fleet fought the Spanish Armada? Hazel, can you tell us?” The little girl in the back of the room rose and answered: “I didn’t see it myself, teacher but I think it was Channel Five.” To See BEVERLY VINSON Dear God! Open mine eyes that I might see aU the things Thou has done for me. In these hours when trouble is here, let me know that Thou art near. I know that mine eyes shoud be fixed to Thee, but 0 God I need heln just to see! ’ ^ Sometimes I forget aU the joys of life, amidst these days of constant strife. Sometimes I forget and drown in my sorrow; knowing full well to leave Thee in charge of tomorrow. And, O God, if Thou will help me just to see, I’ll forget the sorrow and glory Thee!