The Broncos NOVEMBER 1993 ISSUE #2. 1993-94 fS]^ ARCHIVE Presidential Appointment for Chancellor by Kathleen Barron ■‘By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, in order to advance the development of hu man potential, to strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and univer sities to provide quality education, and to increase opportunities to participate in and benefit from Federal programs, it is hereby ordered as follows”... On Monday, November 1, 1993 Chancellor Hackley was in the nation’s Capitol meeting with the President, Vice President, members of Congress, and rep resentatives of historically Black Col leges and Universities. The occasion was the signing of an executive order for Presidential appointment of members to an advisory board that would include representatives of historically Black col leges and universities (HBCUs), busi ness and financial institutions, private foundations, secondary education, and other institutions of higher education. Presi dent Clinton greeted the audience and ac knowledged the contribution HBCU’s had made as beacons of hope and opportunity for Americans “for whom no hope existed”. ‘The executive order I sign today and all the education initiatives that Secretary Riley discussed have to do with change-preserving educational institutions and insuring that every young person in this country who wants to get a college educa tion has the opportunity to do it. And finding new ways to get young people into college and training programs and to help them succeed once they're there.” Througli the White House Initiative, the Board of Advisors is to determine how HBCU’s can utilize the resources and expe rience of the private sector to achieve greater financial security. President Clinton asked “my long-time friend, the former Chancel lor of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Vic Hackley, nowat Fayetteville State University, to serve as the chair.” Having an opportunity personally to interview Chancellor Hackley on his new appointment, I asked his perspective on his new duties. He said this advisory board was the highest level advisory body di rectly related to the issues raised at HCBU ’ s and will focus on “Any issues the President needs to know that will help all govern ment agencies to work with in improving them. The order was signed for all agen cies actively to generate help to make participants competitive in getting fund ing, such as advising in the procedures for writing grants.” I asked the Chancellor how this ap pointment and honor would help the stu dent population at Fayetteville State. He answered by pointing out that the reason he was chosen was the concentration on the excellence of education both at Pine Bluff and Fayetteville State. Chancellor Hackley’s being on the Board will insure that Fayetteville State students and the Fayetteville State family will have their voices heard. A final question was whether there would be any student involvement in de termining the goals and objectives of the Board. Chancellor Hackley saidthere would be more meetings like the luncheon for commuters to find out the needs of the students and to discuss any barriers to the educational process, such as issues related to childcare or tutoring. Chancellor Hackley has demonstrated his concern about and dedication to elimi nating barriers by initiating and support ing programs designed to allowyouth of all ages to have an equal chance in making something of their lives. He is involved with mentorship programs for students ranging from elementary school levels, such as the one at Second Baptist church, to the MASK Program (Males Achieving Success through Knowledge) on the uni versity level. As F*resident Clinton ended his speech on Monday, he said our nation was “squan- (Continued on Page 3) Chuck Davis’ African-American Dance Ensemble By Roger A. Harris The Man On November 2,1993 FSU and com munity were privileged to be the audience for one of the most eagerly anticipated events of this year: Chuck Davis’ Afri can-American Dance Ensemble. Before that evening’s performance, I was able to sit down and chat with Mr Davis. As I entered the room, Mr Davis rose from his ironing, stretching to the full of his 6’6" frame. He greeted me with a warm smile and fatherly embrace that immediately put meat ease. In talking, he revealed that as a child, growing up in an all-black community was a major influence in his life. Its emphasis on re INSIDE: Club News Student Achievements Calendar of Events And columns by Earl J. Moniz and Lishan Harrison spect, pride, and education established the moral foundation and spiritual conviction needed to weather the arduous journey from Raleigh, North Carolina, to New York City, where his professional career began, blossoming into what has become the African-American Dance Ensemble. Mr Davis coined the term “edutainment” (educational entertainment) to describe his ensemble’s approach to performing. In this approach,there is a more communal connection and spiritual exchange of emotion and energy between the ensemble and its audience. Their goal is to awaken and inspire all people (par ticularly African-Americans) to embrace, love, and understand an all-to-often for gotten or misunderstood culture. Mr Davis reflected that “in the 60’s, it was “fashion able” to be Black.” Few went beyond the superficial aspects of attire, language, or attitude togainatrue understandingofand appreciation for their African heritage. African-America’s current social dilemma is nothing more than a reflection of the lack of connection of a people to their heritage and culture. The roots of his upbringing are the foundation of his en semble and serve as a flagship of hope for a people desperately reaching for solid ground. The Performance As the house lights in the theater were turned down. Chuck Davis stood center- stage, spotlight-cool. His massive 6’6" presence commanded the audience’s at tention, his resonant baritone greeti ng them with the warmth and love that is truly him. “Everyone, look around you and see what Africa has brought together. Now, as in Africa, arise and greet seven people you do not know.” And as he spoke, the audience drank his words, hypnoticly beckoning his call, slowly driflingfrom the grey sameness of their everyday lives and ways into the vibrant, powerful, and beautiful world that is the African-American Dance Ensemble experience. The power of the drum, the grace and beauty of the dancers, and the electric warmth of love rolled through the audi ence like the Holy Ghost through a sancti fied congregation. A spirit of truth, joy, and family descended on the room like an invisible blanket, warming those bit by the (Continued on Page 3) !*“