Broncos'Voice October 1994 Honors From Page 3 friendly, warm person who loves her sorority,” said Joyce Malone, the undergraduate advisor for Delta Iota. “She’s a person who believes in getting things done, and she has done a splendid job with Delta Iota. She was chosen by her peers to rep resent them because of the type of person she is.” In reference to her school expe riences, Early said, “I’ve met a lot of people who have given me a lot of advice in my field of psychology, and the staff and faculty at FSU have been wonderful, very positive and helpful to me,” Early said. “It’s been a struggle going to school as a full-time student and working full time, but I’ve just about made it. That’s why every day I talk educa tion to my fellow co-workers. Per sonally, I feel if you have a goal you need to accomplish it, even if it’s one you set years ago. You’re never too old.” Political From Page 4 Several questions have come to my mind. Is this fight really neces sary? Does the action to prevent Troy Williams’ name from being printed on the November ballot rep resent an effort to prevent the split of Republican and Democratic votes? Has this action tarnished our image of free and open elections? Was the $800.00 expenditure to returne a board member out of state justified, or wisely spent? ,11. College a Student IpMialist, 'J'-S- ® doMMjTMENT: 1 weekend/month, P 2 vTeeks/year ' I AMERIOA'S AttMY. « I BE ALL YOU DAM B£. UMO-aSA%AttMr We re all going to Die. Read the Broncos' Voice Yes, you, too will soon die. Make your mark. If you think that what your club, fraternity, sorority, fellowship, or group is doing is of general interest- or if you just have an opinion or idea that you would like to share with our reading public- Art, Science, News, or Sports - write it up, send it off. See Page 2formore information on guidelines for submitting material