Broncos possess great potential for growth PORTS SPRING SEMESTER January, 2006 w en's team suffers bac to back losses Photo By Ashley Smith Men's Basketball Schedule January 14th VS. Johnson C. Smith University January 19th VS. St. Augustine’s College January 21st At Elizabeth City State University January 24th At Livingstone College January 26th VS. Shaw University January 28th VS.St. Paul’s College January 31st At Winston-Salem State University Febuary 7th VS North Carolina Central University Febuary 11th At St. Augustine’s College Febuary 14 At Allen College Photo By Dennis McNair By Ashley Smith The Voice After losing to North Carolina Central University on January 7th, the Men's Basketball team was looking for a win this past tuesday against Virginia Union. They didn't find it, losing to Virginia Union 86-49. So, now riding the wave of a two-game losing streak, Broncos fans are beginning to wonder about the competency of this year's team. Indeed, if the boys continue to play as they have in their last two games it's almost impossible to forsee another win this season. However, if the team can rebound from this slump, correct the errors that they've made, and get their heads in the game they can easily become the best team in the CIAA. Looking at the stats from the last two games it is easy to see some definite areas in which the Broncos can improve. Both Virginia Union and North Carolina Central managed to out-shoot the Broncos in the first half Virginia Union managing to score 38 points in the first half to the Bronco's 26. North Carolina Central led at the end of the first half 39, to the Bronco's 33. These early leads set the pace for the rest of the game. If the Broncos expect to win Saturday against Johnson Smith University, they have to take the lead early on in the game and hold on to it. A five to ten point lead at the half will give the Broncos a significant edge for the rest of the game. Another thing that the team needs to be aware of is their personal fouls. Tuesday's game against Virginia Union was sad in terms of points allowed through fouls. Photo By Dennis McNair Fayetteville State had 24 personal fouls in the game, compared to 14 committed by Virginia Union. On top of that, the Bronco's personal fouls allowed Virginia Union to make 23 points (63.9% average) from free throws. Fayetteville State only managed to make 3 free throws throughout the course of the game (23% average). This is unacceptable. Against North Carolina Central, personal fouls late in the second half allowed the Eagles to make key free throws that won them the game. Lesson to the Broncos; if there's only minutes left on the clock and only a few points difference in the score, don't foul the other team. On a different note: Attitude. I am aware that the Bronco's were getting beat by more than 30 points towards the last couple minutes of the second half. However, just because you are losing doensn't mean you should give up. As the clock ran down in the final minute or so of the game, both teams sort of stopped playing. They'd throw the ball into play, then sit around and wait for the clock to run out. Fans did not pay their money to watch their team give up in the final seconds of the game. Regardless of the score. Giving up at the end is neither honorable nor sportsmanlike and I hope that it is not repeated in future games. The Broncos have great potential this year, they only have to tap into that potential. The coaching staff and players know what they need to work on, and if they're dedicated enough will be successful this season. The best of luck to them. V m IK