r •. •. . ; 9' • • - • • ■ H.P rnm^. • • 4 The Voice, For Students, By Students | March 28, 2012 | issuu.com/fsuvoice | send news tips to the editor; thevoice.fsu@gmail.com 1 It's Summer time! By SMilay Towmend Spring has arrived and soon summer will be here as well. Other than eating ice pops and enjoying the cool water at the pool, what are you doing this summer? “This summer I plan to get a job, take care of my sister and mom. I also v\/ill work towards getting my license, txrt if I do not succeed I will spend the rest of my time lifting weights and running,” said freshman Air Force ROTC Cadet La’Ieeqa Hason Hussein. Bria Robinson, freshma, said “During my summer break, I will work out to stay in shape for the basketball season. I plan to play in a summer baskett>ail league also. I will get my license and hopefully a car also. If possible I also want to get a job." MOVIEREVIEW Project X By CImmeon Terry I don’t care how many parties you’ve been to or how hard you think you can party, the dudes in Project X top it all. In Nima Nourizadeh’s directorial debut, Boxoffice.com reported that Project X col- lected over $20 million in its open ing weekend. The total do mestic income was almost $50 million, with a worldwide in come at more than $60 mil lion. Project X is centered around three high school seniors. Thomas Mann plays Thomas, the average, un popular kid who plays it safe. Oliver Cooper plays Costa, the teenaged so called “Pimp of Brooklyn” who takes the liberty of orga nizing the party. Jonathan Dan iel Brown plays J.B., the chubby Jewish kid who is praying to fi nally get lucky his last year of high school. The story starts at Thomas’ house when his parents conveniently go out of town on his 17th birthday. His fnend Costa convinc es him to throw a party, in order to increase their popularity during their last year of high school. Reluctantly, Thomas agrees to host the party at his louse. Before his arents left lomas’ father aid “Honey, homas is a ;ood kid, but e’s kind of loser. We lave nothing worry about hile we’re one.” He as gravely listaken. Be- ore the end f the night, le three guys ought mari- uana, stole a jarden gnome ill of ecstasy, ind eventually 'umt down the leighborhood. Project X is lonstop laughs •om when the larty started id when “it’s reed” to end. I give this movie an honest 10 out of 10. I highly recommend seeing it, but I wouldn’t recommend trying it. ourtts\ Spring Student Elections Empty ballots welcome all-comers By DanM L Prater Fayetteville State University’s Spring Student Elections are upon us once again. As candidates prepare for long campaign nights and complex campaign ^proaches, let’s take a look at the positions available. SGA: • President • Vice President • Treasurer • Secretary Senators-at-Large (representing the 10 Residence Halls on campus) • Off-Campus Senators (10 positions available) • Graduate Senators (for any full-time Graduate Students/ two positions available) Student Activities Council • Program Director • Business Manager • Administrative Assistant • Council Members (multiple) Student Judicial Board (five student positions) Class Officers (President, VP, Secretary, etc. for Freshman, Sophomore, etc.) • Class Kings & Queens (Mr. and Miss Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior) Miss FSU! Quick reminder for those of you who enjoy challenging opportunities ripe with personal s^isfaction, review the SGA Constitution found on the SGA Website under the ‘info’ tab. SGA representatives strongly encourage commuters to apply for the Off-Campus posi tions. Some important dates to remember: April 3, Tuesday at 3:00 p.m., RJSC 236 (Campaign Meeting) Apnl 11, Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., RJSC (Election Day) Apnl 12th, Thursday at 2:00 p.m., RSJC (Election Speeches) tereste in m^ng a difiference on campus? SGA representatives encourage students to apply tor multiple positions. Please contact Dr. Walter McNeil (2) 910-672-2207 or email via wmcneil@uncfsu.edu. in^x*cta**°" ****' ^”P®’^^^®™® “"‘^^®“ ®‘*“^‘*®P^"'e”ts/StudentAfiairs/SGAelection/ With so many positions up for grabs, who knows what our student political climate has m store? Anyone among us could shape FSU’s future, even you! Courtesy of columbussocialite.com V