LiBeraCarts or lousy degree? ■x-yMi scufpts in tReRosentl^r Art bunding. Photo by An by Brooke Vann Jovernor Pat McCrory (R) isfinding little support fo^Te comments he made within the last few weeks that the basic funding formula for higher- education should be based on how well universities do in placing students in the world of work. McCrory told a national audience on conservative radio host Bill Bennett s "Morning in America " show that "I think some of the educational elite have taken over our education where we are offering courses^ that have no chance of getting people jobs... ". Crory specifi cally targeted liberal arts classes as gender studies that do not teach technical skiits required to obtain jobs in the workforce. McCMjry j suggested that that funding for public univ^rsitiesif North Carolina be tied directly4.o th^^billty of theif^ graduates to obtain jobs. Junior April Love was incensed byWcCfpfV s com ments given his opposition to forpn^jliNC Governor Bev Purdue's commitment this coming. To say thatali^^tarts education is obsolete or a waste of taxpayers' money is like say ing it is a waste forStudents in middle or highs school to take music or art when studies show how much it improves grid§s and test scores." Carole VVeatherford is a professor of adolescent literatur^^the FSU English department and she understands that McCrory s c’oJtimefi.ts are in line with a school of thinking that'criticizes the liberoTdrts and sometimes views degree seekf rs drtii^ holders as the "elite" Howeyejsj Ms. Weatherfordfuggested that lib- erot arts are a worthy educational pursuit. "Lfb(fer||i^ucation.COur^3 absolutefy have the ability to p^Dare students f op^bs." Weath®fbrd has Wod several publjcibftions, including books df poetry; nonfiction^ ond children's literature. She currently teaches q brand new class offered at FSU called "Hip Hop: Poetry, Politics and F’op Culture." (ENGL 370- D1) that studies bolth rap and the cultural movement that emerged from the spoken word art form. April Love is one of the students taking the Hip Hop class this semester. Weatherford and Love implied that it takes a well- rounded curriculum to produce a well- rounded education. Gov. McCrory is obviously in a position to affect change in the General Assembly. However It is not clear yet whether he will support legislation to cut funding or rid the system of some programs, but this issue is surely one to pay attention to in the coming years as UNC sys tem President Tom Ross tries to take the universities in another direction.