The Wayne Communique VOLUME I NO. 4 WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DATE May 5, 1969 Archileci's Drawing of Siudenl Union Our student government is undertaking the tremendous task of raising $50,- 000 to build a student lounge which we have needed for years—since we open ed our doors as Goldsboro I. E. C. This year, the same small snackbar in a 36 x 30' room has served over 900 students at one time. WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DAY APRIL 28, 1969 This day is a special day In the eyes of Wayne Community College students. On this memorable day, WCC "students staged a march on City Hall," as one NBC news commentator stated. He further stated that the march was a change (a refreshing one he might have noted) from the usual run of the mill marches that seem to be sweep ing across the campuses of our country. The march was for Progress and not protest, ("protest" spelled with a small "p"). As everyone here knows (since nearly every student participated, and also many ^ our teachers, staff and "higher-ups" did .ewise),our march for Progress is spelled A NEW STUDENT UNION City Hall responded with a warm,friendly welcome to the decency and enthusiasm our marchers presented. Mayor Robinson met us with open arms; and to our proud amazement, with a proclamation that April 28, 1969, is declared Wayne Community College Day! Among others who welcomed our march on City Hall were Mr. Hocutt, chairman of the WCC Board of Trustees, Munroe Best and Hal Tanner,members of theWCC Board of Trustees, and some friendly faces that were not intr oduced to us. On behalf of WCC students, our thanks go to Mayor Robinson, President Erwin, Dean Waller, staff, teachers and to the two swingin' patrolmen who escorted us to and from City Hall.