The Wayne Communique VOLUME I NO. 5 WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE May 27. 1969 JOHN SULLIVAN SGA PRESIDENT NEW SGA OFFICERS Student Government Association Elections were held May 19, 1969. The results are as follows: President, John Sullivan; Secretary, Mary Frances Taylor; and Treasurer, Linda Price Goodwin. In a run off decision held on May 21, 1969, Mike Powell was elected as Vice President. The duties are given in the SGA Constitution for each office."The President shall preside over the Student Council; shall appoint all committee chairmen; shall assume membership ex officio, in all committees; shall take the leadership in initiating desirable legis lation and amending or abolishing undesir able rules and regulations; shall act as intermediary between the Student Govern ment Association and the Administration. He shall act as Chairman of the Executive Committee and of the President's Cabinet. He shall have the power to call meetings of the Student Council. "The Vice-President shall serve in the place of the President in his absence and shall take over all his duties. In the event that the President is unable to complete his term the Vice-President shall assume the office of President. In addi tion, the Vice-President shall be the Chairman of the Elections Committee. "The Secretary shall preserve written records of general and special meetings of the Student Council, of the Executive Committee, and the President's Cabinet. The secretary shall carry on coresponde- nce of the Student Government Association and shall post notices concerning actions of the association of general interest to the students. At the end of the Spring quarter, the minutes books shall be filed by the secretary in the school office. "The Treasurer shall have charge of all money and shall deposit the same in the central business office, shall keep a record of expenditures and receipts and make a report of the finances at each meeting of the Council." The Council Members elected^ere John Turner and Dan Tomilson for Engineering; Robert Good and Leonard Cox for Mechanical Vocations; James Ward, Jimmie Turner, and Ken Brown for College Parallel; Peggy Haller for Health Occupations;Larry Stump, Joe Covington, and Billy Callow for Agric ulture and Biology; and Ester Goodman, Paula Anderson, and Deborah Allen for Business. John Sullivan stated, "I want to be YOUR President; to do so, I need your support and interest. We want next year to be the best year Wayne Community College has ever had and want to see more students involved in school activities. In this way, we can instill pride in our college. Thank you for your support in the election, and I welcome your help in the coming year."