SGA Holds First Homecoming The Student Government Association of Wayne Community College has undertaken a new project to better the college and to make it a sollege which every student, past and present, will be proud of. The first WCC Homecoming will be held the weekend of January 15 and 16. Both students who are presently enrolled and past students are asked to participate in order to make this an unforgetable homecoming. The first event was the selection of a Homecoming Queen and court. Each department and each club was asked to nominate a.girl for the competition. The student body cast their ballots to select the queen Wednesday, January 13. The winner will be announced Saturday at the basketball game. Friday night will start out with a pep rally followed by an informal gathering in the student union. A “Cartoon Festival” will precede a dance both to be held in the Student Union. Saturday morning will find alumni and WCC students gathering at the college for registration, departmental meetings, and an informal coffee hour. A tour of the campus for past students will be provided and also election of alumni officers. The group will meet again at 2 p. m. in Goldsboro High school gymnasium to see. the Bisons win a victory over Davidson Community College. A mock parade will be held at half-time featuring floats from the various clubs and departments. First and second place prizes will be given for the best floats. Also, at this time will be the crowning of the college’s first homecoming queen. The fun will continue at 8 p. m. when everyone will be invited to a dance at the National Guard Armory. Music will be provided by a group from Charlotte, “Freeway.” Dress will be coat and tie for men and semi-formal for the girls. There will be no charge for the dance,' however tickets must be picked up at registration Saturday morning. There will be no admission without the proper tickets. Dianne Casey, Chairman of the Homecoming, asked that every student who is willing to work on floats or to help in any way please contact their department chairman or herself. Much time has been spent in formulating these plans. Yet, this will not be a successful homecoming without full student participation, adds chairman Casey. The Wayne Communique VOL. 2 - NO. 4 WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, GOLDSBORO, N. C. JANUARY 15. 1971 Homecoming Colemiar of Events TIME EVENT LOCATION Friday, January 15 7:00 P.M. SurpriM Film Festival Campus 8:30 P.M. Informal Gathering and Dance Campus Saturday, January 16 9M> A.M. Registration. Campus lOKK) A.M. Campvt Tours ' / Campus 10:30 A.M. Infot^l Coffee Hour V"' • Campus 11KX) A.M. Departmental Meetings Campus 12:00 Noon Lunch Goldsboro (Som* Dt^rtmtnts will bav« ''Dutch** Ljinchtofit) 2:00 P.M. Basketball Gam» W.CC. Yt Davidson Commifnity Half'Hma C*r«moni«t include: Crowning of Homocoming Quotn Mock Faradt G.H.S. Gym 8:00 P.M. t>ance featuring “Freeway” Nat. Gd. Armory Nominees for WCC Miss H'coming Mickey (ionzales sponsored by Watchmaking Guild Darlene Britt sponsored by Delta Chi Omega / Kami Ilodfjcs sponsored by Sigiiiii Tan Sigma Nancy Kornegay sponsored by I’lii Tlit'la Kappa SGA Serves Vital Function The Student Government Association at Wayne Community College was formed in 1966 to bridge the gap between students and the administration. Since its beginning the members of the SGA have endeavored to represent the students through various projects and adventures. During the official school year of 1968-69 the students of WCC decided that it would be advantageous to the college campus if a student union could be obtained. This seemed only a dream to many students, but to others it was a chance to really do something for the college. A Student Union Committee was formed and after many long hours of planning a decision was made. This entailed the interest by the students and the community in such a project to support it in hopes that state funds might be available to aid in the financing. Student Union March Both the students and the community showed their enthusiasm and support on April 28, 1969, when a Student Union March was held. Enthusiasted WCC students displayed their concern by participating in the march and concerned citizens rallied to support this campaign. Approximately $25,000 was raised and the dream of WCC students began to materialize. Now after many long hours of waiting the WCC Student Union has become a reality. A dream has come true because of the interest in the betterment of the students and the college campus by the S. G. A. Basketball I Team Added The years 1969^70 found the S. (;. A. spreading its concern further on campus when they agreed to support a basketbaP. team. It was the belief of many students that sports could add greatly to college life. Although W('C is only a community college, it was felt that the (Continued on page 3) Wayne Community College Accredited Wayne Community College officially became accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The announcement was made at the delegate assembly of colleges in Atlanta recently where SACS held its 75th anniversary meeting. President Clyde Erwin and Dr. Jan Crawford, administrative assistant, attended * the session representing the College. The accreditation announcement came after more than two years in the newest SACS accreditation procedures. These include progress from correspondent, to candidate, to member, and two visits to the WCC campus by SACS teams. Accreditation indicates WCC meets or exceeds the standards established by SACS and is evidence of the growth and competence of WCC’s faculty and staff. It places the “Stamp of approval” on the twenty-four degree and diploma programs as well as the many evening and extension adult activities. WCC has been accredited by the State Department of Community Colleges since 1969 and several programs are accredited by national (Continued on page 3) Nominees for WCC Miss H'coming .lenny (iordon sponsored by College Transfer .lean Krown sponsored by Fish and Wildlife Club CarnH'ii Turrone sponsored by 1'ort‘strv Club IJillle .Vnne Nipper sponsored 1)> N'nrsing Department