10 WCC CAMPUS VOICE - MAY 22,1989 Wayne Community College and Carolina Turkeys k 'if® > Vw®<¥: Living^ Worl^ng and Qrozving together Comics Baseball Cards and Books Supplies HEROES ARE HERE ■•collectors Haven” 117 S. Center Street Goldsboro, nc ED SUTTON (919) 734-3131 "WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH TO SEND THE VERY BEST" I Cai^ Believers GREAT TASTE-NATURALLY. I V If you haven’t tried our sourmet frozen yogurt, you don’t know how good frozen yogurt can be. Try something traditional or exotic on a freshly-made waffle cone, then add some fun with sprinkles of natural toppings, sweets or fruit. We also feature Non-Fat flavors, Parfaits, Shakes, and many other specialties. So stop in today for something unbelievably delicious! OFFER EXPIRES; 15 July 89 ^ Good At: Stores at Berkeley Blvd. I & Pinewood ^uare " I I frozen’ VOGURTI V cyp-f Not good with any other coupon or promotion. IGatftBelieveltfs Yogu^ i TOBY'S HALLMARK SHOP STEPHEN E. BRANNAN BERKELEY MALL GOLDSBORO, N.C. 27530 (919) 778-4985 MCAE enriches minority students By A. Z. Hubbard-Thomas The Multi-Cultural Association for Enrichment (MCAE) was organized and became an o-f-ficial part o-f SGA in spring 1987. A student organization* its purpose is to make the college aware of and appreciative of Black culture and achievement. When the organization was established some of MCAE's concerns were the decline in Black student involvement* causes and cures of minority student attrition, and the improvement of the college experience for minority students. Tim Dortch* MCAE president, stated, "All activities are made possible through MCAE-sponsored fundraisers and contributions from SGA." "Activities that members have participated in include Empty Stocking Fund, Send a Mouse to College, and our annual MCAE Scholarship." Dortch also stated, "MCAE was created to assist minority students through counseling, financial resources, educational information and leadership skills." "In 1987, MCAE established a scholarship fund which has become a tradition for our organization," stated Dortch. Meetings are held every first and third Tuesday at 1:00, in B- 13. HAIR BY SUZANNE New Hope Road Goldsboro, N.C. 27530 SUZANNE VANCE Bdrber-Stylist 778-2577 Specializing In Precision Cuts For The Entire Family, Perms. Body Waves. And Military Haircuts Edwards/Sanders Restaurant 735-2015 2009 S. Slocui ' 1 nb St. WCCAEOP elects officers bv A. Z. Hubbard-Thomas The Wavne Community College Association of Educational Office Personnel (WCCAEOP) held its Annual Administrative Banquet on April 19. The Administrator of the Year Award was presented to Dr. G. Herman Porter. President of WCC; the Educational Office Personnel Award was presented to Carolyn Braxton. Officers for the 1989-90 year were installed: Chuckie Mayros, President: Lori Brady, Vice- President; Reva Jenkins, Secre tary; and Kay Bradley, Treasurer. A major project of WCCAEOP this year is a cookbook contain ing more than 400 recipes that students, faculty, and staff contributed. The cost is $8.00 and all the proceeds go to the WCCAEOP Scholarship Fund. The cookbook is a vinyl three-rino notebook.