THE WCC volume 6, no. 2 WaynrComm^ityt:aiege,^G^^ May 19,1993 Students auait the descent of the vollerball during Spring Fling. PHOTO: JOHH HOLMES Largest Career Day attracts 2000 By SHARON MITCHELL On March 17, 1993, Wayne Community College held its largest annual Career Opportunity Day ever. Presented by the college's Co-op, Apprenticeship, and Job Placement office with sponsorship from the Foundation of WCC, Career Day attracted some 2,000 students and visitors. From 9;00 a.m. until 12 noon representatives from 53 different businesses, industries, government, and law enforcement agencies met students in the Atrium to answer questions and give information about job opportunities. "This was the best Career Day we have had, and we are all very pleased with the turn out of students and their participation," said Irma Wiggins, Counselor for Job Placement Co-op, and Assistant Director of Career Day. Ed Kelly, Director of Cooperative Education and Director of the event, attribu ted the successful day to the hard work of the co-op staff who planned the event: Anne Millington, Job Placement Coordinator; Gerald Heath-Braswel1, Secretary; and Joyce Gregory and Sarah Faison, work-study students. Weather favors Spring Fling By LANELLE SUTTON The SGA sponsored its annual Spring Fling on April 14, 1993, from 12:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Approximately 300 - 500 students, faculty, and staff members participated in Spring Fling, according to Beth Jones, Student Union Coordinator. Classes were dis missed at 1:00 to give everyone the opport unity to sit back, relax, and enjoy the activities that various clubs sponsored. Members of Phi Beta Lambda and the Publications Club hosted the wheelbarrow contest, the three- legged race, and a cross country skiing contest. The Fashion Club sponsored a tie-dying contest which allowed participants to dye white t-shirts various colors. Students who participated in the contests won WCC t- shirts and hats. Other events included a dunking booth, several volleyball matches, and a Student-Faculty softball game. Beginning at 4:00 faculty and staff members participated in Spring Pest, a talent contest and a turkey cookout with ribbons awarded for first, second, and third place. CongratuCatums to QeratcC9{eatfi-^raswe[C Secretary of the J^ear M Tom Luten page 2 Ms. WCC pageant page 5 Spring sports pages 8-9 Handicapped grievance page 11 The winners were the Planning and Research Department, first place; the LRC staff, second; and Liberal Arts and Math, third place. The Planning and Research team, using the theme "WCC Bison Saloon," sang an original version of "Oh, Lord, It’s Hard to be Humble." The LRC Staff sang "Tip Toe Through the Tulips," and Grace Lutz read an original poem, "The Blooming LRC." The Liberal Arts and Math team presented a Mardi Gras parade. 0 Ben}’Cm (kihbanSoriiCmim Tonya Saris and Mieole Snith take full advantage of career daj inforaation. PHOTO: SIAROK MITCHELL