VOICE celebrates 6th anniversary! THE WCC volume 6 no. 3 Wayne Community College, Goldsboro, NC 27533-8002 May 18,1994 Lee crowned Ms. ^CC By KEVIN SMITH On April 22, 1994, the Student Government Association, with a theme of "Captured in a Dream," presented its second annual Miss WCC Pageant. Approximately 100 people attended the event held in the Lecture Hall at 7:30 p.m., according to Beth Jones, Director of Athletics and Student Activities. The contestants included Elizabeth Thomas, Jennifer Grady, Karen Lee, Lucretia Smith, and Eve Wi11iams. Karen Lee, an Associate of Arts major, was crowned Ms. WCC. Elizabeth Thomas was first runner up and Jennifer Grady was second runner up. Lucretia Smith received the Congeniality award based on votes from the other contestants. The winner of the interview session was Jennifer Grady. m Pattj Gray, liss ICC 1993, presents Karen Lee, ne> Miss ICC, a banner, croin, and bonqnet. PHOTO: KBfll SMITH The contestants vied in sportswear, an interview, evening wear, and talent. For this part of the competition each contestant sang. Each category carried a percentage of the total points judges used to declare the winner. Thomas D. Luten, Vice president for Student Development Services, welcomed the audience and thanked all those who helped plan the event: Patty Gray, Miss WCC of 1993; Mike Mozingo, emcee for the event; Beth Jones; Kevin Smith, WCC SGA president; and students Baronda Smallwood, Darren Nix, Amy Fordham, Amy Stokes, Jeff Daughtry, Wendy Gray, Joy Gray, and Abby Gray. continued page 16 Smith, Clark, Lee carry SGA elections By SETH HARRIS The Student Govern ment Association (SGA) elections were held on Thursday, April 14, during Spring Fling. Because of the low number of voters that participated in the election, a re-election was held on May 4th. The candidates were Shawn Smith, president; Chad Clark and William Rich, vice-president; and Karen Lee, secretary. The results of the re-election showed Smith, Clark, and Lee as the new officers who will be installed on May 12 during the Who's Who Banquet. To run for office candidates needed a minimum GPA of 2.75, a petition with 100 student signatures, attendance at WCC for at least 2 quarters, and submission of a biography. PRESIDENT Shawn Smith, a college transfer student in the Associate of Arts program, was uncontested in the race for president. continued page 16 SGA Officers for 1994-95: Tice-Fresideit Chad Clark, Secretary Karen lee, and President Shan Siith. ^ PIOTO: SITl H&KIIS