2 WCC CAMPUS VOICE -MAY 18, 1994 Since you asked. . . Dr. Hilson(r) presents avard to Research and Developiient Group whose booth theme, "The Bungling Brothers Circus," von first place: (1 to r) H. Hurphi, M. Shearin, B. Snith, B. Thonpsoo, J. Hilkins, A. Anderson. PHOTO: HADE HALLMAK by ROBBIE TEASLEY HAS ANY PROGRESS BEEN MADE ON GETTING AN ATM? Dr. Wilson: Yes. We are down to making a decision between the 2 banks involved. After the decision is made, the ATM will be installed. We are hoping to make a decision very soon. WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OP THE NEW BUILDINGS? Dr. Mil son: There are three new buildings: the B Building, which will complete the move from the old campus; the H building, which will be an expansion to the HS Building; and a building at the airport. Construction of the B Building will begin in September, and construction of the H Building will begin approximately 4 weeks later. The contract is atill being developed for the building at the airport. WILL THERE BE A GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY? Dr. Wilson: Yes, there will be a ceremony, probably sometime in September. IS THERE A GYM OR CIVIC CENTER IN THE FUTURE OF WCC? Dr. Wilson: There has been discussion with the city about the possibility of a Civic Center with some recreation facilities. If the Civic Center is built here on campus, then there is a chance that a gym could be involved with the plans. THERE WERE RUMORS THAT A SEMESTER SYSTEM WOULD BE IN PLACE BY 1994. ARE THERE ANY PLANS TOWARDS THIS? Dr. Wilson: There will not be a semester system in place by fall of '94. Based on the information we have received, it will take at least 1 year, if not 2 to implement the system. The earliest the system will be in place would be fall of '96. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SWITCHING TO A SEMESTER SYSTEM? Dr. Wilson: One advantage is that it cuts down on the number of registrations we have. Another is that our courses transfer easier. Also, our schedule would become somewhat similar to that of the public schools and the university system. Some disadvantages are that the semester system will eliminate 1 entry point for students. In other words incoming students would have only 3 times at which they could start classes as opposed to 4 with the present quarter system; tuition will be more because students will have to pay tuition for 2 semesters rather than 3 quarters. The faculty is going to have to spend a lot of time on redesigning the courses so that they will accommodate the semester time span. WILL THE NEW SYSTEM COVER 14 OR 16 WEEKS? Dr. Wilson: That has not yet been decided, but I believe it probably will be 16 weeks. DO YOU ANTICIPATE ANY INCREASE IN TUITION IN THE NEAR FUTURE? Dr. Wilson: I do not believe there will be an increase this year. It is hard to tell about the next year, believe there may some modest in.cirease, but nothing as significant as the last increase. ARE THERE ANY FUTURE PLANS TO CONVERT WCC TO A FOUR-YEAR SCHOOL? Dr. Wilson: No, there are no plans to do that at all. Our niche is 2 years. We serve as a transfer institution and our primary function (about 70% of what we do) is training people to go to work. DO YOU FORESEE ANY ATTEMPT AT STANDARDIZATION AMONG THE 58 COMMUNITY COLLEGES IN THE SYSTEM? FOR EXAMPLE, CALENDARS AND SALARIES? AM=Arts & Mathematics Dr. Wilson: As far as calendars are concerned, yes, I believe there will be similar calendars because when we go to the semester system all of the calendars will have to change. Salaries are a big concern among the faculty and staff, but particularly the faculty. The state legislature has helped us some, but we still need to do a whole lot more on that issue. IS THERE ANY WAY STUDENTS COULD HAVE ASSIGNED PARKING SPACES TO ENSURE THEM A PARKING SPACE EVERY DAY? Dr. Wilson: No, I do not think that is feasible. The reason is we have a big number of part-time and continuing education students who would also need a space, and to meet the parking needs of all of the students we would need about 6000 parking spaces just for students. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN THE NEW BUILDING BEING BUILT BEHIND THE I HS BUILDING ELIMINATES THAT PARKING AREA? Dr. Wilson: We will build more parking areas. ARE THERE ANY PLANS TO PAVE ANY OF THE DIRT PARKING LOTS? Dr. Wilson: Yes, we have planned to pave the parking area behind the Hocutt Building and some more behind the HS BuiIding. COULD SPRING FLING BE MOVED TO EARLIER IN THE DAY (11:00 TO 3:00) SO THAT MORE STUDENTS COULD PARTICIPATE? Dr. Wilson: Well, I am expecting a recommenda tion from the SGA on that issue. I was disappointed that a number of students did EM=Energy & Maintenance HO=Hocutt (engineering) HS=Health & Science LC=Learning Center - ^ MSS=Mechnical & Social Sciences not participate, Schematic indicates locations of new buildings, excludihg the airport site. H=Healtb Programs B=Air Conditioning, classrooms PS=Paint Shop P=Parking