2 WCC CABSFUS VOICE - BIAT 14. 1997 Because asked. 4 Dr. prepares tally sheets for Judges to assess each division team on theme, turkey taste and presentation, horseshoes, fun walk, and basketball shoot~all events in Spring Fest for faculty and staff. By JOHNNIE BEST IS A CHILD CARE FACILITY ON THE MASTER PLAN? WHAT WOULD IT TAKE TO A GET A CHILD CARE FACILITY ON THE MASTER PLAN? DR. WILSON: Right now we hope to have a presentation to the Board in May to recommend to them to put it on the Master Plan. Then it becomes an issue of money and how much it will cost. It's still up in the air. I think our recommendation to the board was that they consider it, and they did, and it is a matter now of coming up with the money necessary to make it happen. It is a high priority. I am supportive of it, but the board will make that final decision. COULD A CHILD CARE FACILITY HAVE AN OVERALL POSITIVE EFFECT ON WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE'S ENROLLMENT? DR. WILSON; Oh, yes. I don*t think that there is any question that most of the places that have child care facilities receive benefits. It helps students, faculty/ and staff with their child care needs. IT SEEMS THAT EVERY SPRING QUARTER REFLECTS LOWER STUDENT ENROLLMENT. CAN YOU NAME SOME CHIEF FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THIS LOWER ENROLLMENT? DR. WILSON: There are several factors. . Number one, the economy is so good in"this area. Relatively speaking, we h.§ive almost the same kind of headcount as in previous years. Basically, what has happened to us is the students who were taking more than normal loads are now taking normal loads*. Students that were taking normal loads are now taking reduced loads. Students who were taking reduced loads may now only be taking one course. I think the economy is the number one reason for the lower enrollment. Other colleges, 34 of 58, are experiencing the same lower enrollment. There are various other reasons including the switch to the semester system. Many students will choose to wait to enroll in the first fall semester. I think that the major regional reason is the hurricane. We had a lot of feedback IS IT POSSIBLE THAT SOME FACULTY POSITIONS MAY BE LOST DUE TO THIS LOWER ENROLLMENT? DR. WILSON: Yes, not only faculty positions but administrative positions as well. We are looking into everything. We have 2 budgets, a faculty instructional budget and an administrative budget. Each one will be looked at independently. It normally impacts with both budgets, and we will make what decisions we have to make. We should know by the end of this month. We have cut back all that we could. Thank goodness for some earl retirements. They hav helped out tremendously. DO YOU THINK THAT WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE IS PREPARED TO CONVERT FROM QUARTERS TO SEMESTERS? DR. WILSON: Yes. Our people have worked really hard, faculty and staff. The bulk of the work is done. I feel that we are prepared. WHAT ARE FEATURES SEMESTER SOME POSITIVE OF THE SYSTEM? DR. WILSON: Obviously it cuts down on one registration time. There will be 2 semesters and of course the summer semester. That is a positive and negative considering that there will be 3 entry points instead of 4, which you have with* the quarter system. Another positive is that we get to re-look at what we are teaching and that is always good. WHAT IS YOUR OVERALL VIEW FOR WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE THIS PAST YEAR? DR. WILSON: It has been a tough year for us. continued p. 4 Miss WCC contestants pose after crowning: (1 to r) Lita Thomas, Miss Congeniality; Tracie Sinquefield, first nmner up and interview; Shelboni Daye, second runner up; and Maria Brinson, Miss WCC and talent. PHOTO: MIKE HEATH (1)