1957-1997 VAYNE comiuwry college :yHe nv‘x^‘7. 1957-1997 nWAYNE COMMUNITY COLLET B The WCC vol. 10 no. 2 CAMPUS VOICE Lancaster inaugural draws masses Platform guests applaud as President Lancaster prepares to deliver his address. PHOTO: JOY REED By JOY REED On Wednesday, October 22, 1997, at Wayne Cominunity College, approximately 600 visitors in addition to students, faculty, and staff celebrated the installation of H. Martin Lancaster as President of the North Carolina Community College System. Lancaster had assumed the position on July 1, 1997. The Honorable Dennis Wicker, Chair of the State Board of Community Colleges, presided over the ceremony. The WCC Band and Chorus presented a pre installation concert along with 5 musical groups from other schools. Roger Searles (organ) and David McChessney (trumpet) were among the musicians. Phillip Evancho of Craven Community College sang a solo. Dr. Edward H. Wilson, Jr., President of WCC welcomed the audience. Dr. Burkette Raper, President Emeritus of Mount Olive College, presented the invocation. Several representa tives from univer sities, community colleges, and the business community presented greetings. The Honorable Burley B. Mitchell, Jr., Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court, administered the oath of office to Lancaster. Wicker performed the president's induction into office and presented Lancaster with a medallion symbolizing the authority of the office. The WCC Chorus sang "A Jubilant Song." Chaplain Clinton Brantley, 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, gave the benediction. Musicians Searles and McChessney played the recessional after which the audience and guests attended a large reception in the Atrium. The Food Services programs of several community colleges combined their talents for the buffet style luncheon for all present. During the ceremony. Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. gave a brief history of President Lancaster, highlighting his service to North Carolina. President Lancaster was born on a tobacco farm in Wayne County where he worked hard and excelled in academics at a small rural school. He has always been involved in church and community activities, exercising his leadership ability at an early age. In 1961, President Lancaster attended the University Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He pursued and achieved a law degree in 1967. He joined the Navy, serving as a Judge Advocate during 3 years active duty experience, including 18 months on the USS Hancock off the coast of Vietnam. He continued service in the reserves until he retired as a Navy Captain in 1993. He married Alice Matheny, an instructor of history and sociology at Wayne Community College. Continued page 16 Members of the WCC Chorus prepare to sin£ Jubilate ** PHOTO: SHOWNELL EZZELL 4 Contents 4 2.. .Interview with the President 3.. .New employees, New road 4.. .International students, Cultural Center 5.. .Alcohol Awareness Week 6.. .Suicide prevention,Child Care facility 7.. .Future Search Conference, Foundation 8.. .Former students win honors 9.. .Masquerade Ball 10. .Students, faculty in dramatic productions 11-12.. .Clubs, Chorus 13.. .Joanie Hughes 14.. .New programs, blood drive 15.. .Traffic signal: Pro and Con . 16.. .Inauguration continued from page 1