The beginning November 15,2005 - WCC Campus Voice 5 Above, Ken Ritt shows a student one of the four class rooms inside of the Walnut building. Mr. Ritt points to a light censor on the ceiling, which is one of the many energy saving devices added throughout the building. Photos and outlines by JESSICA PITT and LAUREN MITCHELL To the right, workers finish up a second-story walkway and stairwell that have been added to allow easy access to the Hocutt Building and other parts of the campus. From top, down: 1) The Literacy Center, located on the second floor, features large windows and displays a wide view of the campus. 2) The large area inside of the Literacy Center allows ample space fo^ tutoring, study carrels, and supplies. 3) A covered walkway between the Walnut and Hocutt buildings makes the new parking lot easily available for students and staff. mim