Friday, May 2,2008 Page 6 CAMPUS VOICE Benton aspires - and inspires - with return to college By VINCE WILLIAMS Staff Writer George Benton is not your typical college student. While Benton shares the enthusiasm and the struggles of other students here, he differs by one important factor. Benton is 63 years old. So why is someone his age attending college? According to Benton, the inspiration for his return to college was as close as his backyard. “I like to write about nature,” said Benton. “I have some bird feeders in the back yard, and I enjoy writing about the animals’ behavior.” This is not Benton’s first stint at Wayne Community College. In the 1970s he was a student at the old campus that now stands quiet at the Wayne Memorial Drive and US 70 intersection. Now he finds himself five semester hours from acquiring George Benton works on a College. his degree. Benton is a Goldsboro native and retired postal employee with a wife and two daughters. His wife was surprised to leam of her husband’s desire to enroll in college at a time when George Benton’s contemporaries were getting serious about their Photo by VINCE WILLIAMS project at Wayne Community idle time. His daughters admire their father for his ambition. And they have inspired him. During a visit to one of them in Indiana, he developed a fascination with wildlife. While there, they took a trip to a park with unique, one-way glass so Transform Your Life, v^rslJc/ iNivjJtll VV JdJdJv. Mount olive College PROGRAMS FOR WORKING ADULTS Management OF Information Systems Begins May 20th Management and Organizational Development Begins May 29th Health Care Management Begins June 23rd Early Childhood Educatiok Begins September 8th Management and Organizational Developmeni' BEGiNS September 1 6th Health Care Management Begins September 22nd that the animals couldn’t see their observers and would not be fearful. It is this type of intimate observational, opportunity that Benton hopes to duplicate in his backyard using feeders and birdhouses. Benton’s strategy seems simple when it comes to recording animal behavior, but it is more sophisticated when he reveals the intended audience for his writing. “I send it to my grandchildren,” said Benton. “I hope that it inspires them to continue their education.” Students Continued from 2 WCC, Demetrius was a Student Government Association officer and founding member of the Minority Male Mentoring Group, in addition to coaching youth sports. He graduated with an associate in arts degree in 2007 and transferred to East Carolina University, where he is studying to be an athletic trainer Demetrius lives in Goldsboro, is active in his church and is the single parent of a son. Alison was chosen to present two songs at the event. She sang “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong and “This is the Moment” from “Jekyll & Hyde.” Alison graduated from Wayne Early/Middle College High School last year. She was recently inducted into Phi Theta Kappa at WCC. She hopes to go on to Lee University in Tennessee where she will major in English and minor in music. Alison lives in the Mar-Mac community. 1-800-NEW-GOAL