3^Ae ^ou^f€i/i THE VOICE OF WILKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE VOLUME 9, NO. 3 Wn.KESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA FEBRUARY 5,1979 Homecoming In 1979 PBL Sponsors Homecoming BY ZORREST PENNELL The Phi Beta Lambda Club is now making the necessary plans for the homecoming half-time activities and the homecoming dance. The game and dance will be held on Feb. 10. WCC will play Isothermal Community College in the WCC gym. During half-time the nominees for freshman attendant, maid of honor, sophomore attendant, and the homecoming queen will line the court. The sophomore girl receiving the highest number of votes will be crowned as the WCC homecoming queen and receive one dozen roses. Whether she is a freshman or sophomore, the girl receiving the next highest number of votes will receive one half dozen roses, and be the maid of honor. The freshman and sopho more girls receiving the next highest number of votes will be the freshman and sophomore attendants. These girls will be presented with three roses each. The homecoming dance will be held immediately following the game at the National Guard Armory. Jet is booked to play at the dance. Students, their dates, alumni, and their dates will be admitted at $2.00 — single and $3.00 — couple. The WCC homecoming prom ises to be a memorable event. All Cougar fans should plan to attend. Where And How To Vote The voting for Homecoming Queen and Court will take place on Monday, February 5, Tuesday the 6th, and Wednesday the 7th. Ballots can be obtained in front of the college bookstore. Sample Ballot SAMPLE BALLOT WILKES COMMUNITY COLLEGE 1979 Homecoming Court Sophomores Vote for one: ( ) Linda Coker ( ) Arnita Ferguson ( ) Denise Jarvis ( ) Zorrest Pennell ( ) Janet Ward ( )Joyce Johnson Freshmen Vote for one: ( ) Juanita Benson ( ) Andrea Combs ( ) Jan Royal ( ) Alfreda Vannoy Superlative Winners For 1979 i MISS W.C.C. DENISE JARVIS MR. W.C.C. RONNIE JARVIS MISS TECHNICAL ANDREA COMBS MS. COUGAR ALISA PHILLIPS