HOURS OF OPERATION: 7 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. (MONDAY - THURSDAY) 7 A.M. TILL 5 P.M. (FRIDAY) SENSIBLE SHOES Choosing The Right Exercise Shoes When most of us were kids, there was onjy one kind of exercise shoe—the canvas-topped, rubber- soled footwear conimoni/ known as "sneakers" (or, in some quarters, as “tennis shoes"). Our only choice regarding these shoes was whether to purchase the regular-cui or hi-top variety. Now. however, with the “fitness" revolution in full-swing, our choice of exercise shoes seems limitless. How can you be sure that you've chosen the right footwear for your activity.’ These guidelines can help you. Running Shoes Activities where your feet strike the ground forcefully for an extended period of time (such as running and jogging), require shoes with adequate cushioning for shock-absorption. Shoes for these activities must also provide arch and heel support to prevent the foot from turning in and out. Padded heels (to protect the Achilles tendon) are also important. Walking Shoes When selecting a good walking shoe, choose one with flexible soles. Heel cushioning is important, since this is where your foot strikes the ground, but since your foot swings through as you walk, too much cushioning in the front part of the shoe may make you trip. ‘Aerobic’ Shoes Ltke running and jogging, aerobic dance can be a high-impact xtivity. Aerobic shoes should have well- cushioned soles jnd gotxi overall support. .Aerobk: shoes also require Running Shoe Walking Shot 'Atroblc* Shoo firm, yet flexible soles for ease of movement. If you suffer from weak ankles, a hi-top variety can provide additional ankle support. Specialty Shoes There are numerous t>T>es of footwear designed for specific sports—bicycling, golf, football, baseball, skiing, and so on. Each shoe has characteristics designed to improve comfort and performance for specified activities. No matter what your activity, the key to the right shoe is one that,/t^ and provides adequate support and stability. Does The Shoe Fit? A properly-fit.shoe should allow enough “toe room" when standing so that neither the big nor the little toe extends over the sole of the shoe. 'Fhe heel of the shoe shouW feel "snug" without pinching. For the best support, the inner side of exercise shoes should be made of a firm material to prevent the foot firom collapsing inward. .An arch support that comorms to ones own foot is also important for good fit. support, and comfort. Wear It! Whether you run. jog. walk, or “dance. “ shoes can nuke a differ ence. The best e.xercise shoe is one that fits your foot. Try on several pairs of shoes by various manufac turers before making your hnal selection. Shoes are perhaps the most basic piece of “equipment** for any sport, so make sure >t>ur shoe has the nght fit—then wear it. □ '«te wriAMirowi.