CbiiidU A Parent’s Love Love... that begins at birth. Love... that never ends, only grows stronger. During first steps, first words, A parent’s love never ends. This love is eternal, and everflowing. This love becomes a bond... between Mother and child, Father and child. The bond that is unbreakable. During first loves, first kisses, first heart break... Parents are there to guide, and to help... help a child find love. One thing is certain... The child already has love... A Parent’s Love By: Brandon Marley liedge STARLIT NIGHT THE NIGHT IS BRIGHT, WITH A STARLIT SKY, I SIT AND THINK, AS TIME PASSES BY, OH STARY NIGHT, WITH A MOONLIT SKY, TAKE ME AWAY, AND TELL ME WHY, GIVE ME A REASON, FOR LOVE'S END, GIVE ME A REASON, FOR WHY I LOST A FRIEND, I SIT AND THINK, ALL NIGHT LONG, ABOUT THE THINGS, THAT ALL WENT WRONG, STARLIT SKY, GIVE ME A REASON WHY. By: Anonymous