Cougar Cry Page 4 ytiBSuiUuiii. ICaiftBelieveii 1 \ WWW \ N> \ \ \ V \ \ V \ Ar \ V \ \ V V V \ Ar Ar & Java Coast/ Coffee Shop / 10% Discount with a recent College I.D. 336-838-5940 Collegiate Drive, Wilkesboro / / / / / / / / / PTK Update By Laura Generous Hello to all! Your Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter has had a busy and politically charged semester so far but, we’re taking it all in stride. In protest of an unjust decision by our Dean of Instruction and College Presi dent, Alan Richey and Dr. Staten were forced to resign from their positions as Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa advisors. Although we miss them and the sup port they have allowed us, we stand by their decision and admire their honorable purpose. Mrs. Blair Han cock has graciously agreed to step in as the new Hon ors advisor for the remainder of the semester. Undaunted by all the ponderous goings-on, our Treasurer Devin Staley and I headed to the P.T.K. Southern Regional Convention, advisor-less, to attend the Awards Banquet held at the Omni in Charlotte. Our chapter was greatly lauded for our efforts, bringing home nine separate awards for the work we’ve done this past year. We achieved Five-Star status, the Hallmark Award, which was also accompanied by a $100.00 scholarship, and an Honorable Mention for Best Use of Honors Topic. I was surprised and delighted to be added to the Carolinas Hall of Honor, as was our Re- (Continued on page 20)