Cougar Cry Page 6 LADIES SOFTBALL By Len Chapel As most people know, life is a journey through hills and val leys, but yesterday I entered into a valley as deep as any I have ever traversed. I had the arduous task of calling six fine ladies and informing them of the demise of the inaugural sea son for the WCC Women’s Softball. I say fine ladies because that is what they are, and I’d like to explain why I have those feelings. First, let me explain the circumstances that culmi nated with last evening’s phone calls. It came to the attention of WCC that there was a desire for a women’s softball team. With that in mind, the first step was a search for a coach. That is where I entered the picture. Then last fall at registration, a questionnaire was filled out by stu dents that polled their desire to participate in various sports. Women’s softball was on the list. The list of interested women was then given to me as a base point in which to be gin the formation of a team. To get the ball rolling, I contacted those who had signified they wanted to play softball, and there were many. I intro duced myself, thanked them, and informed them of a meeting to be held during the fall semester. Then when the spring se mester began, another meeting was held. Notification for this event was posted around the campus, as well as phone calls beings made. The net result was a list that contained over twenty ladies, all expressing their willingness to participate in the program. Based on this information, WCC authorized money to be spent to properly outfit and equip the team. It was done, and it was done without any reservations. Comers were not cut in any manner whatsoever. Because of this, I would like to personally thank Dr. Gordon Bums and A.D Wes Scroggs for their firm commitment to the women’s soft ball program. Before practice began on Febmary 14, notices were again posted around the campus and phone calls were made notify ing those on the list of the commencement of practice. Like all things in life, I expected some no-shows, but what I got was far beyond my expectations. Over the past five weeks I have heard every excuse why someone, all of a sudden, couldn’t play. I admit several of the ladies had valid reasons, things beyond their control, but, as for the others, that is another story. And what surprised me the most was how many did not even have the courtesy to notify me they were not going to play. I had to find out through other sources. They not only let me down, but they let the school, the team, the other ladies on the team, and most importantly, they let themselves down. I may be old fashioned, but a commitment is a commitment. I hope that in the game of life they are more committal. It is said that behind every gray cloud is a silver lining. It is true in this case, because I met some fine ladies. They were a mix of full-time students, cyber-classroom students, and basic skills students. So at this time I would like to publicly thank Sarah Brouckaert, Heather Church, Jamie Johnson, Jessica Payne, Summer Vogel, and Christine Weber. These ladies were there; never complaining, never questioning, always energetic, and most importantly, I could count on them. As I informed the ladies, I did this as a volunteer; I was not paid. Neither was my assistant coach, Russ Vogel, with whom it was a pleasure to be associated. Like myself, he, too, is sadly disappointed, but I feel he will be back next year with an optimistic outlook for the season. So will I. The story does not end here though, because every one of the six aforementioned ladies stated they would be there again next year ready to play. With that kind of committed base to build upon, along with the incoming freshman, WCC will field a great team. Again, I am very proud my six ladies. WCC, you can be, too. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF ART EXPO 2000 MOST REALISTIC 1st. Place: Richard Brown 2nd. Place: Christy Poteat MOST EXPRESSIVE 1st. Place: 'Jordan Welbom 2nd. Place: Tracy Edsel MOST OyNAMIC 1st. Place: ^Danny Reeves 2nd.Place: Patrick/l^cNeil /! ! MOST ilMAGINAjjVE 1st. Place: Tracy Edsel 2nd. Place: Danny Reeves