Cougar Cry Page 13 Movie Page Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon From; At A Glance Film Review Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon may be the most beau tiful film I've ever seen. It's an odd compliment to make for a martial arts action film, but to pigeonhole this into a single genre is to do it an injustice. This is also a bitter- sw/eet romance, betw^een two people who love each other but, for reasons of honor, do not feel they can act upon or even acknowledge it. This is a coming of age film for a rogue princess, who teaches herself how to become a warrior and seeks to free herself from the roads of life society imposed upon her before she was born. This is an edge-of-the-seat action suspense film, packed with some of the most tense and captivating fight scenes ever filmed and some of the most creatively staged epic duals I've ever seen. This is a mythical fan tasy, where mastery of combat permits one to fly and where one may leap from the top of a cliff to be granted one's heart's purest wish. This is a work of art, a painting that moves, a masterwork in which every frame, every motion, every sound fills the senses in harmony. The greatness of the movie surprised me; the scope of the movie surprised me even more. Few movies attempt so much, even the ones that aim high and fail. One par ticular way in which this movie surprised me; this is the first martial arts movie I've ever seen in which the ability for the characters to "fly" never bothered me. Why? Be cause the movie was honest about it. At no time is it ever suggested that the characters are merely jumping high. At one point, Chow Yun-Fat's character even comes right out and says, "Been out flying tonight?" Ac cording to Chinese legend, master warriors possess the ability to fly. Since Crouching Tiger, l-lidden Dragon ac cepts that legend and asks us to believe in it, we may accept this ~ in contrast with martial arts films that have their characters performing ridiculously implausible physical feats under the pretense that they're just that good. But not only may flying be accepted as part of the fantasy, it helps make this such a beautiful film. There are so many wonderful images I will never forget, not the least of which are the nighttime rooftop chase and the ballet of a fight scene in the treetops. In the film's first action scene, Michelle Yeoh combats a masked thief and must step on his or her feet to keep her opponent grounded. Without being anchored, I was convinced the thief would just float up into the air and away -- upon re alizing this, I marvelled at how naturally I had accepted the movie's fantastical reality as if it were in complete accord with our own. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon earned several awards at the Oscars, including awards for Cinematography, Original Score, and Art Direction. This last award may never have gone to a more deserving candidate. Scary Movie 2 By; Kyle Godwin The senseless humor of satirical horror returns for a second time. Again it uses the latest movies to create a "hard to follow" storyline. It uses "The Haunting" as the main plot and adds everything from Charlie’s Angels, Hannibal, and even a small dose of Titanic. This movie uses the fright and fear of ghost and specters and turns it into a "laugh-out-loud" comedy. Six friends (most are returning cast) are asked to spend the weekend in an old mansion. However, they all run into their share of unusual situations in their search of the "poltergeist." This movie is a little heavy in disgusting and sexual graphics but it is very entertaining even though it doesn't make that much sense. It is also recommended not to eat a big meal before watching it. The Fast and the Furious By; Kyle Godwin "The Fast and the Furious" is a movie for those looking for speed and danger. It advertises the full capabilities of the Honda Civic. It starts off with an amateur racer named Brian, who stumbles in the middle of a street race and wants to join it. He meets a powerful well known professional racer named Dominic, who teachs him the art of racing. To conceal his identity, Brian joins Dominique's crew and becomes one of them while he does some secret investigating. He meets Dominique's sister and everything from sparks to cars start flying. Dominic and his crew are hard pressed to put down an Asian gang who have been terrorizing them, but through all that they endure; everyone still enjoys the thrill of the speed and danger. It is also recommended not to try to recreate the movie with your own car. For many wrecks have no doubt occurred because the movie was very intense and motivating. The Animal By; Kyle Godwin For anyone looking for comedy with intrigue in the senses and abilities of different types of animals, The Animal is the right movie. Rob Schnider plays as a dis respected man named Marvin trying to fulfill a dream and become a cop like his father. However, an unfortu nate accident changes the way he pursues that dream. While close to death, a crazy scientist revives Marvin using animal parts, which enhances his senses and physicality enormously. At this point, things start going wrong in his small town and with his new abilities he at tempts to solve the case. Finally in the end he is forced to face another like him. For those who are interested to know what a human would do with animal instincts, this movie explains it all.