Editor's Opinion Page This is a satire! Please do not forget that as you read and make sure you read the explanation at the end. It's amazina what vou can qet away with saying if you use a satire and big words. \ P.S. For all you who would not stop complaining last time I wrote, I added my work cited just for you .-) Proffer to the Indigent By; Michael Craig Souls of ennui peer into the hearts of stark men. Plagues of such postmodernist thought ravage what was once a stalwar land so we proffer a plea to all these men and women for the sustentation of a quondam pietistic way. Our plea is an unpretentious direct attack on the “Pretender” of our great land and against his bastard children who are ir a war against the pietistic way for their legitimacies and equalities. We will try to portray the truth. The mission started in the days of giants, when the incubi and succubae roamed with the sons of men. This was at such new enemy gave birth. This new line has commingled with the pedigree from God making people that appear as us, y have the traits of Sodom. NOW in this generation we have a chance to subdue this subordinate lifestyle that is recessive in much of the -melSng pof'.’Thanis to the doctors, the scientists, and some socially malapropos techniques, we can begin the attaci on the problem. Abortion will help circumsc.be out mu^ch^thei^^^e. Irish batlLTs substance and clothing. We think the powers that be will not have problems with using the enemy for our 0™ r^muneratbn True, there will be some sacrifice of our own, but only from the impu.ssant among us who need eiu- triating. ing to give up their dead for the communal good. What is even more of a shame is that they would rather use Mifepn stone the morning after than benefit mankind. Nnw onto those who know their sins and still will not turn away from them, - those that come directly from the line of Sodom and even keep its name. Often these men or women are pretentious, fondling with H “nninn 3 mav” For these sons of Lucifer we nor God will bestow pity; we will not justify, but will damn them, “th'e'rs :e^ill of life, we may be a melting pot, but not an apathetic one. Like th^ chaff they will be blown away to the burning pile. Now onto the major misconceptions on thought, when we started we had said that IS r^^ar ?f w\":^pToprchr :SL's^ to make them, in turn, make a proper culture. After a tew thousand years of this misconception and a few million death we decided to try other ways. Later in a quise of liberal anti-supernaturalism we tried to make communal cultures that lived and shared pariu rhurch This idea was nice but the sinfulness of men slowly came back into the leadership, such as with Stalin, o"ce more. Now. ever since the fall of the great wall, we have moved into a postmodern wa This is the new system of concern that we now must fight for the love of culture as well as our selves. J^e first rni^ake ( this society No absolutes. Here is where some say we split from the way. Truthfully there is an ^bsolute^ Second mis take- Deconstructionism rewriting our history and changing it to execute our desires, and making myth AnttimperiSfc and paiernaiistil. Such systems failed with the papacy, but only on accounts of evil men and can be