Cougar Cry Pac From the Archives TO MISS YOU By: Susie Wiles In The Cougar Cry, Feb 13, 1976 To miss you is a day after day feeling that gets stronger as the days pass by, and the longing feeling just to see your face once more, and the feeling cuts deep when you are riot here for me to see, and this is when I miss you. I wait for your knock upon the door and your arms around me, and when it is not you then I miss you. Not a day passes by that I don't think of you and the things we talked about and how deep your feelings are, and what a darling you are. When I think of this I miss you. More and more I wait for you to call and tell me the three words you said to me the last time you called, those special words that mean so much to me, and then more and more I miss you. When it is not you calling, I long for you to be here with me and I will feel this way until you come back. But until that day comes I will wait and I will miss you. I know you will come back cause you mean what you say - so while you are getting it together and until the day we can be side by side I know you feel the same and I know that you miss me as much as I miss YOU.... Brenda Moore and Cavern which won the pet beauty contest (hint: It’s a rock) in 1976. . /Wr’ smi Brenda McCann Jolly in 1977 'V-, Sandy Sheets in 1977 Sherry Dancy in 1977 Winter 1978