Cougar Cry Page 11 Washington, D.C. Trip By Donny Eider The arts and science students here at WCC, including me also, took a trip to Washington, D.C. this past April. The bus trip was a blast due to the fact that when we first arrived in D.C. we were surrounded by D.C. military policemen. Due to the fact that we didn’t know where we were going and got on a restricted interstate area. So we were surrounded by many blue lights. After the big blue light special, we journeyed on to the motel to begin our nights of fun away from home. The first day in D.C. we visited the Holocaust Museum and the American His tory Museum. We learned so much information on the Jews and how Hitler killed so many of them for just be ing a Jew. After our day of sight seeing and museums adventure, we were off on our own. Some groups went to visit sights while others just crashed in their rooms for some rest from the long hang over of our first night. While preparing for another night out in the big city, some of us went to restaurants and hung out with our friends while others ran off to Lou Lous to meet the death. On Saturday, some of us visited the Cherry Blos som Parade and toured some more museums, while the rest of us were just getting to the room to hit the bed. Our final night in D.C., some of us went clubbing to some pretty hot clubs, while others spent time trying to find their way to Hard Rock Cafe, and then trying to find their way back to the motel after getting escorted out of their. We would like to say Thank you to Jeff and Be linda, for being our great chaperones in D.C. and for let ting us take the journey with you guys to see the big city. Women’s History Month Wilkes Women in Nontraditional Careers By Donny Elder On Monday March 25 a panel of women from Wilkes County were here at WCC to speak with stu dents about women in nontraditional careers. The women spoke to students about what it was like for them to work with men in the work force and what it was like for them when they were in training for their jobs. The speaker’s were Judge Jeanie Houston, who is a native of Wilkes County and earned her degree at Campbell Law School and has been elected Dist. Court judge since 1977. Dr. Karolen Bowman, who is also a native of Wilkes County and she is a local Pediatrician and a graduate of North High School and has been working with her job since 1981. Finally Lee Meade, who is also a native of Wilkes County and the owner and president of Meade mailing which she started in 1989. The staff of the Cougar Cry would like to say thank you to the Divi sion of Arts and Sciences and Student Services for shar ing information with the students and staff of WCC. Making time for family and friends If you value your relationships outside of work, then you should approach the time spent with them as you would in scheduling your workday. That means evalu ating your priorities and scheduling activities. Here are tips on how you can better manage your time outside of work: Write a mission statement. Just as you have career goals and aspirations, it’s important to know what kind of relationship you want with your family and friends. Having a mission statement that you can refer to regu larly can help keep you focused on your personal goals, especially when your schedule gets demanding. Use a time management system. Keep all your infor mation on family, commitments, appointments, etc., in one calendar, planner or PDA. Always carry your time-management tool with you. Like the mission statement, your date book keeps yoj focused and organized. If you carry it with you, you’ll have ready access to addresses, phone numbers, etc. Spend time each week planning your personal time. Take 20 minutes a week to write down important activi ties and goals before the week begins and share those plans with your friends and family so they can also plan accordingly. Stick to your plans. When you’re faced with a tough decision to forgo a planned activity with your friends or family, ask if the choice is in line with you mission, val ues and goals. —Adapted from PR Newswire WSIF FREE 94.7 FM WCC’s own Radio Station.