Cougar Cry Page 2 I HEATHER DEAN- EDITOR -IN -CHIEF I am majoring in fine arts and hope to graduate here in spring of 2004- God willing, if the creek don’t rise and with the help of Tamara Grayson that is. I feel that the newspaper is an integral part of our society- on campus and off I like to know what’s going on around me in my community and the world. I love to sit down with a good bit of journalism and a cup of java to fuel me for the day. Its my goal to make this paper an open-minded, well- written, informative and professional bit of literature. Goal Statement Front The Edi tor: “BUT ITS ONLY A CAMPUS ISSUE!’ you say! There are is sues facing us everyday- at home, work and school. We have the most diverse campus now that I’ve seen in a long time. There fore we have a chance now for all kinds of voices to be heard. All ages, races, religions and backgrounds. All chances for us to keep an open mind in life. A chance to understand- but not necessarily agree- with each other. Negativity, ignorance, intolerance, and racism break us down physi cally, mentally and spiritually. YOU WILL NOT FIND THIS HERE!!!!!! We need balance, harmony, creativ ity, happiness and knowledge to keep us up and going in a positive light, (for more in depth info refer to Tamara Grayson and 10 rules for being human). I hope you en joy your reading and if you have any questions, com ments, or info, please refer to the back page for our e- mail. My name is Katrah Anjinick Crockett but people call me Nickey. This is my first year here at Wilkes Community College. I’m a transfer student hoping to transfer to NC State. There at NC State I hope to become a veterinarian. I’ve al ways wanted to be a vet, even when I was a tiny little girl. I’m not originally from Wilkes County. I moved from Virginia when I was about twelve years old. I went to Woodward Middle School. After middle school I at tended Wilkes Central High School. I have a sister that also goes here at the college. Her name is Badina Crockett. Her name isn’t as hard to say as mine but it’s definitely different. College is a whole lot easier when you have your big sister with you. While here at WCC, I hope to get an Associates Degree in Science/Biology Education. I thought being on the Cougar Cry would help me to voice my opinion on things that go on around campus. I enjoy writing because it’s a way for me to express myself As a member of the Cougar Cry newspaper staff I hope to inform every one of things that are needed to know in order to make WCC a better place. GO COUGARS! My name is Daphine Grayum and I am one of the as sistant editors for the Cougar Cry. I am presently in my second year, working toward an Accounting Degree. I love all the aspects that go along with writing and journalism, being first introduced to it while in elementary school. I have had several articles published in the local paper, the latest one being about Mr. James Larkin Pearson. I look forward to being a part of the Cougar Cry staff and helping to publish a campus paper that all the students will be proud of! I am Kimberly Nelson, Desktop Editor. I am majoring in Office Systems Technology. I will be graduating on May 15, 2003.1 am a member of the Phi Theta Kappa club and I am also their Public Re lations Secretary. I am look ing forward to working wath all of the staff of the Cougar Cry Newspaper. I hope that we produce the best paper ever. I feel that the purpose of the newspaper is to be infor mative to all students faculty and staff of WCC. It is our job to reach all students, no matter the age or back ground. As many of you know we have a lot of older students on campus now and I feel that we should try to reach out to them as well as the younger students. I hope that we can keep the paper lively and fun. Feel free to come by and see us and give us feedback on how we are doing! “Opportunity” Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them. Ann Landers