Cougar Cry coach with the Ashe County soccer league. ♦Virginia Miller graduated from the Dental As sisting program In August. She was a member of the Dental Assisting club and Is actively Involved with mission trips. ♦PritI Patel was enrolled In the Associate In Arts program and has transferred to UNC Charlotte. She was also a member of Student Ambassa dors, Phi Theta Kappa, and the Rotaract Club. ♦Lila Plnnlx graduated from the Dental Assisting program In August. Lila was a member of the Dental Assisting Club and Is actively Involved with the youth group at her church. ♦Valerie Sebastian Is enrolled In the Associate In Arts program and Is a member of Phi Theta Kappa. Valerie is also actively Involved with her church choir. ♦Sara Sheets Is enrolled In the iVledlcal Assisting program. She is a member of the IVledlcal Assist ing Club and Student Ambassadors. ♦Shannon Woodard is enrolled in the Nursing program and Is a member of the Student Nursing Club. Shannon is also a teaching assistant for her Sunday school f ' V 18 -Summer Night’s Dream” By: Kella Adams What Is true love? Is love a mid-summer night’s dream come true? What is a mid-summer night’s dream anyway ? “A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream” Is a play about love by William Shakespeare. Several students received free tlcl(ets to attend and a $5.00 gift certificate to eat at the Italian Macaroni Griil. Nolan Belk, an English Instruc tor, also went to see the enchanting Shake speare play. “A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream” Is a fairy-tale type play about love. Could you imag ine living In a world with a magical purple flower that had the power to make the object of your affection fall head over hills In love with you? This may sound like a dream come true for a lot of people, however, this play reflects that one should be careful for what they wish forlll This Is a play that I believe everyone would enjoyl This play Is very thought provoking, and after watching It, I am sure your paradigm on love will change. Students that use Campus Cruiser definitely do not lose because I discov ered the opportunity to go to a Shakespearian play while I was lobbed on to Campus Cruiser. So don’t miss your opportunity, log on to Campus Cruiser today!